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Guest brianellis

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ooh nice


you wanna run it down piece by piece?




Alpha Juno 2?


(how do you like the AJ-2 btw?)

Its not an aj2 or 09


But here ya go:)


Super jx 10


Cwejman s1 mk2

Crumar bit 01


Elka em22




Rme ufx

Genoqs nemo

Genelelec monitor

Mos lab system

Juno. 60

Eurorack modules bits and bobs!

Macbook pro with 27 monitor - live 8, reason, studio one 2!!

Vermona perfourmer

Norld lead 2x rack

Soundtoys and fab filter plugs - strictly/ only


Akai apc40

One rug

One chair

Some plants

Wooden floors


Crap treatment inclusive of Arc2




The end :)

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101 is way too buck(wild)



does anyone know if thats what he's using for bass on this track





101 is way too buck(wild)



does anyone know if thats what he's using for bass on this track




well obviously theres a 303 in there, but for the main "lead sound" i always thought it was his bass going through an efx chain, at a gues sbut i don't over think tunes and break them down, i listen to them for enjoyment of the music :) i hate over analysis, especially that reviewer bloke from the US on youtube with the bald head and glasses, kinda looks half asian, like wtf, where does he get this shit from!

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Rumor has it that the sh2 is more lush than the sh101, any thoughts?

sh2 is a bass monster, excellent leads and efx can be achieved 2 osc's and sub o/c, 1001 is one osc and sub o/c. However the 101 is more silky in my opinion, quite different synths really, which i guess was rolands aim - compliment each other, personally i would have an sh2 over the 101 and i have, as i sold the 101 as i never really used it anymore!! Very good for learning the basics of synthesis though!


anyway time for a fig roll and cuppa!

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Rumor has it that the sh2 is more lush than the sh101, any thoughts?

sh2 is a bass monster, excellent leads and efx can be achieved 2 osc's and sub o/c, 1001 is one osc and sub o/c. However the 101 is more silky in my opinion, quite different synths really, which i guess was rolands aim - compliment each other, personally i would have an sh2 over the 101 and i have, as i sold the 101 as i never really used it anymore!! Very good for learning the basics of synthesis though!


anyway time for a fig roll and cuppa!


Cheers, good answer.

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I just scored a man cave / studio room in our building. It's not too big, but plenty big for a little studio space. So pumped. I'm scraping off old plaster, and will be repainting, and installing some bass traps and broadband absorber things in the next few weeks.


Coolest part of it all is this giant 110 year old wardrobe thing, which is like 3 meters tall, and has a roll top front covering. It's just wide enough to fit the larger synths I have. :p Dust proof, lockable, and it's basically a giant multi-tiered keyboard stand. After I find a patchbay, I'll have the perfect setup for this year's daily ambient project. :)


yay! I'll post pics when I can.

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man cave


thank you for this word, it was not in my vocabulary before and is very helpful!

also, congs to your new studio space!

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the wikipedia entry on it was entertaining! someone should edit a link to this thread into the article.

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