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Guest happycase

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Guest happycase

Last Dream


Isabel is a fugitive with an "itch to see the whole Universe." She sympathetically ditches the policeman she's with and hitchhikes a redhead to a honey farm. There is a man collecting Maple White Honey in white caskets. He is holding a bear which is peeing into a litter box. I take a spoon full of honey and taste it. I put another spoonful into a plastic bag. The man is worried that the bear is slowly figuring out that it IS a bear.


The One Before That


Dreamt that several friends and family members died and reincaranted into new bodies. They were brought back as slightly dazed and confused but unmistakable versions of their old selves, dealing with basically the same internal workings as before. I see a bird flying around with a lightbulb tied around its neck. There is a piano playing.

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Guest happycase


I'm going to type this anyway:


Well, I've often been concerned that dreams were interference from outside forces. This seems to fit within certain... psychoanalytic... theories, who say our ego is in interaction with the world, and our unconscious mind is somehow a part of this, outside of our awareness. I've come to believe this is true.


So in a sense, when I thought "a dream is satan coming into my mind and scaring me, it's influenced by spirits" - I am correct. Except they aren't really spirits, but things happening in my unconscious mind, outside of my conscious awareness. When I really am in close contact with that part of myself, it is terrifying and transcends human language and daily cycles. We all know dreams are weird, but sometimes the weirdness just hits a level where you're like... yeah. This is too fucking weird.


I have had a shift in perspective too, vam. Basically, it's a reversal of this universal presumption that dreams, visions, and other "supernatural" glistenings are "in" the mind. I think this is our way of avoiding the fact that the mind is more than just a personal storage bin for our thoughts, musings, and fixations. It is also and primarily the apparatus of contact between "Here" and "That" (between I and It). What that It is, is just as real as the apparatus. So when I glimpse someone else's subconscious mind, which they are not necessarily seeing or understanding while I glimpse it, I am nevertheless in contact with a part of them. This could explain Freud's "Death Wish" perception - not as a paranoid delusion, but as pure contact with primitive elements of Jung's psyche. Our job, then, is to distinguish Consciousness from Sub-Consciousness. When the Self is aware of things that others are not aware of, we call this "thinking," "hallucination," or "imagination." But it is actually "Information" gathered and decoded from originally uninterpreted energy. It is sort of like Galileo being privy to workings others were not aware of because of his telescope and studious nature. But in these circumstances the mechanism is the functioning of the brain or mind. How it accentuates and focalizes on perceptions. To be aware of the cruelty or strangeness underlying our consciousness, to be aware of harshness or criticism in the world *can* be appreciated as a gift, but it's largely misunderstood and framed in the context of psychological illness. It can make people ill if it's not understood or if it feels threatening. Consciousness can manage the energy quite well, it just doesn't know it's doing it. It's part of the survival mechanism that ensures the possibility of friendship, survival, and global safety. So we can trust the apparatus while studying its contents. But its critical to feel safe.

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I dreamt I was about to play my first noise show, which for some stupid reason was scheduled for one in the afternoon. I was concerned I would sleep through it, or not have enough time to get batteries/adapter for my delay pedal. I awoke from the dream, checked my facebook, and got a message asking if I could play a noise show on Feb 16. First noise show dream, first noise show gig offer. Weird coincidence.

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all my dreams lately have been too fuzzy to remember except im almost always around people i've never met before doing a bunch of shit I dont remember but having a good time and enjoying myself on a level I don't normally in real life.

Edited by david
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Mine was an alien invasion of planet earth. These are my scariest dreams. In all other dreams I'm brave and call bullshit, but with these alien invasion dreams I freak the fuck out and it's real until I wake.


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There's a guy at my work that I used to work with called Bradley. He's a young, camp, muppet-like, spotty bean-pole with a head the shape of a pickled onion.


In my dream last night my girlfriend and I had killed him and planned to eat him.

We were rubbing his dead, naked body with maldon sea salt. The way you usually prepare pork belly or similar.

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Last night I dreamed that I was watching gay-porn starring Mike Paradinas and a Vacuum salesman with Down Syndrome. It was set in the woods and Mike was covered in Seaweed and looked to be in some pain (he was the bottom), though I was later told that it was just his o-face.

Edited by Goiter Sanchez
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Guest happycase

Last night I had a very sexual dream where a pretty girl with HIV kept trying to get me to have sex with her. I really didn't want to, but somehow she raped me in the end, with my permission.

