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Everything posted by kichiguy

  1. thanks for all the recommendations in this thread so far! what an amazing legacy he's left behind.
  2. Hagazussa. Loved the atmosphere and cinematography, and the lack of narrative/dialogue worked perfectly for me as well. Can't believe this was technically a crowdfunded, student film. A beautiful soundtrack by Mohammad/MMDD as well. This was a solid 8 out of 10 for me. Recommended if you liked The Witch.
  3. Man this is an amazing record! I picked it up as well and its really piqued my interest in venefic plants and all things witchy.
  4. back in the day my pops used to say

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Hugh Mughnus

      Hugh Mughnus

      that's what your pops used to say? =/


    3. Brisbot


      oh yeah man, my pops constantly reminds me that he divorced my mother when I was 3. That's just what pops do... you mean your pops doesn't? weird.

    4. Salvatorin



  5. I'm big on Venture! Damn episode 3 was simply incredible. They seemlessly tied up so many loose ends, harking all the way back to season 1. The new depth to the animation is great too.
  6. couldn't resist copping one after that picture
  7. I got mine! The whole thing is lush. But customs burned an additional 75 dollar hole in my pocket :(
  8. goddamit my vinylssss are held up in customs
  9. Ellis Carver seems like an unusual choice when compared to other characters on the show. I'm curious why he appeals the most. he grows and changes, and I like seeing that over the course of the show. he is a complete dickhead alongside Herc in season 1 and by the end he has matured, become a leader, developed a conscience, grappled with the system rather than just resigning himself to it apathetically, etc etc. I know most people would go for the more lionised, romantic characters like Omar or Stringer or w/e but... they're exceptional and don't exist in a down to earth sense irl. whereas following an arc of personal growth like Carver does is something many people can aspire or relate to personally. close second would be Bubbles, for many of the same reasons. Fair dinkum! Carver did have a standup character arc, especially after bunny mentored him. I think it becomes even more poignant when you compare where he lands up to where Herc does. Coppers irl could take a page or two out of Carver's book.
  10. Ellis Carver seems like an unusual choice when compared to other characters on the show. I'm curious why he appeals the most.
  11. kichiguy

    Now Reading

    David Cronenberg - Consumed Half way through this thriller about a globetrotting journalist couple with technolust who travel the world to interview unusual people. Topical range includes uxoricide, cannibalism, breast-dwelling insect kingdoms, Issei Sagawa, japanophilia and 3d printing. Expect gratuitous sex, fetishes a-go-go, body horror and extreme levels of technology worship. Heres a trailer, NSFW obvs.
  12. Eli Keszler is an ace drummer no doubt. Some footage of warning / we'll take it from barbican on his instagram.
  13. He was incredible! I especially liked his early releases, static soundscapes and behind the wall of sleep. Anyone here gone digging into Japanese ambient /fourth world music? Discovered Hiroshi Yoshimura the other day and keen to unearth other gems.
  14. Just want to echo this. Just saw it anf thoroughly enjoyed. Why you gotta diss the witch though
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