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Everything posted by X4creek

  1. i was so excited for Autechre that I completely forgot about this!!! wasnt sp on the previous lineup though i swear i remember him not being on this new one that will finally happen oh nvm he's on the day after ae
  2. i will check this out mainly because i have not heard a single Turkish artist that impressed me and i literally live here...
  3. i need to relisten to this album i remember it being pretty good
  4. if im being honest the low quality gives it extra charm lol
  5. ...guess its finally time for me to check out these guys Where should I start? I was thinking In Sides since a lot of people I trust absolutely adore that one but im curious to hear your picks (if you just say "start from the beginning" id also understand lol)
  6. yeah i think it's fair to not count both Cavity Job & Basscad,EP especially the latter since it's the only main Autechre release to have contributions from other people lol
  7. this looks so fucking off what the fuck why are they so stretched i just realized this was mostly likely a joke.
  8. i geniunely love elseq to the point where i smile whenever i even just think about it. my personal favorite album ever.

    ? (meant to put a different thing here but i can't delete it ??? oh well)

    1. d-a-m-o


      Elseq 4 life.

    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      your ears are broken

  9. while i don't fully agree, i do think that elseq 1 is a perfect set of tracks, maybe even more perfect than the two elseqs i have above it!!! (2 and 3)
  10. probably a boring choice but I really adore Nothing is Real. Especially in the context of Tomorrow's Harvest.
  11. eh, oneeight straight up had a column thirteen jam
  12. X4creek


    yeah I'd say it's pretty great didn't get it for a bit though wait woah you're actually right i never made that connection before
  13. all end by Autechre made me cry once
  14. would it be dumb to expect anything after this announcement? for some reason i feel like a new record before/during the "tour" is possible
  15. i just realized the first date is my birthday...
  16. I like the Syro/Field Day/Collapse sound yeah but honestly I would like a change in direction
  17. jesus fucking christ i actually completely forgot this released
  18. X4creek


    oh great more Jockstrap slander *rolls eyes* They're not even signed to Warp Records anymore leave them alone!!!!!!
  19. X4creek


    im just hoping the Primavera one doesn't get cancelled/postponed bc it's on my birthday
  20. Polygon Window I sort of understand (sorry SOSW doesn't really do much for me :/) but AFX???????????
  21. Craig of the Creek came back (officially, 2 episodes aired before this but they weren't promoted at all and this was promoted as the premiere of the season) with the premiere of Season 4 this Monday my god I missed this show so much it's just so lovely to see the Creek being united as a whole and not seperated into sides anymore also the jokes (aside the constant 4th wall breaking which got tedious as it went on) were so fucking good in these 8 episodes ahhhh definitely excited for the rest of Season 4!!!
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