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  1. Belvedere is the one that got me over the edge of deciding to put it in my Bandcamp cart
  2. I grabbed them. On first skim, the exm, Karsten, PromisingYoungster, and Anders tracks won me over
  3. Listening to this now. A touch pricey on the Bandcamp side, but sounds really compelling so far.
  4. I'm just getting started with this one, but I have really liked the last two. And thought BPM1 was really good too (I'm assuming it's the same artist).
  5. I'm not in a place to review/buy stuff today, but happy to see these keep rolling.
  6. This one is a grower, really excellent. Has some elements of mellow early 90s IDM in the palate, but with modern production and rhythmic arrangements.
  7. Looking forward to another Bandcamp Friday
  8. atypic

    Stone in Focus

    I had this exact thought literally yesterday!
  9. Not a cover, but a very cool sample use: Maps by billy woods & Kenny Segal
  10. agreed, lots of excellent material. great year for RTR
  11. Land of One's and Zero's reminds me a lot of that magical + One album, Bare Necessities, but I don't think that's actually what it is.
  12. My notes: I'm fairly certain that Manchester Grey is The Black Dog. I agree with Rude that Monk3 is likely exm; we can also be fairly certain exm is represented on the compilation. It's also fairly likely Plaid is represented (given past Covert releases); maybe Glotc4 I believe Autechre was on previous Covert releases, but less clear which here, if any. I wondered about ronck67.
  13. Covert 4 by Anonymous Various Artists Only just started to listen to it, but the first track is really nice. Looking forward to reading speculation about who did what. I laughed at the track title "Dead Giveaway" but I haven't gotten to that one yet.
  14. atypic

    Stone in Focus

    He put quite a few on his soundcloud; I'm guessing it covered all or at least most of what was left off.
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