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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. i like selection 16, venus #17 A LOT though, go plastic is like a perfect rare diamond that got to earth via a meteor.. or something
  2. we're lucky af to have been on earth while all this top tier music is happening. these decades of music like no other.
  3. back in the day my GF of that era (i work in eras) and i would lay on the floor w/our heads at the speakers and turn up volume to reasonable level. smoke a joint and listen to squarepusher. once in a while one of us would start laughing because it was so good.
  4. mixing all the metaphors. why did she spill the coffee like that? seems like something a high priestess could avoid. she's the shaman/elder wise woman of the dumbest most annoying tribe. all the other tribes go "oh fuck. they showed up" whenever there's a meeting of clans for the solstice. strangely a very evangelical christian idea that "there's life after death and this is a simulation/soul detention"... this life is just a test for the eternal life at god's side.. which is so damaging to everything for the rest of us here on earth trying to exist.
  5. some annoying edits in this but overall interesting data on the amazon drought, lakes w/increased water temps killing dolphins, isolating people, fires, amazon areas becoming more arid and difficult to live in.. amazon periodically losing capacity to be a carbon sink. these things not necessarily expected to happen so soon.. but happening now.. faster than what was expected. tipping points might come faster if trend continues.
  6. i didn't take this particular video that way at all. seems a valid geopolitical narrative of possibility. right when this all kicked off similar things were bing said. about how the far right in israel are to blame, israel is the least safe place for jews to live etc.. i don't think it softens any opposition to the state. if anything it empowers "reasonable" people and partially lifts the veil off the rot at the core of israel's efforts to dehumanize palestinians as a matter of policy/education/cultural imperative or however one wants to frame it. the zionists/far right in israel want israel to remain a serious choice for jews of the world to migrate to. a solution to all their problems.. and israel is largely powered by population expansion so if people stop moving there or leave it's going to be problematic for whatever their vision. i see your point how that could probably create a panic or fear in some jews around the world about israel declining. and perhaps creating a "we have to save israel by moving there" type of thing in the jewish diaspora but that sounds like a pretty weak possibility to me but that's just my opinion. perhaps that will work to get some of the more extremist types to move there but overall i don't think it's something that could be sustained. as it is, a huge part of the world is pretty obviously against what is happening with this situation and i don't think people are going to forget about it any time soon. i do agree that this has further complicated international relations for countries in the west and thrown all kinds of normalizing relations type plans under the bus. edit: and obviously, i'm a casual observer and not some kind of expert.. that video is one possible narrative. as we know.. anything can and will happen at anytime and there's not reason anything has to make sense
  7. interesting thoughts. makes a lot of good points.
  8. Ukibukuro 606 - is genuine happiness.
  9. hmmm. srsly though.. i bought feed me weird things on cd as an import. a buddy/housemate worked at a record store and i made him order it for me. it was $29. i heard one squarepusher track in a rave shop on south beach. the guy who owned/ran the shop was playing it one day when i walked in on a work break. i said "WTF IS THIS?" had never heard anything like it even in the midst of jungle/DnB trending in the USA. and still.. there's nothing else like it and this can be said of all his albums really. i liked all the jazzy tom on bass with synths tracks but after a while it was all the mashed up weirdness and bombastic spazz outs that clicked in my brain. the stuff you had to listen to enough times to sort of get what was going on. i was.. i think 22 or 23 maybe. i can't remember those days chronologically so well. but it was only available as an import at the time. i used to confuse my friends with that record. lols. there's sublime unique sounding dnb crossover type things then absolute mania. hard normal daddy is similar in this way and i still love it but when i worked at a studio in san diego an engineer friend at work one day came into the studio when i was playing it while cleaning up the studio and he said "is the the people's court theme?" and i've never been able to not hear that when the first two tracks of hard normal daddy are playing. i think it's the bongos. but hard normal daddy is still amazing. tom's fucking massive.
  10. ignatius

    AI Art

    so good.. that sound when he tries to smash the ring.. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2IXXzCN2P_/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link
  11. maybe. it's hard to say anything negative about squarepusher releases even when it's just my personal opinion. i absolutely love the guy's music and there's so much of it that just totally nails what i love or introduces me to something new to love about music. he still surprises and/or gets better and better. he's one of those artists who will get me into a place of being in awe or being super hyped and positive feeling.. like he stokes the fire in the stoke the center.
