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Eurovision Song Contest 2024


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33 minutes ago, beerwolf said:

Sounds like music Paedophiles listen to. Seems like a program Paedophiles watch. Looks like music made by Paedophiles. 

I don't get this fucking Eurovision Shit. It's not a fucking joke it's shit. Fuck off.

Just imagine this is what you get excited about. Is it? It's fucking lame.

Funny how some countries are so utterly shit at music that they get excited over this. Fucking lol. Do I have to the name all the artists that come from the fucking tiny speck of dust that is the UK. Even fucking America are fucking pussy compared to us. Loads of land full up with fucking banjo players and fucking cowboys. At least the fucking Americans don't get involved in FUCKING EUROVISION. We are the fucking best. FUCK YOU.



I think you're just salty that UK hasn't won the ESC in the last 26 years

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Oh dear I just woke up and realised I went on a full moon rant last night. Haven't done that for a while. Hmm sorry.

Edited by beerwolf
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23 hours ago, zkom said:

Finland is going to be represented by Windows95man

The vocalist is also the voice actor of Chase in the Finnish version of Paw Patrol.

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Sweden needs to go through five live televised qualifying rounds (2 down 3 to go) before we can have our finals and decide who will represent us in the international competition.

Its too much.

Im glad to se Windows 95 man representing Finland. He will definitely get my vote.

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It's the ghost of Dead Geoff. My best friend growing up was Christopher and his dad was a notorious drunk, he was a sexist, homophobic, racist drunk pig. One day we were sitting watching John Wilson Goes Fishing and Geoff came in swerving about after probably consuming a bottle of vodka for breakfast and he started ranting and raving at the television and at Mr Wilson who was sat on a boat on quiet English estate lake. Yeah look at him on a boat! Thinks he's fucking special does he!  I'll knock him out! Posh bastard! Come on!!  On and on he went. I thought it was, and obviously still do, one of the most bizarre and sad things I've ever seen. How can you get angry at a man on a boat fishing for tench? And so it is, all these decades later, sometimes I do a  Dead Geoff. It's not me, it's actually me impersonating Dead Geoff. Of course I don't explain all this before hand so things can get a bit tricky. I thought I would explain this (I have done before a few years ago). Ahh yes I call him Dead Geoff because after years of being treated as a servant and skivvy his wife Jackie left him (you should of heard what he thought of women...) Geoff ended up slitting his wrists and committing suicide. Thankfully Christopher found the shotgun he had in the boot of his car and took it to the police station, saying he found it in the woods or something like that. Or perhaps there was a amnesty or something like that. The world is probably a better place now Dead Geoff isn't with us, however on odd occasions when the moonshine is full and glowing so his spirit sometimes possesses me and he rises like a full moon and the wolf.

Have a nice day and I hope you enjoy the Eurovision Song Contest!

(how's that for an apology)


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  • 2 months later...

I'm out this year 🇵🇸

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Fuck yeah! The Eurovision advert came on last night, and no BS I sat there and a voice came into head and reminded me of a full moon post I made in this exact thread. Remember the full moon post you  put on watmm!  Pretty crazy. I also then thought, hope no one bumps it because no doubt someone will  want to chat about it, fingers crossed they make a new thread......

Embrace the full moon. Do what thou wilt. 



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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Squee said:


I have a strong hunch Israel is going to win it, and I'd probably end up smashing my television and setting fire to the nearest evangelical ministry.

Edited by Silent Member
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5 minutes ago, Silent Member said:

I have a strung hunch Israel is going to win it, and I'd probably end up smashing my television and setting fire to the nearest evangelical ministry.

Nah, I heard France's song last night and it's the winner. You heard it here first.

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Not a political event my ass they are actively censoring this shit

Also what is going on with the sudden disappearance of Joost

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36 minutes ago, Squee said:

Nah, I heard France's song last night and it's the winner. You heard it here first.

i'd vote for france every year if i could just because Eva Green exists.

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5 minutes ago, ignatius said:

i'd vote for france every year if i could just because Eva Green exists.


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54 minutes ago, Ivan Ooze said:

lol wtf is going on this year


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Posted (edited)

Bet a savage sordid anal sex orgy is going on backstage, right now. Huffing and puffing like thirsty beasts in a dust bowel. With clown masks on and fake plastic vampire fangs.


Edited by beerwolf
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It's on the news now. The whole thing is fucking creepy but bombastic freak-show. Once upon a time it was a bit of a joke, now it's sleazy, mildly sadistic and rather seedy. Something about it I really don't like about it. It's like a green light for a big televised cocaine fuelled weirdo orgy. Without the cocks and cunts out. 

And it's 17.36 in the afternoon and it's fair to say I fucking hate it. 

(And Dead Geoff has never existed)


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