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2 grandpas were in my dream. a cat running around the basement.


man, I'm always dreaming about my old cat and I just remembered one a few days ago where I asked my mom, "how do you keep ressurecting (my cat)?" i'm seriously, this is the single most reoccuring dream for me possibly


anyway i had to clear some stuff out of my room... searched frantically for weed and found it in a star wars vhs set

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I had one of the must fucking creepy nightmares ever, holy shit. I was like taking care of the son of one of my Mom's friend, but he was like fucking deformed or something, kinda LimpyLoo's avatar. Shit! And he walked so bad and weird. That's all I remember because I woke up like at 4:00am

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I had a dream that a black cobra bit my finger and then both the soles of my feet, they turned black and I went back to my hotel. At the hotel I chopped off my finger and both my feet, then I woke up. I fucking hate my dreams!

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At the hotel I chopped off my finger and both my feet, then I woke up. I fucking hate my dreams!

lol, nice.


I dreamt I was messing around with my microkorg, found a setting on one of the bass sounds that created this static like hiss. From out of the hiss a man's voice started talking about something I can't remember, then started talking about his first time doing acid. I looked at my gf and was like "dude, this is a bass setting wtf." Then I either hit record or at least thought about it before waking up.

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Was snowboarding last night and fell and hit my head & chest hard, so I fainted and dreamt about walking around in an american grocery store feeling awesome, taking mtv-fish eye-long steps (early busta rhymes/missy elliot style) and pointing at stuff etc. Then when I woke up I had been out around 15 seconds according to my friend - something that had felt like several minutes. Was shocking and strangely pleasing.

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Guest Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald

Had one of my best and worst dreams all in one night. The first involved me driving down a motorway and started listening to this record by Daniel Johnston that apparently was recorded on a really long acid trip. It sounded absolutely mental, like an acapella Hi, How Are You produced by Autechre. The world then dissolved around me and spent the next 15 minutes in this undescribable interactive audiovisual experience. Was absolutely insane.


After falling asleep again then had this dream I initially was seeing Django Unchained with people I recognised as friends, then suddenly I had a gun in my hand whilst walking through a car park ready to start a cinema shooting with them. Whilst they weren't looking I jumped in a police car and explained what was about to happen. They decided to face them outside the car park, but just as we parked outside they abandoned their plans after my betrayal and went on a rampage killing innocent civilians. The cop car drove away for safety and despite my pleas to arrest them the officer was complaining there was no backup as they were all protecting the national festival outside the cinema.

That's when I remembered there was a bomb outside the cinema to blow up people fleeing the shooting. So I rushed to the festival to work out where the bomb was. I caught the eye of a well known local that everyone loved as he always wore a reindeer suit and couldn't work out why he was sitting on the floor. I then worked everything out; the cinema shooting was a hoax and my betrayal was planned. The local sitting on the floor wasn't a local, it was the bomb in his suit. The whole thing had been engineered to maximise the amount of deaths. I ran to alert everyone, but the bomb exploded and I became the lone survivor of two mass murders. I then walked through a street of mangled bodies, unable to cope with the fact my actions to prevent disaster is what led to so many deaths.


I woke up and felt pretty shit for most of the morning.

Edited by Brian Sweeney Fitzgerald
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I had a dream that I woke up, in my bed, and had a CD in my hand. I unwrapped it trying to read what it said on it. I was telling myself to remember what it said, and that actually made me go lucid. I read "pecan25" as an album title. It was weird. Then I went outside and shagged some woman

edit: my birthday is on the 25th of may. maybe I'll get pecans for my next birthday? i'll keep you all updated

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Had an apocalypse dream last night where the sun was slowly getting hotter and increasing the amount of radiation on Earth (is this a real thing?). All I could think about was I had to make data discs of all my own music so I didn't lose it, as I was leaving to wander with the other humans, The Road style.


At one point I was in my old bedroom with my sister and an unpleasant smell was coming through window. I asked what it was and my sister said it was (won't type his name), one of my line managers at work. His corpse was in our garden beneath the window.


Then, later on in the dream, it turned out some people were more sensitive to the radiation from the sun and became what everyone called 'hamstermen'. They were kind of zombies but called hamstermen because their heads and necks swelled (the necks bigger then the heads) and lost their skin, becoming raw and red.My line manager's corpse reanimated itself and became one of these.


Even later I was flying around an abandoned shopping centre, throwing things around with my mind. I can't remember if this was part of the same dream or a new one.

