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Guest happycase

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i dreamed california had a huge earthquake and obama had some really hard decisions to make

the country was decimated and the damage well beyond anything we have ever seen before

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I wrote this one down already, but it's in German. I couldn't be bothered to translate it myself so I put it into google auto translate and the result is quite funny:



Anja and I are on the fence of my neighbors with a small child. The fence, however, is the dream of green and a sort of chain-link fence, steel fence does not like the real thing. The dogs come over and I notice that the dark dog missing two thirds of his fur, the white has left the bare face and ignited. I say to the owners beware: These are mites.


Then: I'm with the school on a study tour in Thailand or something. We live in temple city its kind, under the open sky. Is not there everywhere are decorated with white walls, but the style of Thailand, I thought after waking up (although I'm not even look like the style of Thailan and I just googled for "White Temple Wall" and the picture in which I thought, looked as SO WAS from Thailand ... OO)

This temple town do not like it because it is so restrictive. Außenrum are just eternally long motorway bridges and so cloud-shrouded plateau where you will not walk away.

Eventually started my "project": I have a film premiere there, as I think back then, and for this I thought I was special - it takes place under water. Since a square pool in the soil, so 4x4 meter. The water is kept exactly to the top and spills over, as soon as you move around in the water. In the pool in it a kind of projection is on the people sit you. There is no breathing equipment and anything to keep all the air but also seems to be no problem. Maddin projector is behind us, and projected the film (which was kind of what the quality of like Beverly Hills Cop on TV last night). Except me, nobody worried about all the animals that were in the pool. This pool was no swimming pool but that is just an excerpt of the sea. Everywhere, there were algae and corals grown over it and there were all sorts of marine life in the basin. The pool was much deeper than 4 meters, you could not see the reason above us was a parrot fish, but I knew that somewhere there is a large squid while (about 2 meters) - but it was not dangerous. Were dangerous to the puffers and lionfish. And as the red lionfish has eventually spread as a funny reddish substance in the water, I am with two others fled out of the pool, the rest have looked further.


Outside, I cried, "STILL NOT BREATHE!" and she moved away to a safe area because the whole temple was overgrown with coral-like organic crops, from which came yellow spores or sulfur fumes.

My upper bathroom is there in Thailand. Anja sit in there, a few other people (Felix "Hello Hello" Beckman? And Malta from Madrid trip?) And my mother. Anja has a small speaker off the train and play their own music. It's like murder, but it's not rape and murder. The conversation is mainly about the lunar eclipse that takes place just outside the window - all are excited whisper reverently. I wait until all are gone except for Anya and my mother, and then say to my mother: "But you know already, that Yuri Gagarin's dead?" - "Of course I know"


Then I'm back in the "courtyard" of the temple. The organic crops are not there anymore, it's daylight again, and the whole yard is a swimming pool has become. Without marine vegetation, he has been simply flooded with blue chlorinated water. Swimming is the normal mode of transportation there at that time of day. Almost all have air mattresses. Then a girl comes over to Ner mattress that looks familiar, but then I do see the other half of her face and it's like the dogs, red inflamed skin.


The water is drained off and suddenly you fall to the ground. What remains are those "Gewölle" from each of 3-4 wet wasps / bees, the balls are rotating around itself by the last puddle of water chlorine. People step on them barefoot and being stung in the soles (childhood memories of mine that I sometimes happen) - I say to a Thai: "You yourself better watch: Four, five wasps and bumblebees tangled up all together like that, that's called a Beeking! " - I'm the only shoes on so I will not get bitten and think: "Yes, shoes are actually the greatest invention of mankind"




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  • 1 month later...
Guest futuregirlfriend

I dreamt that I somehow got the news that one of my friends had been shot at a university he isn't even studying at. I was the first to know and had to somehow break it to another friend. The three of us were very close throughout school. I collected my friend, I'm struggling to think of what to say, I get a few words out and my friend mentions some sort of giant pizza. I thought, I'll let you have this pizza, pal.


In my memory of the dream, things currently happening are interspersed with bits of my friends final few hours. All I can remember writing this is him dancing with two fat girls in a club, later he's running down some stairs to a reception area when a thin girl shoots him.


