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a thread about drugs

vamos scorcho

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Alcohol and E are the only two drugs for me, and caffeine if we're counting that. I'm afraid anything remotely hallucinogenic or with the power to completely alter/control my thinking patterns could potentially push me past the point of no return. The last time I smoked pot really shook me up, worse than any shrooms trip. So yeah, fuck that shit. E on the other hand just seems to make me really aware of the things that matter in life. I always feel wiser and better adjusted afterward, with maybe a trace of passing sadness that's manageable enough, and well worth the benefits. I've been doing it almost once a month since the first time I did it, October 2008. I feel I should cut back, but it's just sooo fucking good. Also, it should be noted that I just happen to have found a decent source, and the couple times I've tried it from other sources it's been pretty lame and hardly euphoric. Though for me it tends to be more of a mental euphoria rather than a "every physical sensation is overwhelming me with joy" kind of thing. I'm more likely to talk about death with great interest than to want a back massage... but that's just me. And that sounds a lot more creepy than it actually is, honest!

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Alcohol was a given but only first when I turned 18 and moved out on my own. I'm glad I started late, I think it was healthy. Of course I've had a lot of binges over the years, but I generally have a reasonably low tolerance.


The social aspects of it have probably been the most benificial.. Most of my buddies for life were drunk encounters.


I still think I have a bit of a bad relationship with it, I drink very rarely but I love to get absolutely plastered when I do drink. I don't like the way alcohol fucks with your judgment, I used to handle it well and know I would be fine no matter how blacked out I got.


But a year ago or so, me and some close friends got into some bad behaviour when drunk, we started stealing things like purses, cellphones etc. We got totally addicted to the rush of doing stuff like that when drunk. We did it for a few months and eventually I got caught and landed myself a parole sentence. Since then, I can't really trust myself when drunk in public. I love to hang out with people and get drunk with good friends, but I always fear I'm going to do something really stupid. It can bring out both the best and the worst in me.


These days, once in a month or two I'll load up with some beer and liquor and get drunk alone, that's the only time I can drink and not worry about fucking someone over or getting in trouble. I like drinking as a concept because it's a great way to unwind, but I also feel like it's a harmful drug, health and judgment-wise.


I tried weed pretty early on as well but never did it regularly, until recently when I moved to a new city and ended up with a dealer neighbour. I've smoked loads the last couple of months, but now my dealer is gone and I think I'm going to take a break. It's great fun but is a lot of money. I still love it, it only brings out the best in me, helped me get to know myself more.


I tried E once and it was one of the best experiences I ever had, hands down. What it taught me about social confidence and love is something I still treasure.


I had a one week coke binge a couple of years back when a dealer buddy gave it to me for free, i think he tried to get me hooked but he didn't really succeed. It's a great party drug, makes you focused and feel like scarface but I never thought the price justified it. I wouldn't call it the thinking man's drug.


I tried amphetamine once and I would totally say that it's an amazing drug for the creative, I just sat and drew and made music for 24 hours straight with two buddies. If anything I would like to try that more and make music. You get kinda fucked up on it though, couldn't sleep afterwards.


I guess I have an odd relationship with the concept of drugs, they can be amazing and as a creative person I love to experience different states. I don't think there's any classic drug I wouldn't do. But that's much easier to say in theory, people fuck themselves over with the most insignificant drugs. I generally feel like there's not much reason -not- to do drugs, I dunno what that says about my view on life.


I think I would absolutely love LSD/any hallucinogen, but I haven't gotten a hold of any yet, believe me I've tried. Just tripping out and hallucinating, experience something *completely* different, I would just love that. I guess I have to wait for acid to find me when it thinks I'm ready.

Edited by chimera slot mom
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SO HAVE YOU GUYS GOTTEN YOUR HANDS ON ANY 'lillihuptipkinnawakes' YET>? very good, they are...







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Are you a boz boz? Do you have any Yellow Bentines? I'll give you £20 for a Clarky Cap. I don't want my hand to feel like a week in a lead balloon. My friend got a bad crack handle, ended up on a negative blooty and had jessop jessop jessop.

