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The Walking Dead - AMC TV Series (spoilers everywhere)

Rubin Farr

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

well, that was a weird finale. I wonder if the governor will attempt to find another group of people to lead? if I were martinez or the bowman (black woodbury guy who almost never speaks) I would put a bullet in his head while he's asleep.

carl's character development in this episode was nice. it makes sense that the younger you are, the quicker you would adjust to the new world.

it kind of sucks that andrea will never get a chance to redeem herself after all the terrible choices she made. she's so much cooler in the comics.

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"this finale's off to an okay start, but man it's moving slow"

"i wonder how they're gonna wrap things up with only like 20 minutes left"

*checks time*

*two minutes left in episode*

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Man, fuck Herschel. That old drunk.


Btw what was up with the short haired woman flirting with both the pedophile and Daryl?


I missed like 5-6 episodes this season. Who is a pedo?


One of the prisoners, the guy who looked like a magician, got all wet in his trousers when he saw Herschel's youngest daughter. Or maybe I'm making shit up, I don't know?


But wauw... they're actually staying in the prison? This is turning into Lost. I mean, the writers have absolutely no fucking idea what they're doing, right?

I hope Carl kills Rick.

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i thought carl shooting the kid was decent but instead of grappling with the unemotional reaction he had to killing the guy, instead they made it seem like he shot an innocent dude. That's not how they presented it to the audience, they made it seem like the guy might not put down the shotgun. I mean if i was in a zombie apocalypse, and an army just tried to attack my space, and a fleeing armed dude didn't put down his gun immediately and instead said 'take it' while very slowly moving it towards me I'd probably shoot him too. I didn't really see the ambiguity or cold blooded murder that Hershel was claiming it was.

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Most of that episode was me and my wife shouting "stab him now" "shoot him you Dick" when ever people are with the governor.


Science guy could be living the good life now if they would have shot him 6 episodes ago instead of his man crush getting in the way

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Guest Adjective

I liked how tight-fashionable-pants-and-makeup-in-a-survival-situation stopped to have a chat with the dying guy instead of continuing her attempt to escape, and then it was up to him to remind her to hurry.

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this episode is terrible

Not that I should be bothered at all by reading uncongenial opinions on the internets about a show that I enjoy, but some constructive elaboration may be nice... I thought you of all people would have loved this episode jules if only because Andrea shot herself in the face ;)



lol good point. to be fair, i did write that before she offed herself, which makes me happy about season 4.




it was frustrating because they built this huge battle up for four episodes and it culminated with about 30 woodbury army members running for the hills after 2 people shot at them and missed. wtf was with that whole scene anyway? they lured the governer into a prison in which they have all the keys...um, why not just lock him in? why did they run after no one got killed, they had fucking grenade launchers and they were calling 2 people shooting at them a massacre? no one was shot!


it was a very very anticlimactic epsiode. especially after the weeks of build up.

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Guest theSun

that andrea scene was painful. fuck she is either an awful actress or her writing is awful.


also - why in the hell would martinez and black woodbury guy NOT shoot the governor? also - why didn't any of these well-armed people shoot back at the governor? he has been pretty unrealistically invincible


it's been bugging me about the zombies in the prison. there are only a few of them walking around at any given time, michonne should be able to clear ~50 every day and barely break a sweat. yet whenever they need to move through the gates it's a big deal to dispatch or distract the 5 zombies in the immediate area. why does this little stuff bug me so much

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Guest Pennywise

that andrea scene was painful. fuck she is either an awful actress or her writing is awful.


also - why in the hell would martinez and black woodbury guy NOT shoot the governor? also - why didn't any of these well-armed people shoot back at the governor? he has been pretty unrealistically invincible


it's been bugging me about the zombies in the prison. there are only a few of them walking around at any given time, michonne should be able to clear ~50 every day and barely break a sweat. yet whenever they need to move through the gates it's a big deal to dispatch or distract the 5 zombies in the immediate area. why does this little stuff bug me so much

because the big stuff in the show isn't very good either.

