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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest FortyTwo

I saw Man on fire not so long ago for the third or fourth time, still remains one of my all time favorites.






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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

harry potter and the order of the pheonix 6/10

enjoyed this in the cinema as far as i remember. watched it again recently and it felt completely pointless. no one believes harry then everyone does and then cyrius dies. who cares. how long can they drag out the HP/voldemort battle? 8 books/movies jeez. you can't build up a battle and then not deliver, sacrificing a main character doesn't placate us.


6 out of 10 mostly for hermmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmoine

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Guest beatfanatic

I saw Man on fire not so long ago for the third or fourth time, still remains one of my all time favorites.







yeah this one was great.

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Guest beatfanatic

...for ME TO POOP ON!!


stop getting your diapers in a bunch. You and Zaphod need to realize that people have different tastes in movies than you two. Go back to discussing movies no one has ever heard of.

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Guest Mr Salads

...for ME TO POOP ON!!


stop getting your diapers in a bunch. You and Zaphod need to realize that people have different tastes in movies than you two. Go back to discussing movies no one has ever heard of.


I think the expression is panties in a bunch.

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Guest Mirezzi

...for ME TO POOP ON!!


stop getting your diapers in a bunch. You and Zaphod need to realize that people have different tastes in movies than you two. Go back to discussing movies no one has ever heard of.


That's all well and good, but there's no excuse for praising Man On Fire unless you're A. fucking retarded, B. comparing it to Man On Man On Fire, or C. a paedo who likes watching Dakota Fanning do interracial.


Oh and give me a break, Zaphod and Salads are both cunts, but they're hardly guilty of being obscure with their film tastes.

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Guest beatfanatic

...for ME TO POOP ON!!


stop getting your diapers in a bunch. You and Zaphod need to realize that people have different tastes in movies than you two. Go back to discussing movies no one has ever heard of.


That's all well and good, but there's no excuse for praising Man On Fire unless you're A. fucking retarded, B. comparing it to Man On Man On Fire, or C. a paedo who likes watching Dakota Fanning do interracial.


Oh and give me a break, Zaphod and Salads are both cunts, but they're hardly guilty of being obscure with their film tastes.


The fact that you even thought of Dakota fanning do an interracial just because she is in the movie with Denzel Washington probably makes you a paedophile than anyone else. ohh and you forgot to explain what exactly was wrong with Man On Fire.

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Guest Mirezzi
The fact that you even thought of Dakota fanning do an interracial just because she is in the movie with Denzel Washington probably makes you a paedophile than anyone else. ohh and you forgot to explain what exactly was wrong with Man On Fire.


A. fucking retarded

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Guest zaphod

...for ME TO POOP ON!!


stop getting your diapers in a bunch. You and Zaphod need to realize that people have different tastes in movies than you two. Go back to discussing movies no one has ever heard of.


so much wrong with this. a) i watch mostly mainstream movies b) i've praised plenty of shit over the last few months c) salads and i hardly ever agree on films so it would stand to reason that one of us is going to agree with the majority opinion of the board

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Robert Z'Dar, one of the weirdest looking guys you'll ever see.




never heard of him, just googled him



holy goddamn





you can crack open someone's skull with that chin


holy god that is like seeing an orb of pure energy floating through the room

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"Les Aventures de Chatran". Some of you guys probably know this as Milo and Otis! It has aged well, in a sense that it's a crazy mofo movie so cruel to the animals, yet so cute? It's a duality of unpossibilities lol. I mean it has A CUB BEAR FIGHTING A DOG IN WATER! 7/10


"Here is What is", a documentary focusing on Daniel Lanois. It was great, a true creative genius that transcends each frame of the movie. 7/10


"The Last Emperor" Fuck Vittorio Storaro's decision to box out his cinematography. What a douchebag. 2:1 sucks bitch give us the full image the director shot. 9/10 movie though

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Guest olson

so i watched the quiet earth after it was mentioned here a few times. loved the beginning, that is exactly what i would do if i was the last guy on earth. except for wearing the dress. anyway once api was introduced i was like ehh he was kind of a dick and it turned out joanne was a two timing bitch so that was kinda gay too. the end was cool though i'm not really sure what happened (he survived another effect and the universe just got wonkier?) but it looked pretty so there you go.

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The fact that you even thought of Dakota fanning do an interracial just because she is in the movie with Denzel Washington probably makes you a paedophile than anyone else. ohh and you forgot to explain what exactly was wrong with Man On Fire.


A. fucking retarded


He could have been referring to the original

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

harry potter and half bloody penis - 6/10

saw this in 3D IMAX which was too fucking much. luckily it was only 10-15 mins of 3D. much more and i'd of had to look away. 6/10 mainly for hermoine (hubba hubba). seeing an ok movie in the cinema makes it better but watching this on dvd i reckon i'll realise it sucks like the last one. i'm not a hp book reader so was a little confused by the film and motivation of characters at times. the bits with hermoine,ron and harry (and the quirky girl luna?) were great but i can't remember the plot of the film nwo 2 days later.


btw i'm the half-blood prince kthxbye
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Guest thanksomuch

i finally got to see Big Man Japan. I quite enjoyed it untill the end..... slightly disssssssapppppppointing.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

Prisoner of The Mountains. I've been watching a few things about the Chechen conflicts the last couple of days as it's something I've never really looked into. The film doesn't contain that much enlightening info about the situation/isn't much of a history lesson, but it is a really good watch. Well paced, decent story, great characters and locations - recommended!

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Prisoner of The Mountains. I've been watching a few things about the Chechen conflicts the last couple of days as it's something I've never really looked into. The film doesn't contain that much enlightening info about the situation/isn't much of a history lesson, but it is a really good watch. Well paced, decent story, great characters and locations - recommended!


I remember seeing that in theaters, would love to see it again.


Just watched the Hangover and it was pretty lame, 5/10.


Got halfway through About Schmidt but got bored. After Election I think Alexander Payne must have started taking tranquilizers or something.

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