  12. dude. holy shit. i feel your pain. so sorry you have to deal that level of bureaucracy all while being on crutches and in pain. jfc. it's crazy there's no type of triage and priority list for people. it's no wonder why people in USA just go to the emergency room for everything. i suspect that happens there as well. it's absolutely no fun chasing people down on the phone and being a pain in the ass just so they'll do their god damned jobs. that's kind of where i'm at currently. i woke up at 3am and couldn't fall back to sleep because i was dreaming about conversations i'm inevitably going to have with various healthcare office workers. so now i'm staring at the clock and waiting for the 9am mark so i can call and ask them if they got my messages and if all is clear and to please fucking call me once you have some answers. they suck at following up. i'm going to use the "you catch more flys with honey" approach and be as nice as possible without being a pushover. and this is for surgery to remove my thyroid because cancer (of course it's cancer because it always is cancer w/me) as for tendons. fuck. i came a hair away from severing my right achilles when i was around 13.. and still to this day it's tight and weird and i get tightness, weakness and pain in it.. i have to wear an ankle brace sometimes and stretch it all the time. fuck dude.. i hope you get things sorted out.. i firmly believe in the idea that stress reduces our life spans and a lot of stress is created with healthcare situations and the systems of healthcare failing us and forcing us to become advocates for ourselves in the worst times of our lives. also, life would be meaningless w/o music and sex.
  13. Wendorlan destroys Drax 2 w/o even trying. for my money anyway.. but there's only 1 or 2 tracks i got into on that entire album and i didn't like damogen furies at all. didn't care for the sound of it. couldn't vibe w/it. those couple albums seem like things he just needed to flush out of his system so he could to get back to being squarepusher. he seemed really into those albums though so it's just my projection perhaps.
  14. this is true of 9 out 10 movies made in hollywood. the writing is for shit. just.. bad ideas. half assery. they don't respect the audience even a little. selling a movie as a serious syfy thing then shitting the bed.. is annoying especially. but it's the way.. i guess. marketing and such.
  15. tension over water use used for lithium mining in the western USA. nevada monitoring wells are running dry. in california the water will come from the colorado river which is already stressed, obviously. the regulatory frame work for water use in the states is from the 1800s and so is wide open. the congressional people from those states are trying to modernize the law on the federal level but with little support. there's dozens of mines applying for permits to come on line in the coming handful of years.
  16. new specialist. she's great. her office staff.. not so much. currently navigating the healthcare bureaucracy in USA because her office didn't fill out the forms for prior authorization for a procedure. calling their office, insurance, office, insurance.. all because someone can't do their fucking job right. in USA.. incompetence is as big an epidemic as anything else. when you encounter someone who knows what they're doing and how to resolve issues.. make sure to let them know they're appreciated. jfc. people half assing their job in the healthcare industry is fucking annoying af.
  17. what in find interesting is this situation is not new. this isn't new behavior for america. this is what america has always done and will continue to do. these people being outraged is a nice change i guess but for their entire lives and mine as well this has been the normal.. business as usual behavior of america through war, weapons, industry etc.. so, it's kinda easy to point at biden and hold his feet to the fire.. as should always been done of any president.. but what they should be upset about and hopefully realize is that this is what it means to be american and live in america. we are usually on the wrong side of things and manipulated by media, narratives, lies and the myths of america fed to us our entire lives. so, perhaps for some people, this outrage over israel will lead to a permanent change or a realization of the facts of life... but my guess is a lot of people will be mad and the outrage will end there.. they won't examine america's part in other foreign policy/system of the world type oppression that happens constantly because then they might have re-evaluate everything and that might be too painful and complicated because if there's one thing the average american hates.. it's thinking too hard about complex situations with lot's of nuance and history. it it's not good vs evil black and white situation they can't seem to figure it out. as for using the church.. it's laughable.. so many preachers from the pulpit say some of the worst things to their congregations that a person can say.. all in service of politics
  18. Lots good chunks in this. Maybe posted here already. I can’t remember adobe ai speech processing … hmm.
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