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******************** SEASON 2 SPOILER ALERT BELOW!!! ********************


Yes. Season 2. I'm late to the party.


... Also, let's also not talk about Season 3 yet (because sometimes I can't take my eyes away from train-wrecks). Haven't seen any of it.

If you want to talk Season 2, just reply to my shit so I don't have to look at anyone elses posts.

Sorry. I know it's probably not worth being careful about, in the long run, but I still like to not know what's going to happen.


My biggest problem (along with SEVERAL other compounding issues) with Season 2 was that they didn't have a plan worked out for the possibility of a large-scale zombie attack on the farm. They had seen large enough numbers of walkers throughout their combined experiences that they should have had some idea that something like that would be expected, even in the middle of nowhere. Having spent that much time in one location, they should have been moderately prepared with an idea of what they should do if they were overrun with walkers. After all, the humans are the ones with the brains... so you would think. I also think the logic really fell off the deep end as the season went on, mostly in terms of character relationships. Especially with the whole hostage thing. That was lunacy.

Edited by jefferoo
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I liked how tight-fashionable-pants-and-makeup-in-a-survival-situation stopped to have a chat with the dying guy instead of continuing her attempt to escape, and then it was up to him to remind her to hurry.


also - why in the hell would martinez and black woodbury guy NOT shoot the governor? also - why didn't any of these well-armed people shoot back at the governor? he has been pretty unrealistically invincible


it's been bugging me about the zombies in the prison. there are only a few of them walking around at any given time, michonne should be able to clear ~50 every day and barely break a sweat. yet whenever they need to move through the gates it's a big deal to dispatch or distract the 5 zombies in the immediate area. why does this little stuff bug me so much


Michael Haneke (so wrong to mention him in the context of The Walking Dead...) said in an interview "A film becomes boring the very second a writer makes even a single one of his characters less intelligent than he is himself." (roughly translated) - I think of this quote of his every once in a while when watching movies or shows, and I think he's absolutely spot on with it.


It's easier for writers to create stupid characters to carry their story further... but it does take the tension away.


Other than that, I thought this final episode was kind of decent. Maybe because I had such low expectations at this point. I also had nothing against Andrea, she was alright, too.


But the governor shooting everyone and not getting shot himself is just fucking unrealistic and a twatish move from the writers. They took the easy way out, again.

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It's almost like the writers don't have the confidence(or budget) to keep the story moving along and change things up, so they're dragging the governor and prison scenario into season 4? But I was pretty much cheering when Merle went rogue and started picking off Woodbury goons. Maybe the best part of the season for me.











Fucking grenade launchers.




Scared off by a flare.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

that andrea scene was painful. fuck she is either an awful actress or her writing is awful.


so bad. they looked like pliers to me, not wire cutters so how do you escape handcuffs with them? i tried it and it's easy to pick up pliers with your toes. why was she going so slow?! i understand building tension but the tension is lost the minute the character is wasting time (it's not a 'oh no don't go into the basement' moment - its a :facepalm: ). well i'm glad she died as she was annoying character. she was a good shot but other than that she had nothing going on except she fucked everybody

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Guest theSun

yeah it really just took too long for her to do that shit. and the gov isn't going to tie her legs down lol?


going back a few episodes - it really bugged me when rick left the prison guy to "die" with the zombies. of course if we don't *see* him die of course he's going to come back and totally fuck things up


there is some james bond villain shit up in here

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Does the Gov storyline continue like this in the comics? I've been ready for it to end since last season and as they didn't wrap it up this season, I'm not excited at all for the next. Too long. Too stupid. Going nowhere.

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Does the Gov storyline continue like this in the comics? I've been ready for it to end since last season and as they didn't wrap it up this season, I'm not excited at all for the next. Too long. Too stupid. Going nowhere.




Nah it ends pretty quick and it's very different. after michonne takes revenge, governor mounts an attack and kicks them out of the prison. end.


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As much as season 2 dragged, it ended in a way that made you look forward to the next one. Season 3 ended making me wonder if the show will be cancelled due to behind the scenes network executive drama or something.

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