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Guest happycase

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Coincidentally, last night i actually had a dream about happycase. He was running on some traintracks and I didn't want to go with because it was dangerous. But i followed anyway and trains were coming here and there. I dodged into the bushes to avoid getting hit. After we were on the train tracks for a while like 5 girls in bikinis emerged walking toward us.



I DID have 2 very important dreams recently though:


The first one was Derrida as a rapist. He was an extremely horrifying rapist and he would rape women to get book deals from this really, really scary publicist lady who told him it was the only way.



The second one was unspeakably horrifying and it involved my old house and the bathroom inside of it. I've had many dreams of this bathroom being overflowing with the most disgusting shit when I had to use it, when guests would be downstairs or robbers were invading the yard outside. Every time I dream of my old house where my mom and dad still live, there is this grey, dim lighting feeling. It's a very deep, dangerous part of my unconscious mind I think. Because I have seen this toilet bathroom dream many times. THIS time... in the dream the bathroom was TERRIFYINGLY CLEAN. Like, sparkling, sterile, white clean. There was a sheen to it that was disturbing


For the next 2 days I was really depressed and every time I went near my bed I was reminded of the feelings I had in the dream, some kind of nostalgia for childhood from the deep recesses of my mind. I really am troubled by this part of myself and feel like it must be a universal experience.


Did someone crap all over the walls in there or what man?




I'm going to type this anyway:


Well, I've often been concerned that dreams were interference from outside forces. This seems to fit within certain... psychoanalytic... theories, who say our ego is in interaction with the world, and our unconscious mind is somehow a part of this, outside of our awareness. I've come to believe this is true.


So in a sense, when I thought "a dream is satan coming into my mind and scaring me, it's influenced by spirits" - I am correct. Except they aren't really spirits, but things happening in my unconscious mind, outside of my conscious awareness. When I really am in close contact with that part of myself, it is terrifying and transcends human language and daily cycles. We all know dreams are weird, but sometimes the weirdness just hits a level where you're like... yeah. This is too fucking weird.


I really want to read some serious psychoanalytical stuff, or just dream theories. Because sometimes they are so epic and powerful, spiritual even... and I would love to have a greater experience of this, and to be able to help other people understand it.

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Guest Drahken

Had a strange dream last week, unlike any dream I've had before. It was pitch black, I couldn't see anything though it felt like my eyes might be trying to focus. I could tell I was outside because it was raining and the ground was wet. I remember determining that I was on some asphalt and being concerned I was in the middle of the road so I was feeling around with my hands on the wet pavement trying to find the edge so I could at least rest easy knowing I was on the shoulder. What was so weird about the dream was how it was entirely senses other than vision. I don't know if I was blind in the dream or it was really just totally pitch black but it felt as disorienting as any experiences I've had in dark places before. I could feel the moist grittiness on my hands from touching the pavement, I could feel the rain and smell the mix of of it and the road. Very strange but kinda cool. Never ceases to amaze me how realistic an experience the mind can create.

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Guest bitroast

I have a real hard time remembering dreams. And when I do they're generally lame (except for the Werner herzog dream^^).

I remember one dream from few years back. I walked into a music store, browsed the 'dance' section. Picked up the (then new) cd re-issue of AFX - Hangable auto bulb. Decided it was too expensive, but it back down and walked out the store. /end lamest dream I've ever had.

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I dreamt that I'd arranged to interview Barak Obama about his love of basketball for some magazine. He was sitting in my office while I was frantically rummaging around through drawers and piles of paper trying to find questions and a recording device. I was totally unpreparred. He just sat there with his arms crossed and scowling as if to say "You're wasting my time, I could be doing something important right now."

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had a brief dream that some guy was annoying me and being a dick, so I used my telekinetic powers to lift up a mattress and push him into this river, where I then put the mattress on top of him so he couldn't swim back up. when some other people noticed they started freaking out; none of them could swim either, so they just watched him. :cerious:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only remembered it right before waking up this morning, but one other dude and I were in some kind of brownish green valley with a grey sky, with leafless trees everywhere. But these weird scorpion-like critters covered in velvet fur began surrounding us. The velvet scorpion things were afraid of indoor environments for some reason, so we sought refuge in the nearest building. Turns out it was some abandoned dance studio, with mirrors covering the walls and very dim florescent lighting. I could here a sort of low, droning ambient FM synth pad in the background. But I woke up before we ventured any further.

I hate waking up just when dreams get interesting.

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keep having this recurring dream where i'm trying to drive a car from the backseat. what in the hell.

I remember having the same dream a while back. my arms and legs could stretch out so I could actually drive, but I just kept smashing into things.

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I sometimes have dreams where someone else is driving from the back seat, and I always wonder how the fuck that even works and why I'm entrusting them with my life. Other times I'm driving in the driver's seat, but very poorly and can't get the breaks to work or the car to turn fast enough (I don't drive in real life, so that's probably a fairly accurate representation).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Had one of those "could only remember the bit before waking up" dreams again about an hour ago.

This one was kind of disturbing though. I witnessed some teenagers in gym shorts on a street corner downtown, and realized they were in a shootout with each other using automatic weapons.

It's as if they got bored with virtual gun play and wanted to do it for real.

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Had one of those "could only remember the bit before waking up" dreams again about an hour ago.


This one was kind of disturbing though. I witnessed some teenagers in gym shorts on a street corner downtown, and realized they were in a shootout with each other using automatic weapons.


It's as if they got bored with virtual gun play and wanted to do it for real.


Had one of those this morning. I can vaguely remember lots of strange events happening in a warehouse, but the only bit I can really remember is feeding a jar of garlic, cheese and onion jam to a horse, just before waking up.


Also, upon waking, I thought "that's not jam, that's chutney."

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i was at a really pathetic, sort of post-apocalyptic theme park where the attractions became progressively more nightmarish as i went on. i can't remember much except that the sky was blue-black with silhouetted buildings that i was hopping along like a platformer game. i saw someone i knew and followed them into a cat-drawing seminar. ended up in some maze-like building with old broken electronics scattered on tables. there was one particular small L-shaped room that i eerily felt like i had been in before. as i was leaving the theme park daytime approached and everyone was gathered at an amphitheatre with fell beasts from lord of the rings. they would fly out and grab members of the audience and throw them into the sky but nobody ran away or exhibited any fear.

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I just had a really long dream. we were walking through a field with trees overhead and talking. it was very pleasant actually. at one point I tried to run from you but you kept catching me. It was like I was too heavy to get away. You told me you were pregnant and then I started screaming and crying. I screamed myself awake.

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I had a dream I changed my name to Frosty

I changed it via Facebook, which I hope never becomes real

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i dreamed my grandfather hugged me and i felt his love like an otherworldly energy. I woke up crying. He passed away this year. I didnt go to see him on his death bed nor did i attend his funeral because my relationship with my Grandmother is very, very, very bad.

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