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Guest happycase

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Guest disparaissant

mine are usually blurry memories

last night i vaguely remember trying to boil some eggs for some reason (i havent eaten eggs in like 2 years) and then they all turned black and my dad got all mad at me over it. this was all in the kitchen of the house i grew up in, too.

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I'm going to get some of this to help enhance my dreaming experience.



the hell is this? dramatic, desperate marketing... (alpha brain? seriously? lol) I'd just get some melatonin or something. completely natural



Uh, it is just supposed to help your brain function better. I think it is worth trying and I've heard really good things about 5HTP, but that is actually in this https://www.onnit.com/new-mood/ , but you can buy 5HTP by itself. Anything that touts enhanced lucid experiences I'm definitely interested in. Also, Joe Rogan pimps this stuff and I dig his show and philosophies so...I'm also all about modifying the body both chemically and otherwise right now so I'm willing to give things like this a chance. Melatonin is like the opposite of this because it puts you to sleep.


Are you guys always able to remember your dreams in great details? Aren't they sometimes just blurry memories?


No, not always. I dreamt I had come up with this really interesting plot for a film the other night and then I woke up. I had thought I was awake while I was dreaming it and so I didn't have to worry about remembering it. When I woke up I forgot the idea entirely.

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man i used to be able to levitate whenever i wanted to but i can't anymore.

around that time my dreams became more lucid and vivid every night. my most insane dream then, which i've never topped, was me levitating a chunk of earth so it was floating in the air and then i levitated and landed on it. totally akira style. it was so vivid i flipped out because i couldn't handle it but i couldn't wake myself so there i was, stuck between the dream world and reality, freaking out with anxiety until i eventually i snapped out of it.

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Guest Aserinsky
melatonin actually promotes healthy sleep-wake cycles as well as giving you vivid dreams. i've heard that lucid dreamers use it a lot.


i've always had vivid dreams. not every night, but usually a couple of times a week. it really depends when you wake up. if you wake up during the completion of a rem cycle, you're likely to remember more.


This. In fact, melatonin has been described in an article for this journalas having benefits to children with an autistic spectrum disorder in doses, whom possibly may have lower levels of melatonin compared to neurotypical children. Children with ASD are notorious for having sleep problems (ironically having AS myself and having problems sleeping as a child is what helped me teach myself to lucid dream and see incredibly vivid dreams) and in this research there was a correlation between small doses of melatonin and better sleeping patterns.


I'd also be wary of a product that uses non-peer reviewed, self funded research and studies taken out of context to sell itself. I'm not doubting that it wont give you vivid dreams, I have no clue about the chemical makeup and its effects. Basically though if you want more control over your dreams, my advice would be to keep a dream journal to train yourself in dream recall and to use a sleep calculator to get your body used to waking up at the end of a dream cycle, which should awaken around REM sleep, which is when dreams are most vivid.


Whatever methods you choose though AdieuErsatzEnnui good luck!

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I've started thinking melatonin is a ton more potent than people think. That shit takes me to Ambien states, in other words basically hallucinatory states of mind if I don't go to sleep. I think it has potential for recreational use.




Also, dreams are definitely blurry memories but the SYMBOLS are perfectly distinct. You can remember what was in your dream, and how it related, becasue that's all it is. All the stuff you don't remember is just like, noise. You only really need the framework to think about.

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Guest Aserinsky

That definitely sounds like a seizure as opposed to sleep paralysis, I'd definitely go to the doctor about that shit. You might have an undiagnosed case of nocturnal epilepsy (it could also be sleep apnea, but I think it's pretty rare for that to cause seizures), if I was you I'd definitely check that out.


EDIT: In response to Hoodie

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I had sleep paralysis a few nights ago, along with voices in the room. It was unspeakably horrifying. Trying to explain it would do a disservice to the experience. I've had them many times but this was the first time I heard voices around me, in my room.


It was within one of those dream-sequences of a few days where you start having more dreams, more vivid, more hallucinatory, more drawn out... and it is still here with me.



One of the most potent dreams that happened the same night of the sleep paralysis:


My apartment was beginning to flood, I had to run away from here. I ran into some homeless guy who started getting pissed at me for not giving him money so I jumped up into the air and flew away from him. Later in the dream he had a gun and I think I got into a gunfight with the homeless guy but the police intervened. The power of the images seems more important than the events... the very image of the water outside my apartment remains the single image of most potency. It was clear, and beautiful. A beautiful rain shower and a beautiful lake outside. And just this extended landscape of rain and parents far away and running uphill against the water.