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Guest tht tne

i realized after my somewhat extensive experimentation with lsd that i never took enough (apparently) to generate profound visuals

i did experience ego loss though and a lot of the other stated effects... i got stronger visuals from mushrooms, 2c-e and even dxm

salvia wasn't something i would really like to do frequently... maybe just once in a while as a kick in the pants when that's needed

i don't know how anyone could have a bad trip on mushrooms... even more euphoric than marijuana for me, and i'm schizophrenic

i haven't done any illegal drugs or alcohol for several years... once in a while i want to trip again, i'm not really done investigating lsd

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Guest tht tne

i had a dream last night i traded 2c-e with someone . he showed me the inside of his drug box and there were all these new drugs i didn't recognize


that's what i felt like during the rc boom; i could get high and not worry about the police and i even told my mom i was on 2c-e once

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Alcohol and E are the only two drugs for me, and caffeine if we're counting that. I'm afraid anything remotely hallucinogenic or with the power to completely alter/control my thinking patterns could potentially push me past the point of no return. The last time I smoked pot really shook me up, worse than any shrooms trip. So yeah, fuck that shit. E on the other hand just seems to make me really aware of the things that matter in life. I always feel wiser and better adjusted afterward, with maybe a trace of passing sadness that's manageable enough



I hear E can mess alter your natural serotonin levels. Drugs are a personal thing. They affect everyone differently. Weed makes me stupid scared of everything. Its pure evil to me, but to others pure good.

I think prescription drugs are the real ones to be cautious of. Ambien for instance, Now that drug will make you do things you don't remember and you will be out of control. Way more than any trip

Edited by marf
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lsd is amazing. Not something i want to take anymore or that often. I got insane visuals by smoking strong pot with acid. I didn't get my usual paranoid anxiety from the weed, just floating reflections of nuns and shit in bubles travelling around my room. It was wowwy

Edited by marf
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ld is just a lot of work after the first 6 hours. You can't sleep. You feel your bowels digesting. Its hard on the body

Edited by marf
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thats why i like this tryptamine called DPT, it only lasts about 2 hours , i'd say it's more similar to mushrooms than LSD with less mental effects more of a body/visual drug


i cant see myself ever doing LSD again, maybe when i'm 80.

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Guest hahathhat

i realized after my somewhat extensive experimentation with lsd that i never took enough (apparently) to generate profound visuals

i did experience ego loss though and a lot of the other stated effects... i got stronger visuals from mushrooms, 2c-e and even dxm


same here, sans 2c-e which i've never tried. weed can get me seeing some visuals. acid visuals tend to be very subtle and backgroundish for me. i watched a friend light some incense, and the flame threw off kind of a little geometric pattern.... stuff like that.


ld is just a lot of work after the first 6 hours. You can't sleep. You feel your bowels digesting. Its hard on the body


there are ways to minimize the strain:




i have a ritual i more or less follow for any psychedelic: wake up. have a little coffee but not a lot. take a dump. eat something light, let it settle in, surf the net a bit. dose. watch movie or something coming up, maybe have a smoke.


lsd specifically is rough coming up. i get super-tense, just clench and muscle spasm. for this part, weed helps ease the tension. stretching helps with the cramps. meditative techniques help you cope with that intense energy starting to belt you... pacing around the room lets you blow off some energy, as does playing bass guitar or drums or something. after a bit of this tense phase it levels out, and i feel physically pretty good until the end... at which point it's been going 10-12 hours. this is why you always dose soon after getting up.


bottom line -- i have a sense of how my body reacts to things, the timing of these reactions, and i make sure i have a goodly amount of sleep under my belt.




Well, I've only done standard weed and booze and some dud mushrooms that didn't take me very far but recently I suffered a fun bout of near-fatal lithium toxicity. It caused hallucinations and the worst thing was that I didn't know this shit was coming on like when you drop a tab and wait for the ride.... I simply could not tolerate the inability to shut the ride down. I don't know how you users cope with that--I guess you're trippin' so hard, you don't care that 67 hours just elapsed. I tried to relax and just roll with it but I wasn't very good at it.


How'd this wind up going down? :trashbear:


I imagine it'd be pretty freaky to just have it come at you. There's also something in the fact that I make the deliberate choice to drop some acid. I've never had someone slip me a dose. Actually... If I had a regular LSD supply, I'd tell a roomie to sneak some into my coffee one morning just to see how I'd cope! Of course, I'd know it was coming... some day... it wouldn't be truly out of the blue.


I've always figured tripping to be like Basketball -- most people can get the rhythms down with practice, some people have a natural talent for it, and others are hopeless :emotawesomepm9:

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Guest Babar

And what about electric taste ?

