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why'd trump choose such a useless weirdo for vp? he has horrible positions on things like abortion. just learned jd vance is one of the most anti-ukraine people you can find. 

why'd trump leave the JCPOA, the deal with iran to keep them from pursuing nukes? now blinken says iran has a nuclear breakout time of a week.

On 7/4/2024 at 1:33 PM, may be rude said:

why did eric trump say the trumps get all the money they need from russia?

why'd flynn lie to the fbi about talking about dropping sanctions with russian ambassador kislyak, before trump took office? flynn knew that he did and knew that it may have been on tape, but he chose to lie to the fbi about it. 

why'd trump bring manafort on to lead his campaign? manafort is a kremlin sphere dude and he proceeded to closely coordinate with russian intelligence officer kilimnik about details of the trump campaign. at the same time, russian intelligence was deploying campaign propaganda for trump online, and carefully executed a hack-and-leak attack that effectively lost the election for hillary.

why'd trump fire comey, after comey wouldn't end the investigation into flynn lying to the fbi?

why'd trump's doj try to prosecute fbi deputy directory andrew mccabe, who also worked on the investigation into trump's ties with russia? this was a rare case of a grand jury rejecting a requested indictment, very indicative of prosecutors seeking an improper prosecution. 

why did trump's doj leadership leak embarrassing text transcripts of fbi agents who worked on the trump/russia investigation?

why'd the trump team hide, even omitting it from security clearance forms, the 2016 trump tower meeting with a representative of the kremlin, about putin's wish to help the trump campaign?

how did papadopolos know russia was going to help trump campaign with dirt on hillary?

why did bill barr keep the mueller report hidden, for a month, instead releasing his own summary of it which misrepresented the report, that found 11 likely counts of obstruction of justice (some of which fully proved by evidence described in the report), and that described concerning connections between trump campaign and russian intelligence, and a lack of cooperation from the trump team with the investigation?

why did the bipartisan senate intel committee release a 5 part report of information gathered from its years-long investigation into connections between trump campaign and russian intelligence, including lots of details describing clear, nefarious, outright collusion, such as manafort's secretive coordination with kilmnik?

why'd trump, as president, sanction the international criminal court?

why'd he try to fire geoffrey berman right before he was about to indict ghislaine maxwell?

why does trump advocate for dissolving nato?

why'd he fuck up covid so bad when he could have just done a good job and won reelection?

why'd he try a coup?

why did he endanger the lives of pence, his family, and his secret service detail, on jan 6?

why did trump wait until more than an hour and a half after ashli babbit was shot to tell jan 6 rioters to disperse?

why'd he actively steal and keep extremely sensitive national defense information after leaving office?

why did his supreme court justices just give him a shocking immunity ruling, severely reducing any checks on abuse of DOJ by a president?

why has he been undermining faith in the justice system of the US, and trying to normalize the idea of political manipulation of DOJ?


just a few things off the top of my head, without trying to spend a lot of time on this.


now, in the debate, he implicitly announced he wants to talk to putin and that he's willing to let him have ukraine


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2 hours ago, exitonly said:

i don’t know if this is real or not

it's real


her campaign put it together. 

edit: they're showing some sass this go around... which is a nice change i guess.  


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17 hours ago, ignatius said:


the couch:


Having friends and having trained alongside Marines while in the Army I can confirm they will fuck anything that moves. That couch definitely got tuned up.

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edit: more sass.. i hope trump melts down often over the next couple months. 


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It is maybe a tactic for Trump to keep her away from the spotlight? I don't know.. 

The dirty US 2024 Election is in full action now guys!

Alots of shit from Left, Loads of shit from Right and we are here in the comfy WATMM forum enjoying the show. 
We will see how no change at all is going to happen no matter who's in charge. 

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2 hours ago, Satans Little Helper said:

"many people are saying: donald trump is scared to debate kamala harris"

can't tell you how good it feels to put Trump through his own toxic trumpisms

game on!

It's not going to matter. He'll just say something that isn't true, something foul, or something "funny" and his people will still vote for him. If he says "the earth is flat" he'll gain new voters because people are stupid.

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3 hours ago, Squee said:

It's not going to matter. He'll just say something that isn't true, something foul, or something "funny" and his people will still vote for him. If he says "the earth is flat" he'll gain new voters because people are stupid.

it does matter for undecided/swing voters, imo.

it's not about truth. it's about keeping control of the narrative. think back to 2015/2016 when trump was on stage during the primaries with a bunch of other republicans fighting for the gop ticket. guys like jeb bush were nowhere next to trump. jeb couldn't play trumps game and tried to play nice. it just doesn't work. plenty of people are voting for trump because of the way he make other politicians look weak. lots of people hate those establishment stereotypical politicians. and trump makes them look weak with a bunch of bs remarks. he basically wins by being a bully.

if harris can play that game as well, i think she can pull more undecided voters in. if she can be on a stage next to trump without him walking all over her, she gains bonus points. if she can survive trump, she can certainly survive other world leaders.

edit: harris needs to show she can play this post-truth political game. 

dream-scenario: harris makes trump look weak in a televised debate. she walks all over him and trump is the one being bullied. i think lots of voters will dump trump that way.

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After Trump got shot at, someone on Twitter said "in 10 days we'll all have forgotten about this", and now about 15 days later it does indeed seem that no-one is talking about it anymore

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1 hour ago, zazen said:

After Trump got shot at, someone on Twitter said "in 10 days we'll all have forgotten about this", and now about 15 days later it does indeed seem that no-one is talking about it anymore

trump not really injured, shooter dead, secret service head resigned, good memes.. it all happened pretty quickly.

edit: meanwhile - 


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16 minutes ago, decibal cooper said:

Some interesting reflections from Hannah Arendt (applies to both camps in our current erection imo)


This sounds more like Russian propaganda. For US media the aim seems to be to cater to a specific truth/audience, instead pushing an overwhelming amount contradicting information. US media has specific biases which are predictable. The aim of US media is more about optimising ratings as opposed to depoliticising people. That's an important difference, imo.



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32 minutes ago, Satans Little Helper said:

This sounds more like Russian propaganda. For US media the aim seems to be to cater to a specific truth/audience, instead pushing an overwhelming amount contradicting information. US media has specific biases which are predictable. The aim of US media is more about optimising ratings as opposed to depoliticising people. That's an important difference, imo.

intention vs outcome though. i'm sure plenty of people see all the stories with contradicting narratives and think "it's all bullshit. i'm not paying attention".

but yeah, people are silo'd in their own reality and just dig in to the echo chamber/reality tunnel and ignore outside narratives that might be uncomfortable or challenging to their current narrative silo or whatever.. 

but i do think constant stream of bullshit has an effect on plenty of people in the USA that leads them to not believing in anyone or anything.. but perhaps "the great reset" or "vote the bums out" or "drain the swamp" falls into all that as well. 

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