So, I'm eating pizzas and burgers outside of a train station with my longtime friend, and another that we met in comprehensive school. I see the mother of the deceased and at first I look away, but then I looked at her and smiled like 'I haven't even heard the news, please come over and tell so that I don't have to.' She just goes by. No one else saw her. I feel terrible because I'm alive and stuffing my face. The friend I made in comprehensive school is suggesting that I photoshop us up a funny with sympathy card. I say sure but really I feel it's a bad idea even though "something about a squirrel laboratory, you know" makes a bit of sense in the dream.

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Last night, I dreamt it was the end of the world and there was rioting in the streets. I went with a friend into a church and struggled past a priest to get somewhere safe.

We ended up going through a door into a small room with another door, through that door and into another room with another door and this continued until we were lost in a labyrinth of small rooms and doors. Occasionally, we'd meet people in one of the rooms and interact or have a long conversation.

This went on and on and on and on...

Once, the room had windows to the outside and people were still setting things on fire.

It was a tad scary, but very intriguing to see what the next room would behold.

Edited by jefferoo
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I had an Aphex dream.


I was in some kind of cramped little studio with a bunch of black guys who were talking enthusiastically about hiphop production. One of them had a laptop with shitty speakers blasting out the Windowlicker acid edit remix and raving about how Aphex was the godfather of hiphop. wtf. I had to take a piss and walked down a corridor to go to the toilet when I notice an open door at the far end and Richard himself sitting behind a big console with headphones on. When I get close I notice Richard's actually a woman dressed in an elegant white robe and is quite embarrassed at being discovered, to the point of blushing, which makes his gingerness even more apparent. Except he's a hot ginger chick. wtf. After asking a few typically stupid interview-type questions I leave him/her alone, have my piss, go back and the black guys are now playing the Analords and mimicking the acid squelches vocally.


I tried really hard to divine something about a new release from all this but I couldn't, sorry guys.



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  • 2 weeks later...

last night i dreamt that i'm engaging in a gay sex.


it was some kind of a trip to a mountainous area, the tour bus we were on stopped at a gas station for a break and me and my buddy got out to breathe some fresh air. we met some character who somehow talked us into having a gay threesome in the bus. it all happened pretty quick and we were already undressing on the way back to the bus, when we boarded the bus all 3 of us were nude, we proceeded to the back of the bus while putting on our condoms (i had some minor trouble doing it due to weak erection but it a couple of moments it got right), although i was behind my buddy and that dude who talked us in into having a threesome, somehow i ended up alone with that dude. he was sitting in on a bus seat in a position that can only remind me of this thing plum brought up:


(there was nothing resembling essines in that dream though). we were both pretty skinny so there was no problem logistically speaking. i commenced with the penetration, it was very smooth and enjoyable, some people who sat beside us started talking to us but there was no hostility whatsoever, i remember engaging in a friendly conversation with them while fucking that guy, that's all basically.


this is not some made up ludd shit, it all happened as i described in a dream last night and im completely straight.

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Today I had a strange half dream. I was in a state between sleeping and waking; I could see my room but hadn't yet shaken off the paralysis of the dream state. My room was accurate; but looking to the side I was holding a Stockhausen LP. It seemed to be one of a series; Vol 6 and Vol 7 on the respective sides, with appropriate subtitles (Music for the Vibration of Low Earth Frequencies, conceptual new music stuff). The tone of the writing on it was along the lines of "Oh shit, you thought we'd run out of Stockhausen? Well no we didn't! We got even -more- cool shit to show you on this LP. Dig it." The label or series was entitled "Atoms for American Music."

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last night i dreamed i was in skrillexes show and they were going around asking for everyones keys. i was like wtf man (to they guy going around asking for everyones keys are u official im not giving u my keys) but everyone else was giving them there keys so i went out of this place where skrillex way going to play his show to a table in the next room where there was a security dude and asked are u talking everyones keys and he says yes and im like why and i dont remember what but it was like security reason or something so i gave him my keys lol. then i went back into the show and was talking with someones mom about how awesome is skrillex then i woke up before skrillex could of even played any songs :sad:

