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1 hour ago, Rubin Farr said:

Are we prepared for how off the rails 2024 is gonna go?

it's gonna be nuts. and i think the media is going suck its own dick constantly while simultaneously shitting the bed. twitter, facebook etc.. can't even imagine what new levels of hell they'll turn into. 

edit: the problem w/that video is the satire is too subtle for MAGA crowd who will watch it and think it's a sincere ad that supports trump. 

also, apparently trump posted that on his truth social account? 

Edited by ignatius
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54 minutes ago, ignatius said:

the media is going suck its own dick constantly while simultaneously shitting the bed.

don't kink shame the mainstream media like that bro

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this is great, after a few years of respite this bloated haemorrhoid is back in everyone's face and getting posted everywhere including here. good job, everyone.

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7 hours ago, ignatius said:

i think the media is going suck its own dick constantly

2024: the year when media grabbed itself by the pussy (we just let them do it)

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3 hours ago, usagi said:

this is great, after a few years of respite this bloated haemorrhoid is back in everyone's face and getting posted everywhere including here. good job, everyone.

As I clicked on this thread I was thinking exactly this. News outlets should simply stop writing about him.

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8 hours ago, ignatius said:

it's gonna be nuts. and i think the media is going suck its own dick constantly while simultaneously shitting the bed. twitter, facebook etc.. can't even imagine what new levels of hell they'll turn into. 

edit: the problem w/that video is the satire is too subtle for MAGA crowd who will watch it and think it's a sincere ad that supports trump. 

also, apparently trump posted that on his truth social account? 

I think Trump showed the video at a rally 

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6 hours ago, usagi said:

this is great, after a few years of respite this bloated haemorrhoid is back in everyone's face and getting posted everywhere including here. good job, everyone.

honestly i was a bit more worried when i wasnt hearing about him as much. i figured it was just his brainwashing going straight to the loonies via social media. there is some small part of me that hopes some media saturation of trump being completely nuts and making this election about himself would be enough to turn people off of it before the primary but ..... probably not.

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8 hours ago, EdamAnchorman said:

Not when news is business is money.

I know… but calling an idiot being an idiot news is pretty fucking low. 

I’m sure I posted this when Agent Orange got elected, but it’s still relevant. 


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8 hours ago, exitonly said:

there is some small part of me that hopes some media saturation of trump being completely nuts and making this election about himself would be enough to turn people off of it

this hope seemed valid before 2016. before we realised there is no bottom to how stupid people can be.

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30 minutes ago, Squee said:

I know… but calling an idiot being an idiot news is pretty fucking low. 

I’m sure I posted this when Agent Orange got elected, but it’s still relevant. 


mandatory because paul anka mention


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2 hours ago, Squee said:

I know… but calling an idiot being an idiot news is pretty fucking low. 

I know you know, most smart people know, it's just sad to see, and I don't know how we can get out of this cycle.

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5 hours ago, EdamAnchorman said:

I know you know, most smart people know, it's just sad to see, and I don't know how we can get out of this cycle.

More guns?

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21 hours ago, EdamAnchorman said:
On 1/8/2024 at 5:14 PM, Squee said:

I know… but calling an idiot being an idiot news is pretty fucking low. 

I know you know, most smart people know, it's just sad to see, and I don't know how we can get out of this cycle.

quit watching shit that gives Trump air. quit reading shit that gives Trump air. quit sharing shit that gives Trump air.

he says stupid shit to get everyone talking and clicking and it works every time, the center/left hate-sharing/hate-watching/etc. is a huge part of the reason he was elected in 2016, and it's the reason he's got a shot for 2024. everyone's still doing it in this thread and all over the internet and on all the late night talk shows and all the news sites and all the TV news etc. etc. same shit as before. buncha fucking idiots. i've been there too don't get me wrong, but man it's just insane how y'all think the 753rd cringey song written about Trump/video about Trump/whatever is STILL funny. it's just the same fuckin' trash over and over and over jfc

rant over

Edited by auxien
'y'all' here refers to the royal y'all not anyone in particular but there's definitely some repeat offenders around here too
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8 hours ago, auxien said:

quit watching shit that gives Trump air. quit reading shit that gives Trump air. quit sharing shit that gives Trump air.

he says stupid shit to get everyone talking and clicking and it works every time, the center/left hate-sharing/hate-watching/etc. is a huge part of the reason he was elected in 2016, and it's the reason he's got a shot for 2024. everyone's still doing it in this thread and all over the internet and on all the late night talk shows and all the news sites and all the TV news etc. etc. same shit as before. buncha fucking idiots. i've been there too don't get me wrong, but man it's just insane how y'all think the 753rd cringey song written about Trump/video about Trump/whatever is STILL funny. it's just the same fuckin' trash over and over and over jfc

rant over

Oh, I've already muted him and every single word I could come up with associated to him on Twitter. But he still manages to seep in through the cracks. Luckily, I have a baby to tend to.