Actually, my apartment is near the ground. So the flood was up against the windows, like an aquarium, going up.

Edited by vamos scorcho
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i had a really weird sleep paralysis experience just now, guys.


i was trying to take a nap and something woke me up, but i was still in a sleepy state. i decided to induce sleep paralysis by laying on my back (this works), just for shits and giggles. when it happened, it came in waves. i would get this very, very loud buzzing sound, like the sort that some type of powerful electrical equipment makes, that came in waves of three. so, it would be like, "WOOSH, WOOSH, WOOSH." it was really loud, i felt like i could feel it coming from inside my head and my body felt like it was vibrating from it. when this deep buzzing noise came around, i would also get a feeling of tremendous pressure on top of my body (which is typical of sleep paralysis) and i would feel my muscles tensing up (especially my jaw, i thought at one point that i would hurt myself). during this time, i also had auditory hallucinations. i thought i heard my family in my living room talking about buying cake and celebrating something without me because i was napping. after the noise subsided i would just be laying there, paralyzed, and then it would come back again after a few seconds. after a few cycles of this, i got scared because the buzzing sound was getting really intense, so i tried to break out of it. i tried moving my fingers, opening my eyes, and moving my neck, but none of that worked. for whatever reason, i was easily able to move my foot and i came out of this weird state instantly.


i'm actually kinda worried because i looked up this sound and i haven't found reports of anyone having it occur. it's a really distinctive sensation too. i hope i wasn't having a seizure or something, lol.


(oh god what if i was, i'm a dumb ass)

Sounds like your brain was releasing scarce amounts of DMT. People who trip on DMT describe some of the same stuff you were going through, especially the pressure and the noise you heard right before they trip hard. Plus we are begin to make the connection between the DMT in our bodies and the role it has in our sleep/precipitation of reality.


But you should probably see a doctor.

Edited by ZiggomaticV17
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i would get this very, very loud buzzing sound, like the sort that some type of powerful electrical equipment makes, that came in waves of three. so, it would be like, "WOOSH, WOOSH, WOOSH." it was really loud, i felt like i could feel it coming from inside my head and my body felt like it was vibrating from it.

Definitely had this before, only mine was steadier and more internal/external, almost like a still electrocution. Sometimes it's been loud static. I have had some shitty visions during sleep paralysis too. I haven't seen a doctor about it, or anything (freelancing rules). But I'm generally ok, except for the mental problems.


If you happen to see a doctor kindly post in this thread, thanks.

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Completely agree with the back thing. I've been thinking of trying to lucid dream again, which also requires back-sleep, but yes, there is the danger. However my sleep paralysis usually only happens when I nap and sleep again later - it'll hit right when I go back to sleep. I did have one out-of-body thing from sleep paralysis. Very strange experience. Probably a dream, but it doesn't feel like one in my memory.

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had a moment in a dream where someone gave me a factory rolled 'fattie' of a kind of new type of psychedelic herb with alien qualities. I toked on it and it had this wonderful complex spicy herbal taste and it gave me this deep hypnagogic buzz and caused me to gain the ability to float in the air like it was water, so I did lots of flips in the air and swam around as I smoked it and it was excellent

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Guest happycase

I dreamt that I was at this party in a haunted house. There were a lot of strange, dark, old rooms. It started to get dark out and one of the girls at the house insisted that I leave the party. She was scary as hell, so I considered leaving - then when we were outside chatting I saw her eyes get really big and scarey!!! So I grabbed all my friends and we went to the car (lexus) and bounced from da party.

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I dreamt that I was at this party in a haunted house. There were a lot of strange, dark, old rooms. It started to get dark out and one of the girls at the house insisted that I leave the party. She was scary as hell, so I considered leaving - then when we were outside chatting I saw her eyes get really big and scarey!!! So I grabbed all my friends and we went to the car (lexus) and bounced from da party.


thats beautiful man

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Guest Lucy Faringold

I've never had to lie on my back to go lucid, probably different for a lot of people though


Yeah, I do this with my body facing down usually.


Also, Hoodie, those electricity sounds and vibrations you mention are textbook descriptions of what some people experience before projecting out of body. I don't know if that's something you're interested in, but it might be worth reading up on if it is.


I've experienced some overwhelming waves of internal noise whilst experimenting with the hypnogogoc state, so I wouldn't freak out too much.

