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I was reading discogs' best of 2010's when i started feeling time in a big way. Even though two months is not a lot of time for change, it will begin a new decade of trends, culture, growth, decline, politics, art, and MUSIC. I think about the movements of the 60's, the reputation of the 80's, the dynamic change of the 00's. I'm equal parts optimistic and pessimistic about these next ten years, but above all realistic, so one can't help but ponder what's next


What kind of shit do y'all think lies in wait for the roaring unknown 20's? Place bets below

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I saw this jacket on the train today and had a premonition that style in the upcoming decade will be a mishmash of trash and references to things that never really existed. Things that may embody pieces of things from the mid 2000s.


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In my lifetime the biggest difference between two consecutive decades was between 80s and 90s. Everything seemed to change suddenly. Collapse of the communist governments in former soviet states and East Europe, the end of Cold War, music changed from hair metal and synth pop to grunge, hip hop and techno, fashion changed completely etc. Then 90s basically ended finally with the 9/11 attacks and the war on terror. So 90s was quite distinct time, imo.

'00s and 2010s don't really have that feel. They just blur into one another without a clear border. And at the moment it does not feel there's going to be any sudden big changes coming, but almost nobody was expecting the Soviet Union to collapse in the late 80s. Then suddenly everything was going upside down.

Basically fuck if I know, but.. more of internet everywhere I guess. The populist right movement might start losing steam in a few years giving way to some other political movements. The green movements seem to be on rise but don't know how long that will last. The generation after the millenials maybe get interested in acoustic music for a change and some kind of rise of folk music and singer/songwriter thing. But it doesn't feel that there's any kind of radically new underground thing that is waiting to rise to the mainstream like techno and hip hop was in the late 80s.

Possible big events: Chinese communist government collapses, the end of Putn's regime, EU collapses, US goes the way autocratic dictatorship, Russia invades eastern Europe, nuclear war on a limited area like the Indian subcontinent, reunification of Koreas..

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1 hour ago, dr lopez said:

i buy watmm from joyrex

On our 30th anniversary in 2029, for the princely sum of 25,000.00 USD. I retain a special "Administrator Emeritus" role. The Fred McGriff Memorial Forum is established in his honour, where only rolling LOLs are allowed and instead of typing the interface is an online version of MS Paint.

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I'd really love to see a shift back into the more complex melodic/harmonic composition style of the 30's/40's in pop music, but that will almost certainly never happen.  Too much deep musical understanding/skill required, shuts too many people out.  Would be nice if popular music stopped targeting teens exclusively for a change though.  I'd also love to hear things move the other direction and get progressively more noisy/atonal.  There is a little bit of that seeping into the mainstream, but not enough to be particularly interesting.  I could see acoustic driven punk being a thing.

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1 hour ago, zkom said:

'00s and 2010s don't really have that feel. They just blur into one another without a clear border. 

Completely agree. Culturally, the 1950's - 1990's are so clearly delineated when we think of them. Pop culture from each decade was pretty unique to that time period, and almost instantly recognizable when we absorb it now. 

I think it's globalization & the internet's fault that pop culture from 2001 - 2019 is just one big soulless, confused, unoriginal mess...

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Just now, zero said:
1 hour ago, zkom said:

'00s and 2010s don't really have that feel. They just blur into one another without a clear border. 

Completely agree. Culturally, the 1950's - 1990's are so clearly delineated when we think of them. Pop culture from each decade was pretty unique to that time period, and almost instantly recognizable when we absorb it now. 

I think it's globalization & the internet's fault that pop culture from 2001 - 2019 is just one big soulless, confused, unoriginal mess

hard disagree



so much soul, so focused


peak culture

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I thought maybe the lack of major era differentiation from 2000-2019 was just my ears being old and being familiar with such a broad spectrum of music.  Figured a 15 year old in 2019 might hear music from 2006 and think it sounds dated.  I mean, in 1991 I thought the music from 1985 sounded like a far bygone era that I could barely even relate to.  Is that no longer an experience for kids?

*please chime in here, 25-and-under watmmers. (also wtf are you doing on this forum devoted to a geezer genre?)

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13 minutes ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

Figured a 15 year old in 2019 might hear music from 2006 and think it sounds dated

in "pop" electronic music absolutely, 2000s was hardstyle, 2k techno n stuff sounds super dated to the "edm" shit thats pop todae to a zoomer ear (highlighted on prev post)

edit: also 2010s w the aesthetic shit, the weird sc rap stuff n lofi hiphop + related subcultures harsh contrasts to the early yt,fb internet stuff but idk

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let's see...at least in the 'western' nations...

a continued dilution of meaning as neologisms coined in either academia or internet subcultures trickle down into popular and political speech, furthering incoherence and miscommunication in anglo and european countries. the ability for many to achieve a common context for communication is further weakened by the proliferation of many competing narratives for interpreting history and the current moment. They are really affectations, simulacra used as symbols in an economy of attention where meaning is an afterthought. false populisms continue to grow but ultimately have little effect on or even contribute to hyper-individualism and the commodification of identity.

continued recycling of cultural products. older generations desperately cling to a nostalgia for some moment that probably didn't exist while younger generations continue to use said cultural products without historical context. younger generations are incredibly proficient at navigating and using social media but lack actual media literacy. the biggest players in the information economy further continue the process of constricting the flow of information through a few outlets, and this continues to be ignored by the vast majority of people.

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8 minutes ago, Zephyr_Nova said:

Did it already happen?

Yeah, it's been a really big thing for the past ten years.  Like this kind of stuff and later Andrew Jackson Jihad got really popular.


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2029 - Trash economy. The abundance of trash. What are we gonna do with it? Are we gonna put it on an island? Are we gonna make it somebody else’s problem? Or are we going to take the initiative, and take this problem by the horns? Trash economy. You use cubes of trash as money. Everybody becomes rich, it’s a gold rush.
  Walk with me. Most of the major cities will be replaced with vast pleasure domes, used exclusively by the excelceites, who are the neo-upperclass. While the displaced hoards of lower-class depth-grobblers will live underground in tiered cities, endlessly toiling away for nuggets of neo-plasmin.


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23 minutes ago, Salvatorin said:
2029 - Trash economy. The abundance of trash. What are we gonna do with it? Are we gonna put it on an island? Are we gonna make it somebody else’s problem? Or are we going to take the initiative, and take this problem by the horns? Trash economy. You use cubes of trash as money. Everybody becomes rich, it’s a gold rush.
  Walk with me. Most of the major cities will be replaced with vast pleasure domes, used exclusively by the excelceites, who are the neo-upperclass. While the displaced hoards of lower-class depth-grobblers will live underground in tiered cities, endlessly toiling away for nuggets of neo-plasmin.


We will be known as the land of abundance

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On the subject of trash, we should consider "trash-mining" landfills, and devise a way to recycle trash to its base molecules. Sounds far-fetched and nerdy now, but in the not-too-distant future it could be a necessity.

Other than that, hopefully we still have a chance to reverse the effects of climate change within the next decade. 

And I'd also like to develop, produce, and release my first game. Been thinking about it for years.

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