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Guest lullezucht

i think there are a lot of noise albums out there that would probably appeal to ambient and especially drone fans


like these....



C.C.C.C. & Nocturnal Emissions - The Beauty Of Pollution

C.C.C.C. - Love & Noise

Merzbow - Music For Bondage Performance

Aube - Feed the Fishes

Aube - Cardiac Strain

Merzbow - Electric Salad


Or like this one:

'Bas van Huizen - Dichterlicht'


Dichterlicht I

Dichterlicht II

Dichterlicht III






Yes shameless self promotion, but I'm quite fond of this album. The noise/music is dense and layered balancing between dissonance and harmony. It's also more about mood and textures rather than loudness/abrasiveness.

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merzbow's 1930 was what really made me a fan. listening to that with headphones for the first time was a great experience.

but i find that i listen to noise pretty much the same way as how i listen to ambient music. just letting it play without actively paying attention, and absorbing the sounds... dunno, kinda hard to explain i guess. :sorcerer:

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yeah noise is great live music. i saw pita a few years ago and it was fucking amazing. he pretty much started the set with a burst of intense noise that didn't let up until the end. there were some really nice melodies underneath it too.

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I liked Merzbow's Pulse Demon, I guess I need to check out 1930 though.


Here are two completely opposite reviews of Pulse Demon, the pitchfork one has this delightful quote:


"Trey Parker once said the end of reality TV would only come when they started airing baby-fucking shows. Once that show starts production, it will be viewers' fault, not the baby-fucker's. Merzbow is the aural baby-fucker. Wherever your ideology lies on the experimental scale, and whatever your religious affiliation, music cannot get much more extreme than this. Maybe John Cage's 4'33", and that's so far to the limit, it's probably cheating. This is the edge of music, of sound in general."




A lot of noise musicians put out way too much, but at it's best the results are as interesting as good drone or ambient. And ironically, it's no more harsh on the ears than overclipped, overcompressed pop singles and Rick Rubin albums.

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noise that's loud enough just becomes a sensation and basically turns into ambient music. that's why i like it. music is all the same.

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I liked Merzbow's Pulse Demon, I guess I need to check out 1930 though.


Here are two completely opposite reviews of Pulse Demon, the pitchfork one has this delightful quote:


"Trey Parker once said the end of reality TV would only come when they started airing baby-fucking shows. Once that show starts production, it will be viewers' fault, not the baby-fucker's. Merzbow is the aural baby-fucker. Wherever your ideology lies on the experimental scale, and whatever your religious affiliation, music cannot get much more extreme than this. Maybe John Cage's 4'33", and that's so far to the limit, it's probably cheating. This is the edge of music, of sound in general."




A lot of noise musicians put out way too much, but at it's best the results are as interesting as good drone or ambient. And ironically, it's no more harsh on the ears than overclipped, overcompressed pop singles and Rick Rubin albums.


thats probably the best pitchfork review i have ever read! i'm actually impressed by that. Pulse Demon seems like it was a big deal when it came out, i remember it sending shock waves through the music scene , but wasn't merzbow doing stuff just as harsh before? I remember my introduction to Merzbow was seeing his name listed on a local SF indie concert listing flyer called 'The List' and they put rough genre names by each band that was playing which was very helpful for a music fan seeking new stuff. The one for merzbow (had no idea who he was at the time) caught my eye because his genre was listed as 'japanese noise'. My brian didn't understand how to process that as a musical genre, like was it just literally pure noise? or some sort of crazy noisy japanese rock band? i had no idea it would turn out to be the former. I ordered Pulse Demon the next day off of Forced Exposure but i'm not sure why i chose that particular disc. At first i didn't know what to make of it, had a momentary 'this is it?' feeling but after about 10 minutes or so it became very comfortable and soothing background music.

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It's been said already but the problem with noise is just how much there is. Like any music there is a lot of shit out there and believe it or not it is possible to tell a decent noise track from a shit one.


For me, noise music is a purely visceral thing. Its pure, unfiltered nature just washes sound over you and I find that hard to resist. That said, there are times I don't want to listen to noise. So it's basically like any other music. I think because of its harsh nature a lot of people won't listen to noise because they feel dirty if they enjoy it, as if they feel like the more they listen to it, the more likely they're going to rape and kill their sister. And they're probably right.


I saw a noise gig at the University of London; Merzbow, Sutcliffe Jugend and Satori played. Satori were fucking excellent, they were more like horror music with noise elements than straight up noise, their tune Paralysis was a highlight.

Sutcliffe sucked extreme amounts of cock.

Merzbow was LOUD. I mean, I couldn't hear much for the next two days loud. But it was really good.


