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Everything posted by caze

  1. lol, even funnier is the fact that fake news originally meant shitty right wing conspiracy nonsense, until the trumpkins reclaimed the word as their own.
  2. I also have one of those St Austell's in my fridge, haven't tried them before
  3. just had some streaky bacon, black pudding, sausages, hp sauce, all in a toasted ciabatta. + tea
  4. san marzano DOP tinned tomatoes, cut off the stalky bits, crush them up with your hand, add some salt and freshly ground black pepper, maybe some oregano. you don't need to cook, just top the pizza with that. also, remember to not get too much moisture in there, so pull the tomatoes out and squeeze out the water into the tin before you smush everything up in a separate bowl. you can reuse the tinned juice in a pasta or something.
  5. lol wut? this looks like it was created by a rudimentary machine intelligence, or someone who has never heard music before, and doesn't even know what it is. either way it looks like some kind of scam, but mysteriously the website contains no way of actually scamming anything out of anyone. I guess web design student makes sense too, but rephlex is a pretty bizarre choice there, especially given the amount of spurious info in there.
  6. got some new teas: darjeeling, nilgiri and assam. had some of the assam there, was nice, but still prefer barry's classic and gold blend.
  7. opening theme was very very dull, by the time the credits finished I had already forgotten what it sounded like, liked the visuals though. the show itself looked great, far more cinematic compared to all the previous incarnations, big dynamic range with the lighting, some nice lighting fx going on too (thankfully not as over the top as JJ Abrams went), all unique to each scene, compared to standard tv show fare every scene is pretty much lit the same way. characters were decent, michael (dumb name) was good, captain was good, science jerk was good, not much time spent with anyone else due to the time they gave the klingons, seeing as the rest of the show will be set on a different ship I guess that makes sense though. I thought the Klingons were pretty good overall, they looked great, prosthetics were more interesting than the usual Star Trek fare, and their costumes and set design were much more interesting than previous Klingons too. Isn't there some dumb story involving a genetic engineering cockup that's supposed to explain their transition from their original appearance (seen here), to the fake-tan TOS look and finally to the Worf-alikes? Their language sounded dumb though, don't see why they felt the need to change that, the main guy sounded totally retarded, and generally it did not sound like a language that any of them was used to actually speaking. story was decent enough for a pilot, hopefully the rest of it isn't all space battles and Klingon shit. Was much better than Enterprise at least, will wait to see a few more before passing further judgement.
  8. yeah, doesn't the U.S. have the star wars program? this thing is currently in orbit, nobody seems to know what it's doing up there: https://spaceflightnow.com/2017/09/07/spacex-beats-hurricane-with-smooth-launch-of-militarys-x-37b-spaceplane/ probably just testing it, or maybe used for reconnaissance, but maybe it's got a death ray too?
  9. random headline: ‘Mother!’ Is the Worst Movie of the Year, Maybe Century
  10. changing the conversation. also, there's enough people in congress to do more than one thing at a time :) and some of them are having that conversation, I didn't say Benie and co shouldn't advocate for what they believe in, just that it doesn't make sense for to criticise the rest for not backing them up.
  11. also, it has no hope of passing, even if it had full Democrat support, so why waste their time on it, they've got far more important things to worry about for the next few years.
  12. can someone take this fucker's twitter account away from him and give him a blog instead?
  13. ah, cool. my comments now directed to others saying what I thought you were saying, there's lots of them.
  14. She has to take her share of the responsibility, sure, though her share was far less than that of any of the myriad other factors (Comey alone was probably enough to swing it), she did win a healthy national majority remember. But ultimately the US president is elected by grown-ups, the people who have ultimate responsibility for Trump are the retards who either voted for him, or didn't vote for Clinton in states he won. It wasn't even close to a difficult call, and they dun goofed.
  15. or "stop singing, you're shite"
  16. like this? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanita_muscaria they can be quite poisonous, best to avoid.
  17. ...with the Gypsy Kings version of that song playing on the radio on loop.
  18. the description of those apple stores, or whatever they're calling them now, sounds hilariously cult-like, not like apple fanboyism wasn't already pretty culty to begin with, but that's just ridiculous.
  19. The system Windows uses requires an infrared camera, having one of them would get around that problem.
  20. Trainspotting 2 was based on the sequel to the original novel, Porno
  21. just finished off a nice bottle of valpolicella ripasso.
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