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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest Barricade

Rewatched Blue Velvet. Even though that movie is great, it still wasn't AS good as I remembered it. Maybe because I've watched better Lynch movies along the way.

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the cars that ate paris - i had to struggle thru this one, which surprised me since i really like weirs (very very slowly paced) picnic at hanging rock. twas kinda clever though. 6

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Guest Mr Salads

Titticut Follies - the first documentary from Frederick Wiseman 10/10


If you're 12 years old, like some people on this board are, youll probably fucking hate it


again man you're not being fair to 12 year olds, when i was 9 years old if i had watched Surveillance i would have correctly identified that yes this movie is a piece of shit with a horribly cliche trendy hollywood horror movie surprise ending.


Im being very fair to 12 year olds. I am always fair to 12 year olds.

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the cars that ate paris - i had to struggle thru this one, which surprised me since i really like weirs (very very slowly paced) picnic at hanging rock. twas kinda clever though. 6


same, i tried watching it a while back didn't really do it for me

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The Brood - Not Cronenberg's best but certainly enjoyable. I think I am a sucker for the 70s aesthetic, so that didn't hurt. The film kind of meanders in places. It probably could have done more to build to the end confrontation between the husband and wife. 7/10

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Yeah, Network is a great film. When I was watching it I was somehow expecting it to go absolutely crazy and turn into a weird paranoia sci fi flick. I don't know why though?

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Memento - 8/10


I've watched it once before but I don't really think I payed much attention to it, because I remember not understanding half of what was going on. This time it was a lot easier to understand and it's a lovely movie. Just a shame the actor is kinda crappy.

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Memento - 8/10


I've watched it once before but I don't really think I payed much attention to it, because I remember not understanding half of what was going on. This time it was a lot easier to understand and it's a lovely movie. Just a shame the actor is kinda crappy.


This was a great movie, def

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i think the actor is pretty good to say he came from an australian soap background. was it home & away or neighbors?

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Guest Adjective

i've been crushing on zooey since she sang in Elf





watched Primer last night. very impressed. it kinda runs through my fingers, like i only had a grasp on portions but never the whole. will rewatch

"there's always leaks"

i'll say it drifts between 6/10 and 9/10 depending on the scene

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i've been crushing on zooey since she sang in Elf





watched Primer last night. very impressed. it kinda runs through my fingers, like i only had a grasp on portions but never the whole. will rewatch

"there's always leaks"

i'll say it drifts between 6/10 and 9/10 depending on the scene


you have to watch it again imo. I've seen it probably 10 times and pick up new things with every watch.


unlike a David Lynch film re watching ex cerise you do actually get concrete realizations from Primer that build over time, when i try to rewatch say Inland Empire its just like my brian is slammed with a movie version of an ink-blot every time and my interpretation is completely rewhacked.

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i didn't get the Brood, the story made no sense to me but i still really enjoyed it. what the hell is happening in that movie?!


Man's wife is in the custody of a controversial psychiatrist you uses isolation and other bizarre methods to treat his patients. While she is in treatment these weird little mutant children appear and kill people involved with the family in some capacity. Eventually the man figures out that the woman is manifesting her anger from past experiences into these evil children that she forms from her body and then they go kill whoever she is angry with. (Obviously I'm leaving tons of stuff out but that is the gist of it.)

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War Inc - 7/10 - much edgier and controversial than i expected , by far the most 'offensive' hollywood iraq war movie made to date, they parody beheadings, killing of innocent civilians, smart bombs and a lot of stuff i honestly think most people feel is 'too soon' to parody. I give it a little bit of props for this mainly because they either really got lucky on such a high budget for the movie or they fought very hard to get this much money for production knowing it wouldn't do that well in theaters. Other than this aspect of it it was not what i would consider a 'good film' but i did like it a hell of a lot more than its counterpart Grosse Point Blank


Spring Breakdown - 6.5/10 - kind of funny, definitely better than 'Baby Mama' , i only compare it because it was another Amy Pohler vehicle. She was much funnie it r in this as well as the other SNL cast members.

can see why it went straight to video but i still thought it was far better than Baby mama or any other recent SNL film

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some shit with michael caine 5/10

mark of an angel 2/10 till the last 10mins then 4/10

bronson 6/10

last chance harvey tomorrow along with some laurel and hardy.

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Guest Mr Salads

i've been crushing on zooey since she sang in Elf





watched Primer last night. very impressed. it kinda runs through my fingers, like i only had a grasp on portions but never the whole. will rewatch

"there's always leaks"

i'll say it drifts between 6/10 and 9/10 depending on the scene


you have to watch it again imo. I've seen it probably 10 times and pick up new things with every watch.


unlike a David Lynch film re watching ex cerise you do actually get concrete realizations from Primer that build over time, when i try to rewatch say Inland Empire its just like my brian is slammed with a movie version of an ink-blot every time and my interpretation is completely rewhacked.


I think primer is pretty easy to understand once you know


the guy's copy kept his original self upstairs in the attic. Something that isn't really explained visually in the movie btw. Certainly didnt pick up on it my first time watching, wasn't until the dvd when i watched the director's commentary.


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