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I had a really strange dream last night.

started off, I was walking down some urban wasteland with some other people... apparently I was in some kind of military school, so I was holding a rifle. It was clear that this dream was set in the future, as we all had virtual reality goggles. with these goggles, we could point at a target, flick our hand towards it and we'd somehow hit it perfectly the next time we shot our gun.

so, this girl comes up, she's clearly not a part of the military school I was in---she said if I can hit this circular part of a building, I'd get something. ( i think it was a shotgun, can't remember that part. ) so, with the goggles, I hit it perfectly, and she congratulates me. so, we all end up trying to hit this target without the goggles and it turns into some competition.

this is where it gets weird,

she clearly has no idea how to work a gun (well, neither do I, but in the dream I did ) because whenever she's reloading this big blunder buss thing, she shot my pinky off and the bullet ended up going straight into my cousin's eye. i was pissed with her, but I didn't know what to do. suddenly, she starts shooting again, went into my cousin's eye again, and I'm pretty sure he died. I saw all the detail, the gore, the look on his face. it was eerie.
so, I took out a rather large knife and stuck it straight into her face. she's still moving at this point, and still shooting everywhere. i take out the knife, and stick it again into her neck. she isn't dying, and she laughs at this. still very eerie. she's clearly suffering though, she couldn't stand--she even took out the blade and tried to off herself, but it didn't work still. i gathered myself together and emptied my mag into her and watched her die. (finally)
at this point, some guy comes up and asks who shot her. I raised my hand. after that, it was blurry.

next point I can remember, I was in some kind of office environment. I was getting questioned for the killing, but it didn't last long.


so I was back in this military school, which looked more like a uni. there was nothing suggesting it was military anyway.

I can remember this cabinet, and it had paper in it. I was trying to find some sort of file about a person, maybe the girl... I just couldn't find it though. when I was holding the paper and looking through it, someone told me to get out and "stop fluttering that paper about", so I did, and outside the office another guy said the same. except this time, he was worried I was creasing HIS file, as he recognised the "dog on the cover". he seemed pissed at me before, but it seemed asthough thinking about "the dog on the cover" made him smile, as he just seemed to be in a world of his own. it's worth mentioning that this guy towered above me like he was 10 ft tall... and he had a massive class to teach, yet he was just standing there.

I asked him about the dog on the cover, and he told me something about it, I can't remember for the life of me, but asking that question put me on his good side. he patted my head as I walked away. felt like I was 10. lol


anyway, next point I remember is being in this room with this old guy. apparently he was streaming live on youtube, some kind of prayer channel... he claimed he had over 300 viewers, to which some other guy said "that's quite good. 300 viewers"
he then offered me a seat, and said something along the lines of "you know how us Americans have great concentration? by eating the best of fruits... try THIS"---and he gave me a boiled lemon candy. lol, weird or weird?

that's pretty much it... typing a lot cos I just woke up and I remember most of it.

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  • 1 month later...

I had another one of those climax-before-waking-up dreams this morning. This time I was visiting someone's flat, but I noticed a weird, hostile-looking animal lurking in the shadows. It was some type of mutant land crab about the size of a medium-sized dog. It had a crimson-coloured carapace with yellow spots and blunt spines.

Two girls nearby who noticed it started freaking out, and I grabbed a nearby shovel. As I prepared to attack the "death crab" with the shovel, it came rushing at me with great speed. I can't remember anything after that bit, so that's probably when I woke up.

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i dreamt last night i looked like an older man with a hat and was in london with my friends and all the people were really nice, we went down a huge waterglide and then i lost them cause i took a bus to go find some recordstores but it was all shit, the end

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A small fragment of a dream I had the another night where I found out I was a distant relation of Werner Herzog on my Fathers side and was introduced to him. He showed me some footage he'd taken of me as a small boy: I was running around in moorlands killing and crushing lots of snails. Then he gave me some insecticide spray and I killed an owl with it. Then I got really regretful and sad about killing the owl (at least my younger self did, I was watching myself on video with Werner).

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My dreams are getting weird due to having a lot on my mind. i'm not sleeping much.

My dreams are mainly werewolf related, i cant remember how they start...but i dream i'm having lunch with a friend and as we're talking normally, their lower jaw starts to stretch out revealing fangs (kinda like the segment in American Werewolf in London, except its the lower jaw that stretches out while the human upper lip remains normal) i try to keep the conversation going knowing that he's going to pounce on me. i make my excuses and leave. In the dream i'm trying to get as far away from the scene as possible, im hazy on the means of transport but i'm escaping. This is terror. Last thing i remember is the creature running at me... and then woke up in a cold sweat, gasping.

Last weekend i dreamed a similar dream...but it was now me who was the vampwolf.....and it was what i'd become which was the true horror......

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