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dreamt that i was walking to my old middle school to play basketball with my friend scott and as i turned the corner into the parking lot , there were hundreds of riot cops lined up in front of the school and there was a huge crow all in blac; a demonstration there in the parking lot. i walked up from the edge and asked a riot cop "is everyone just standing here?" and cop just said "Yep" all civilized like. i then remote viewed my friend scott in the middle of the mass of demonstrators holding the basket ball, determined i couldn't be arsed to wade in and find him, and left. skip to me walking home down this local highway, i dreamt for some bit myself(?) just walking down this road, nothing novel, just walking and observing quite lucidly the familiarites of this local road, it was around sunset, and that's it. /end dream


the novelty came later that day when i was cheelin at home around sunset my friend scott called me to ask for a ride home, and that he was walking down very same road in my dream to get home from work, as he was temporarily without a car. coincidentally, i was also without a car at the time and was willing but unable (fuck i love triangles and rhombuses) to give him a lift. funny thing is didn't make the connection til after we hung up, but told him later. he laughed, mainly just a school string of experiences for myself.


that was last week or something

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i was eating a normal sandwich, like with cheese and ham and salad stuff, but it also had marmite in it.. it was alright, very savoury, but i'd have preferred mayonnaise and mustard (i said)

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Guest viscosity

was in some kind of dark container trying to align a swaying laser-like device with a receptor. place was a bit like minecraft in that we could construct/deconstruct things around us. I guess our bills weren't being paid so some enforcers were trying to get through a maingate, but we fortified it with these steel walls to keep them out. when I woke up, the same entrance looked like my windows/blinds


i have no idea how to decipher any of this, but that's what i remember

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I was at a nice house with a couple friends. All of a sudden Bryan Cranston shows up with a nice big entourage of Hollywood elites. They're nice down to earth people despite the stature. We're hanging out having a good time, Bryan starts naming stuff he's been in, and tells me he wasn't completely satisfied with the way the film 'Drive' turned out.


Everyone is about to leave, but I convince them to stay and suggest we go out for more beer. They all agree, but just then a big crowd shows up, people I don't know. A small group goes upstairs and comes back coked out. We decide we can't leave the house unattended while going to the liquor store, so I go around asking the shadier people to leave while Bryan Cranston (using skills he learned while filming Breaking Bad) builds a bug from scratch, so we can listen in on the house while we're out. I go looking for a place to put the bug, and the dream ends as everyone is leaving and I realize we've really been wasting a lot of time.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest futuregirlfriend

A real bonerific one. I was reclining, watching a film with a non-existent step-mother and two non-existent step-sisters, one of which was acting very lasciviously. I was concerned that she may be spotted before we could really get to business, telling her to cool it down, all the while amazed that the step-mother didn't notice what was going on in front of her eyes and put a stop to it.


In another dream last night I could hear the most amazing melody ever. i was thinking wow I've got to remember this so I can do it on the computer later, but I'd forgotten it by the time I woke up.

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Guest moonchild

i used to dream about this secret library where you could go and get books that hadn't been written yet. i wanted to check out so many of them and would then begin planning how i could read them all before i had to give them back. i would think things like "if i skip work and only stop reading to go to the bathroom i should be able to get them all read..." i love that library.

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Wow, I love that. I've had a number of dreams where I'm about to read something world-morphing, only to wake up shortly thereafter from growing too excited.


I was going to share a very personal dream journal entry, the longest I've ever written, that depicted an alien invasion and my family's own perseverance, but it's being held captive by a hard drive that won't post.



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  • 1 month later...
Guest futuregirlfriend

I keep having dreams about people followed by dreams that I'm telling the person about the dream. First one of these I can remember had me bumping into someone from school then racing them down the street. Later I dreamt I was telling them about it and we started racing again. On Sunday evening I was invited around someone's house to eat with some people. Never met her before. Last night I dreamt that she died during dental surgery. I then had another dream where I told her about the dream and she cried.


Another recent dream: I really needed to buy a few pairs of trousers but the shop I was in only had pre-fucked-up, ripped, stressed, sequinned and glittered jeans. I was feeling really anxious and horrible until I spotted another room with more rails. At first glance it looked like trouser paradise. I could see the waists of chinos, slacks, normal looking jeans, sweat pants, everything. I started flicking through them though and saw they were all shorts. Really short shorts too.

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i was in an amazing structure. corridors, endless. styles upon style.


then Maximum M. being a rude-ass. knocked him out, pussyclot. watch the ride prikface...

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