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9 hours ago, auxien said:

quit watching shit that gives Trump air. quit reading shit that gives Trump air. quit sharing shit that gives Trump air.

he says stupid shit to get everyone talking and clicking and it works every time, the center/left hate-sharing/hate-watching/etc. is a huge part of the reason he was elected in 2016, and it's the reason he's got a shot for 2024. everyone's still doing it in this thread and all over the internet and on all the late night talk shows and all the news sites and all the TV news etc. etc. same shit as before. buncha fucking idiots. i've been there too don't get me wrong, but man it's just insane how y'all think the 753rd cringey song written about Trump/video about Trump/whatever is STILL funny. it's just the same fuckin' trash over and over and over jfc

rant over

They called this out on Fast Politics the other day. 

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17 hours ago, auxien said:

quit watching shit that gives Trump air. quit reading shit that gives Trump air. quit sharing shit that gives Trump air.

he says stupid shit to get everyone talking and clicking and it works every time, the center/left hate-sharing/hate-watching/etc. is a huge part of the reason he was elected in 2016, and it's the reason he's got a shot for 2024. everyone's still doing it in this thread and all over the internet and on all the late night talk shows and all the news sites and all the TV news etc. etc. same shit as before. buncha fucking idiots. i've been there too don't get me wrong, but man it's just insane how y'all think the 753rd cringey song written about Trump/video about Trump/whatever is STILL funny. it's just the same fuckin' trash over and over and over jfc

rant over

I totally agree that any attention given to him and the maga brigade is a win for their side. it's what they want, even though they may not be able to articulate this exactly. it's been trumps mo since he became a public figure. draw in attention to him, and he'll somehow make whatever he's selling work. he's the con man king of the used car salesman world. 

as for the watmm discussions on it - yeah we've definitely had similar comments on here over the years about the trump show, and specifically how his rise is largely the media's fault. I know I've seen (and probably referenced) that Simpsons clip about the giant billboard people come to life, and they'll slowly die if you don't look numerous times now at this point... but imo, watmm is a discussion forum / outlet for people of a similar ilk, and I think we're all more or less on the same side when it comes to trump / politics. discussing this shit here feels less hostile than other internet places, and the trolling / fighting on here seems to have calmed down a lot over the years. I don't pay much mind to or click on any of the videos, because I hate all the fuckin annoying ads that will follow. and I don't take too much of what gets posted here all that seriously at the end of the day. to me it's mostly just point and laugh at how dumb it all is, and I'd hope that's what the other folks on here view anything that gets posted here similarly.

I mean yeah, we (the collective "we") should all be over trump at this point, nothing he says/does anymore is shocking, and shouldn't be discussed. but the sad truth is that he is still a presence in our lives. an angry orange clown rudely injected into the public's attention span, just like a perpetual thorn in the fuckin side. my take, and probably what I post most on here about, is how it is just absolutely incredible to me that there are MILLIONS of people in this country that still want this shit head back in office. believe all his BS. even think of him like some religious savior. this is just so fuckin sick, unbelievable really. how can people take this guy seriously? why can't they see through his con? we're in facepalm times a million territory here...


Edited by zero
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trump represents a big "fuck you" from a bunch of whiny americans who are butthurt because (insert reason here) _______________. for example.. a black guy was president, gay people can get married, we must thrash imaginary communists, fancy college education people in BMWs are the enemy etc.. it's all about punishment.. suffering, cruelty.. that's what he is to a lot of people who think they are super important and/or they want to drink "liberal tears" at any cost. it's not about making america great.. it's about what they imagine and myths like john wayne we're number one USA USA USA we're the best..  because really.. those people are fckn troglodytes who would cut off their nose to spite their face. 

and sure there's all kinds steve banon types and other bullshit type agendas mixed up in politics as usual.. and trump is just an opportunity to force a win in the power struggle or so they think. 

but the myth of america is all wrapped up in it all as always. people always buy into myths on one side or the other. 

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3 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

“I don't want her [Nikki Haley] to gain any traction without people knowing fully about her record" Rand Paul

"You’ll never meet a hater doing better than you" chefwarrr



"Hi. I'm Rand Paul. 99 out of 100 times i will shit the bed on whatever issue is currently in front of me"

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