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Everything posted by Extralife

  1. I see you gifted Impossible Star to someone. Nice one!
  2. This is my issue. Agree with all the points above, but I’m constantly in search of artists who innovate and are immersive. But yeah - I’m embarrassed at the amount of good music I go through that only gets 1 or 2 listens.
  3. Sorry I missed this. Your mixes are always on point.
  4. Might be, but you have a point. I did enjoy the simplicity of the Axis one though.
  5. These sound really great. Definitely more fleshed out than the Axis release.
  6. Man you really have learned how to harness the funk in your tracks. Looking forward.
  7. Ok maybe it needs a new thread, but I was wondering what kids tv series you all rate? Have watched Avatar and Dragon Prince with the kids recently (both amazing) and now we have a void to fill for programming that is not mindless/toy advertisements.
  8. Yes it is very good. I think the issue is that it is a very slow burn of an album that requires multiple listens. Takes a bit of attention span.
  9. I always thought you were the naked dude in your avatar. Huh.
  10. Out of curiosity - which tracks are exclusive to this release?
  11. https://schematicmusiccompany.bandcamp.com/album/--3 You guys gotta listen to this. Not sure if it’s one person or multiple artists - but these are some super funky distorted acid house/IDM tracks.
  12. Oh wow. On my End of Year list for sure. This album scratches a very particular IDM itch that I have. Color me impressed.
  13. I have the right to be a superspreader, dammit.
  14. Just looked over this again and noticed that track order is now different and there seem to be new tracks added. Same with the new untitled comp. Plan on listening closer in the next few days. Schematic has been having fun this year. Good.
  15. Haha yep. Always loved Rushmore. Was filmed very close to where I used to live in Houston.
  16. Yeah R&S would be cool but Astrophonica has put out some incredible releases this year.
  17. Been meaning to post this one. Great, underrated band. Really enjoyed this album on first listen.
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