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i had a dream that i robbed a bank. this is the 2nd dream i've had about this. in the first dream (a few days ago) i had to get into position with my team at a specific time, but i got distracted by an old school-mate who happened to be a cop. she wanted me to join her to a cop seminar. in order not the arise suspecion, i went with her-


but the whole thing started to take too long and i noticed i had to get back to where i was supposed to be. i made an excuse that i had to leave, but she pointed out that the seminar was almost over- but i insisted and left.


outside, i met one of my fellow robbers and he was kinda angry because we were almost running late. when i finally got the rest of the "team" they were already shooting up outside the bank (which was in a strip mall). we immediately started pouring into position: i was in charge of holding the tellers and people who came to the bank to make deposits. the whole time i was hoping nobody would test me because it meant i had to shoot them and a murder charge would be added to my already pending armed robbery charge.


btw: i'd like to point out that there is a confusing adrenaline charge to committing such a crime. in the back of your mind, you kinda have this looming idea that you will be caught, but knowing it hasn't happened yet almost fuels you to continue instead of give up.


the 2nd part of my dream (last night) had me now evading police. i had a feeling this robbery had been considered to be much more serious than i had made it out to be because there were cops everywhere looking for us. at this point, my team seemed to have changed and was now made up mostly of high school friends. i remember being very angry at them for putting me in this position (why i had gone along i'll never know) but i found myself in a situation that wasn't going to get better.


at the end, we were all hiding in a bus and could see cops everywhere combing the area looking for us. one guy tried to get up to see whether the coast was clear (i kept whispering to him "get down, get down") but then one cop discovered us and shouting "i think we've got them all".


we were all made to get out of the bus and stand in a line and i literarily began to seriously contemplate the reason for continuing to live. i thought "well, i've heard of people learn new skills in prison, and perhaps i could wait around to see what new technology will be discovered and whether there will be life on other planets etc. but suicide cannot be ruled out now"

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Man, I have the most comically mundane, scattered dreams.


Last night I dreamt that my girlfriend got a call/text from her friend asking if she wanted to cowrite a book on the triathalon. She said to me "you know what? I'm gonna do it. Why not?" My response was "but do you really have any interest in the triathalon?" The end.


There was another mini-dream where I woke up to her talking in her sleep and saying gibberish, which culminated in her grinning insanely. My cat was also observing this and mimicked her grin with remarkable accuracy. I woke her up to tell her about it (in the dream). The end.


In another stupid dream (also last night) I was on a beach amidst a big group of people who were sitting around facing the ocean. I was not a part of the group, I was just there. They were listening to someone who I figured out was a yoga instructor, and this was some giant yoga convention. They seemed like very nice people (that was my major dream epiphany). I thought about trying to fly, but then didn't bother. Instead I walked further down the beach where it transformed into a convention centre. Apparently there was going to be some yoga related film playing there. The end.


Shit dream from last night #4: I was in the back of a jeep with my old choir conductor and some other singers. He was talking about the trip we were going to take the following day to some place, for which we'd need a specific piece of music. I realized I didn't have that piece of music with me and mentioned as much. He proceeded to flip out at me for never having my music and couldn't believe how frequently I lost my music. Oh god why am I writing out this dream why are you still reading... anyway, I explained that I just lost things in general and had done so since I was a child, it was nothing against his music. After being dropped off it occurred to me that I probably did have my music at home and wasn't sure why I told him I'd lost it. Maybe I was convinced we were already on the way to the place where we would need it. But I reasoned I probably shouldn't mention it to him because than I'd seem like an even bigger asshole/idiot. The end.


Aaaand in the 5th dream I was hanging out with my mom in her kitchen. She had a giant fucking spider web in her back yard that took up the whole yard. I asked her where it came from. She said she'd had it for 20 years. Then we were in the back yard and the web was folded up in something like a badminton net. It was actually part of the net, hard to explain and not worth it. There was a second net, and also my dad. Then we were in her room and apparently she had given away the spider web. I accused her of lying about the whole thing. Then she admitted someone gave it to her as a sympathy gift the day before. I asked who sent it. She gave me some random name that was possibly made up. The end.


But wait, there's more. :facepalm: I also dreamt me and my gf lived in a log cabin/condo. We found a neglected kitten in our unit. It belonged to our cunty neighbor who never fed it. I kept throwing little balls down a long dead-end hall for it to run after. My gf gave it some tuna. The end.


There was probably more idiot dream vignettes that I can't remember. Someone let Jim Jarmusch know I have his next movie ready for him.

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Last night i was really restless and had several vivid dreams. Last one before i got up was interesting. I was working out with Quentin Tarantino discussing films recently watched. He leaned over and asked me who my favourite youtube cannibal was. "Trillion dollar school shooting" i replied before leaning in and showing him strange pictures of Alex Jones on Piers Morgan. "Now i understand GTAV docking" he murmured. "The Hobbit loses Guillermo Del Toro" i laughed. I laughed powerfully before stopping abruptly. "Recent purchases thread, Quentin". I stared.


"what?" he looked confused


"recent purchases thread." i repeated sternly.


I untucked my shirt from my trousers and shaved my furry six pack. I cried for what felt like 55 minutes. This truly was the metamorphosis of Dark Souls when taxidermy goes bad.

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