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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by exitonly

  1. i watched the first ep. i’m always hesitant to watch something like this )call it anime or whatever) but when i hit a really good one it’s just amazing how limitless people’s imaginations can be and how animated shows are really only bound by the creativity and talent of the people working on it… compared to other shows/movies etc it just feels infinite which is pretty inspiring
  2. i do wonder how they coordinated all that stuff 0_0
  3. is this one in here yet? quite good
  4. been listening a lot to their Snd album recently, so im excited for this. kinda wish they kept the original artwork though
  5. i played the original one as a kid for about a day, i didn’t get that one either but i figured i’d give it a shot. oh well.
  6. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/10/31/desantis-boots-shoemakers-00121044 but yeah looking at some of those IG vids in that article... there is no foot there in the end at all lol. people are so weird.
  7. i "beat" diablo 4... at least the scripted part of the game. I guess there's a bunch of sidequest stuff and leveling up i could do but i was pretty bored by this game. probably going to checkout AC6 next. I'm like ~30% of the way though Demon Souls but need a break from the dungeon crawling stuff.
  8. https://thequietus.com/articles/33542-plastikman-s-sheet-one-set-for-30th-anniversary-reissue been on my wantlist for a while but wasnt willing to drop the $$ on it. looks like theres going to be some great reissues this winter
  9. interesting perspective, i don’t doubt this guy knows what he’s talking about. sad stuff
  10. i am on mastadon now. I followed some of you already like a big ol' creeper. https://ravenation.club/@exitonly
  11. Hi everyone. I posted some videos of some Max/MSP and Supercollider patches that I used on my last album. Theres more videos in the playlist, only embedding a couple-
  12. gassing on this thing pretty hard, which i have no room or need for https://patch-point.com/en-us/products/fenix-ii-pre-order hopefully they just sell out of them before i break down
  13. uhm sure. i'll bite. if only to have a shot at reserving my handle on it. i'm not on social media at all and I'm still on the fence about joining a mastodon server, setting up my own or trying an activity-pub enabled alternative like gotosocial. i'm a little put off that they developed their own alternative to activitypub as a protocol though. i feel like things have splintered enough as it is.
  14. i hope this is one where they talk about doing acid with their mates and listening to electro
  15. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/state-department-resignation-gaza_n_65306079e4b00565b622b1fb
  16. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly <- if you ever get a chance to see this on the big screen. do it! the payoff is in the end, everything builds to it. Sergio Leone The Wild Bunch <- some crazy ultraviolence you wouldnt expect from a western made in 1969. Sam Peckinpah The Revenant <- jumping to a more modern movie, but still great.
  17. yeah i watched the whole thing last night. From the wikipedia article it seems like he got more conservative as a result of this documentary. The only kind-of red flag was the bit about religion, atomic family kind of stuff. Obviously religion has/is going to play a role in a lot of people's lives but it doesnt have to be the only way out for people either. Nonetheless some things can act as a gateway-drug for a given worldview. That being said the video did a good job of showing american decline fairly objectively. It is weird that his takeaway from that experience was to go hard-core against CRT when there seemed to be pretty obvious examples of systemic oppression highlighted in the doc. Also, the issue with the steel mills closing down is due to unconstrained capitalizism, "free market" decisions to move manufacturing overseas or automate it. Different strokes for different folks I guess.
  18. yeah and wanting people’s names on lists is not a great look either.
  19. i think the studio size should be based on the amount of time you have to dedicate to working in it. if you can only spend a few hours a week or something like that you should keep it tight and focused. if you’re i. there for 4-8 hours a day it makes more sense to have something like Tycho’s or RDJs kind of setups so you can explore lots. But if you have a ton of kit and aren’t putting the time in then i guess you’re just a collector… which is fine but don’t kid yourself
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