I got this feeling (same as licking batteries) during my first time with 2C-I. I was quite anxious at the time, then i read it was pretty common among psychedelic users. Anyone knows what I'm talking about ? I can also feel that taste when i'm not on drugs. When i'm suffering a sudden stress (I.e when adrenalin is running into my veins) i feel a fucking strong metallic taste, it feels like my mouth has turned into metal.

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i like the fact that with shrooms i can lower the dosage, a single tab of acid left me in a seriously wierd place for 20 fuckin hours pretty much. with shrooms i can just have a little trip by only brewing up 50 or so that i know isnt gonna go much further than a warm euphoria, the gigglys, and a sense of slight detachment from reality. acid is either full blown twatted or you dont take it.

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And what about electric taste ?

I got this feeling (same as licking batteries) during my first time with 2C-I. I was quite anxious at the time, then i read it was pretty common among psychedelic users. Anyone knows what I'm talking about ? I can also feel that taste when i'm not on drugs. When i'm suffering a sudden stress (I.e when adrenalin is running into my veins) i feel a fucking strong metallic taste, it feels like my mouth has turned into metal.

Yeah I always got that with acid, with the exception of gel tabs and sugar cubes. Was almost like a brief metal menthol, or like aluminum foil. Lots of people will say it's in your head, and acid has no taste but i disagree. While acid itself may have no taste, acid on paper usually has that metallic taste (in my experience). That was usually my clue as to whether I had been sold real or fake stuff. If I got the metal taste I was like wooo. But then sometimes I didn't notice it (or it wasn't there?) and i'd think I had been burned, then suddenly two hours later the carpet is breathing.

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i like the fact that with shrooms i can lower the dosage, a single tab of acid left me in a seriously wierd place for 20 fuckin hours pretty much. with shrooms i can just have a little trip by only brewing up 50 or so that i know isnt gonna go much further than a warm euphoria, the gigglys, and a sense of slight detachment from reality. acid is either full blown twatted or you dont take it.


Well mushrooms you can measure the weight of the dry amount and dose according to that, granted there are hundreds of different cubensis strains that have different potency, and highs. Best to go on word of mouth with both acid and mushrooms, but shrooms are generally calculated easier.


Ie - with acid your friend that trips all the time is like "Man I took 3 hits of that stuff and I was GONE" meaning you should likely take 1 or a half and feel it out before committing. Then again acid affects everyone differently, set, setting, mood, sleep, health, etc can all be factors in how it affects someone.


WHile with mushrooms, unless you have like a super strength strain like Puerto Ricans or something (which you likely would've been told and paid a lil extra for), you can go by grams. Like 1 gram, meh. 2.5 decent mild to intense, but not to lengthy. 3.5-4.5 - Good trip. 5 grams + and you're going to Andromeda or somewhere close by.

Edited by Brandi_B
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isn't that the point of taking acid?


not for me, i hate the feeling of being extremely fucked up on any drug to be honest. apart from being so high you cant even speak, but weed is nothing like most drugs.


thats why i wont be taking acid again, theres no half dose, the tabs are so small you cant really do much more than half them, and half is still too much for me. i only like to have one or maybe two at the very most pills, while ive experienced and quite enjoyed the mind numbing shivers of joy and excitement that run down your spine and uncontrollable gurning + movement that comes from taking 3 or 4, its just too much for me. im happy with the mild excitement and want to dance that a few does to you. i took too many mushrooms once aswell and that was horrible. i dunno, i like drugs, but i just dont like getting completely wankered is what im saying.

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I wouldn't do mushies or lsd ever again. Been there done that and got the t-shirt. I don't think I have the minerals to handle them at all, shame really because on their day they can be revolutionary fantastic LoL. And they can be evil.


I had a full on wide awake ride through Hell on mushrooms once. You know its bad when you try to close your eyes and shut it out but there are still demons and devils rushing at you. I just on kept telling myself the effects would sooner or later wear off and that I wasn't naturally going insane, that single grain of reason that I held onto proberbly stopped my going right into madness. Stratosphericly easily the worst time of my life


I think there's a certain age when all that shit is great when you are still innocent and naieve but as you get older you should stay away.


Never really been into weed that much, nowadays I just drink a few beers, glass of wine. If I drink a lot then I might do some coke because it resfreshes the dribbling/sleepy drunkeness. I would do E maybe 4 times a year but have trouble getting anything decent nowadays so hardly bother. Tempted to try this meow meow gear.


Single malt whiskey and a pipe is the future!

Edited by beerwolf
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