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Autechre - Oversteps (WARP210) [The MegaThread]

Friendly Foil

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I don't want to sound like a prick, and I don't know how things are in the great land of "Not Selected," but not everyone has the same opportunities to go out and just discover new music like that. Not in the bumfuck suburbs.


I'm sure the local Best Buy would let you preview some Autechre, before you buy, if they had any in stock. And Club 69 down on mainstreet would probably play some of pretty exciting new music too, if it was produced by Timbaland.

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yeah fuck the net, it exposes people who don't like to drink, who aren't 21 and who don't live near metropolitin areas to awesome music. i only like to keep Autechre available for functioning alcoholics who live in big cities, that's the spirit

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Guest wolfslice


not to come off like a total music snob/asshole..


I'm afraid that is exactly how you come off. A combination of "I want it all for me!" and "If I pay I'm Great and If You Don't Pay You're Not As Good As Me."


You are not special. And I'm sure Sean and Rob would disagree about your philosophy about finding new music ie: hear it somewhere (where does one hear of autechre anyway but on the net or from friends that found it on the net?), then painstakingly try and find it in a record store without being sure exactly what the artists name is or anything "ummm yeah i heard this one track and it was...squeeeek ffffttt, I think it was on some album... cornfield?"


your way sounds really cool.


I preordered Oversteps on cd as did most fans in this community.

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I had no clue how to say "Autechre" when I first liked them, nor did I want to sound like a twat while trying to ask some Borders/Best Buy employee if they had any Aw-tek-ray in stock.

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hey wolfslice welcome to watmm, were you not getting your fill of oversteps discussion over at xltronic? don't blame you


for how much people seem to be loving this album there is surprisingly little detailed reactions to it, i mean for fuck's sake, Alcofibras track by track review was more in depth than any ACTUAL review i've read yet on any forum or blog. I got more enjoyment out of 'dicks eat em' than i did out of listening to OVersteps in it's entirety. Are they saying 'dicks eat em' or 'that's idm' on those vocal samples? i still can't tell

Edited by Awepittance
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lemme get this straight - guy wants autechre fans to buy an album (which is preaching to the choir here but thats beside the point)




he also wants autechre to have less fans

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Guest wolfslice

hello sir and thank you.


Just poking around the autechre form here a little bit, XLT is somewhat sparse tonight. Pretty good discussions going.

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I got into Autechre by blindly buying a cd from some record shop in New Hampshire. I had never heard them before, but I remembered the name being mentioned on IRC. That was eleven years ago.

I did this with Incunabula when I was about 14, even with the internet available to me at the time. I just took a dive off a name that sounded familiar and ended up learning how to swim.

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i heard of Autechre because Jhon balance of coil said they were his favorite electronic act on the coil mailing list, at the time the only album i could find at Tower records was Incunabula. it was a great introduction to them. i think i was around 14 or maybe 15 at the time.


edit: i think this was right when Chiastic Slide was coming out , and Coil kept promising an Autechre collaboration called 'Intercourse' nothing ever came of it unfortunately.

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Guest Greg Reason

hey wolfslice welcome to watmm, were you not getting your fill of oversteps discussion over at xltronic? don't blame you


for how much people seem to be loving this album there is surprisingly little detailed reactions to it, i mean for fuck's sake, Alcofibras track by track review was more in depth than any ACTUAL review i've read yet on any forum or blog. I got more enjoyment out of 'dicks eat em' than i did out of listening to OVersteps in it's entirety. Are they saying 'dicks eat em' or 'that's idm' on those vocal samples? i still can't tell


I deliberately laid off in-depth comments due to the surprisingly large numbers of people reading this thread who were resolute in waiting until March.

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you can put stuff like that in spoiler tags, i'd really love to be in this thread for days so please feel free to write more. and that's not sarcasm


edit: i would write a more detailed review, but i am not the most eloquent writer and i don't have too many positive things to say about the album as a whole, i'd rather leave room for people who thought highly of it to write detailed comments

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Guest wolfslice

hello sir and thank you.


Just poking around the autechre form here a little bit, XLT is somewhat sparse tonight. Pretty good discussions going.


are you really in the bay area? i live in oakland


Nice. Yep, I live right near Stanford in Palo Alto. Could be we've bumped into one another at an ae show in SF, if you've gone to the last couple ;p

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wait i'm a tad confused, didn't a radio station play some songs on the new album, and so don't we have confirmation then? I hadn't listened to the radio clips, but I assumed that because the leak came shortly after and people said it was legit, it was indeed legit, cause they recognized the same tracks that they heard moments before on the radio


i'm gonna go listen to that radio clip now

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well that's not necessarily an air tight method of proving it's a fake


reason being that somebody could have just had a bunch of tracks ready to go and used the radio play of 2 tracks as the go ahead to leak their fake. they could have theoretically put 2 real tracks on with the rest of the fakes to make it even more convincing.


however i doubt this because both tracks played on the radio resemble about 4-5 other tracks on this leak.


So far none of the big time AE fans here seem to be saying it's a fake, and i personally don't think it is either. If people are still thinking it's fake i think they are in denial probably because it's such a 180 and/or retrogression stylistically

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yeah I heard the first two songs and thought it was legit, but what did throw me off was the amount of melody I was hearing as the album went, it seemed like too much to really be AE for some reason.


I see this as kind of an end of an era album for them, like they now have progressed over all 9 numerical single digit steps, and now can kind of break free of this insane obsession with pushing sound, and just make something really pleasant. some will perhaps see it as them messing around or not really pushing themselves, but I think doing something like this could be (depending on ones perspective) be a more challenging route, cause their no longer depending on the technique to impress you, the biggest fireworks has just gone off essentially, and now its time to relax and enjoy


i'm sure they'll ramp up again in coming years and give us more experimental beat heavy stuff

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just heard it.


kind of weird, I kept expecting agressive farty bass synths and mashed up hip hop beats to appear but they hardly ever did. it stays kind of light all the way thru. I liked it though. Probably not as much as I liked Quaristice on its first play, but much more than Untilted's.


Known(1), Qplay and D Sho made the best first impression. Judgin from past experience I now need to listen to it about 15 more times for my brain to digest all the atonal meandering synths and stuttery ambience until they coalesce into some familiar form, like a magic eye picture.

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i cannot believe people think this is a fake. every second (exept for the shitty guitarpart on the third track, and the awesome choir at ~50:00) of this leak is so autechre-like it almost hurts. i mean seriously, the last ~minute of treale? how is that NOT ae?

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hey wolfslice welcome to watmm, were you not getting your fill of oversteps discussion over at xltronic? don't blame you


for how much people seem to be loving this album there is surprisingly little detailed reactions to it, i mean for fuck's sake, Alcofibras track by track review was more in depth than any ACTUAL review i've read yet on any forum or blog. I got more enjoyment out of 'dicks eat em' than i did out of listening to OVersteps in it's entirety. Are they saying 'dicks eat em' or 'that's idm' on those vocal samples? i still can't tell


maybe people are still unsure where to put it as it is really some more or less unexpected turn for autechre to go all the way into melodies + confusion about leak being some kind of line rip


so if you would write a detailed review now and it would turn out fake you would kind of ridicule yourself


I did not listen to it on proper speakers yet but I am pretty impressed so far

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I feel sorry for fans of early ae who maybe getting excited at the promise of a return to Amber style brooding ambience and 4-bar melodies. The melodies are still very much post-Confield style mathmatical madness with very little in way of hooks or riffs.

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