All in all it was a good night, something to experience at least once. Some noise fans are fucking ridiculous though, like the guy in tight leather with the bald head, blue spiked sideburns and a blue hitler moustache 'freaking out' to the music. And the retard spasming and spitting water over Sutcliffe, reacting to how EXTREME they were. Dork.

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I saw a noise gig at the University of London; Merzbow, Sutcliffe Jugend and Satori played. Satori were fucking excellent, they were more like horror music with noise elements than straight up noise, their tune Paralysis was a highlight.

Sutcliffe sucked extreme amounts of cock.

Merzbow was LOUD. I mean, I couldn't hear much for the next two days loud. But it was really good.


All in all it was a good night, something to experience at least once. Some noise fans are fucking ridiculous though, like the guy in tight leather with the bald head, blue spiked sideburns and a blue hitler moustache 'freaking out' to the music. And the retard spasming and spitting water over Sutcliffe, reacting to how EXTREME they were. Dork.


I was at that, we shouted abuse at Sutcliffe Jugend and then went out for a cigarette, good gig.

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I saw a noise gig at the University of London; Merzbow, Sutcliffe Jugend and Satori played. Satori were fucking excellent, they were more like horror music with noise elements than straight up noise, their tune Paralysis was a highlight.

Sutcliffe sucked extreme amounts of cock.

Merzbow was LOUD. I mean, I couldn't hear much for the next two days loud. But it was really good.


All in all it was a good night, something to experience at least once. Some noise fans are fucking ridiculous though, like the guy in tight leather with the bald head, blue spiked sideburns and a blue hitler moustache 'freaking out' to the music. And the retard spasming and spitting water over Sutcliffe, reacting to how EXTREME they were. Dork.


I was at that, we shouted abuse at Sutcliffe Jugend and then went out for a cigarette, good gig.


Haha, they were crap!


Their second tune had me in stitches "YOU PIG! YOU STUPID FUCKING... (amazing pause where he didn't know what to say) PONCE!"


Whoa, controversial!

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Haha, they're fully stuck in the past where you could be a bit edgy talking about murder and paedophilia, bunch of tossers. Did you pick up one of the cds they were giving away that night, the Satori, Sutcliffe Jugend and Merzbow one? I still haven't opened mine.


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Haha, they're fully stuck in the past where you could be a bit edgy talking about murder and paedophilia, bunch of tossers. Did you pick up one of the cds they were giving away that night, the Satori, Sutcliffe Jugend and Merzbow one? I still haven't opened mine.



Haha, yeah I did. Not sure where I put it. That Satori track is really good, I didn't bother with the other two.


Really didn't expect any other WATMMers to be there for some reason. Did you see the Jesus looking guy? Apparently that's not an intentional look, he pops up a lot at Japanese artists gigs, my mate I went with spotted him at a Boris gig wearing the same clothes and jokingly asked him what the jesus look was about, he didn't know what he was talking about.



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I think I know who you mean, I was more impressed by the guy with the studded GG Allin jacket, I started laughing but then it looked like he was gonna punch me in the face.

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I remember a scary Japanese couple as well. A guy and I think it was his girlfriend, suppose it could have been sister or mum. They just stood there, staring.

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  • 1 month later...

Documentary on the noise scene, just started watching it, seems to ask the artists why the make music of the genre and what the "genre" is, etc.


Here's it streaming on pitchfork, not sure for how many more days...



Official page

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wow watching that pitchfork video now its hilarious. i'm half suspecting its the pitchfork staff playing dress up.

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im really nervous to watch that pitchfork video

im worried it's going to be any hipster from the last 10 years who makes 'weird' sounds not actual noise in the literal sense. fuck!


edit: tried watching 10 minutes of it, verdict: the term 'noise' is way too big of an umbrella term now adays. I miss when it actually described harsh fucking noise :cry:

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Guest spraaaa

I thought People Who Do Noise was just about noise artists in Portland, Oregon... not necessarily the whole genre.


I enjoy listening to noise net-label scene

what are some favs? it's hard to sort through all that but I've heard some good stuff.

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I thought People Who Do Noise was just about noise artists in Portland, Oregon... not necessarily the whole genre.


i have a different definition of nosie than most people ( i think)


this is what i think of as noise



most of the people in this video i would consider experimental musicians but not specifically noise artists. a few of them like daniel menche are pretty straight up noise.


i guess i have a problem with the term becoming a lot more of an umbrella term, when i first got into it it described something a lot more specific.


the closer to actual pink/white noise it sounds the better, the more sparse it becomes well then in my mind it isn't really 'noise' anymore.

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I'm a brown noise person myself, it's like some real fast flowing stream or being far away from a waterfall. I remember falling asleep to it once and waking up several hours later not quite knowing what the hell was going on !

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