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Nondi_ - Flood City Trax


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  • 2 months later...

this is finally out and i'm just giving it a first listen, some surprisingly haunting and weird stuff in here. she's definitely still playing from the footwork angle in a lot of ways but there's a lot more there as well. of her stuff that i've heard, this one is more emotional and a bit less on the hyper/grating side of things. still has good energy. definitely grabbing the digital for Bandcamp Friday tomorrow.

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Had this one on repeat quite a lot recently. Its footwork but with floaty BoC style detuned pads all over it - shouldn't work but it does. Top quality stuff.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 8 months later...

she's been dropping stuff on Bandcamp regularly if y'all ain't following her there, not all is for me but a lot of it is dope, may stock up on a few for tomorrow for Bandcamp Friday

always varied, always a bit over the edge in the best of ways. i'm getting bits of S Olbricht & Rezzett vibes from these latest small releases, feels like her sound is 'maturing' as limiting as that term feels.

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