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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. gems: m4 lema esc desc metaz form8 th red a r cazt beauties: psin am f7 gr4 evil: au14 si00 sch.mefd 2 stuffing these into an album... it's a portal, as illustrated by the album art. the orange goes to the green. autechre's classical album.
  2. do you think people will be sad when the polar ice cap is gone
  3. no idea if this will appear on any upcoming releases, because rtr has done many SC tracks that went unreleased. but here is the latest and it's kind of huge
  4. nice. planetx is pretty great. symmetriades is opening up nicely for me. rtr is kind of perfect music to pummel from a car.
  5. interesting. yeah, i could see how those phrases could be organically arrived at. however they were arrived at, they nicely illustrate the big issues ot the current information landscape. and i do think that those issues would bear on contact.
  6. i've been thinking about the x-files opening sequence. two phrases are shown: "the truth is out there" "i want to believe" i find this interesting and significant. we are now immersed in the new challenges of the information age. one issue is that... the truth is out there, but it doesn't reach the majority. we need to raise the average skill for sifting through, seeking, and being skeptical. people arrive at false beliefs, often taken in by deceivers, who may be witting or simply careless. another issue is people lack the education on logic that would help them to assess and debate information. in other words, they are not equipped with the tools that would prevent them from falling into... motivated reasoning, or wanting to believe. it is interesting to me that, taking a bird's-eye view, an advanced civilization would pass through this phase that occurs at the dawn of the information era. they would be familiar with these new challenges that we are discovering and struggling with. even more interesting: this aspect of the species, the general skill level, enforced by societal norms, to sort out conflicting information, and force accurate understanding, this is kind of the thing that would either enable or prevent a species from being contacted and introduced to a broader civilization. there would be great hazards to contact, if we are unable to reliably arrive at accurate understandings, and resist deceptive misleading. so, what i don't know is this: did the x-files theme arrive at this very appropriate set of formulations (a) by luck (b) they didn't, i'm nuts (c) cia or someone fed it to them (d) events were engineered by higher forces to arrive at this (e) the x-files people were smart and intuited this significance anyway, this is how i address the question of belief. belief is an important concept, here. it is maybe better to avoid belief and practice doubt.
  7. drones would be an effective way to vaccinate everyone
  8. ^ ah, thanks. wasn't sure if i recalled something like that. i didn't realize that meant playing it backwards is the same song. reversed it sounds a little different though.
  9. well i noticed reflected has tones that start with a tail and end with an attack, so i reversed it. i was thinking the name reflected seems to reference it being reversed. what i found is that it's the same backwards, lol. has this been discovered yet? the top one is reversed. it switches channels. appears... reflected edit: maybe a little different backwards? lol. hidden alternate version
  10. why are this not flacs i submit to the watmm lords to please relay message to greek fellow please a lossless state machine finite or otherwise edit: fellow or madam
  11. hah i just meant when you leave watmm tabs open you hear the blurp and it's like when you don't know someone is around and let out a fart i'm pretty proud of my diarrhea posts and yes the void is never far off
  12. should've gone with "in the land of no hats, the man with a fedora is king, and keeps god's pee out of his eyes"
  13. no compositional differences. waveform looks the same when zoomed out. i was just speculating about it being a different mastering.
  14. that's comparing the bleepstore download (flac) from a couple years ago with the mp3 download from the soundcloud one, which is apparently a new upload and one he hadn't put on sc before i'm not familiar enough with mp3 encoding to say if the waveform differences are attributable to that but the mp3 (yellow outline in the gif) seems to show new detail in some places, which i would not expect if lossy encoding from the same source
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