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The Dark Knight Rises

Rubin Farr

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Overall... I thought it was A LOT cheesier and campier than the first two... but in a really enjoyable way. I was kinda worried it would take itself too seriously from the trailer, cos when you have something really dark you set up a lot of expectations.


Afterwards, me and my friends did ask a lot of questions, there were lots of minor details that seemed off (one guy was obviously one of those people who picked holes in the logic of like... "why didn't those guys just shoot them when they could?") which made me realise it was clearly style over substance, but then... it is a dumb fun super hero movie.


I do feel like these days, people over complicate films like this. A super hero movie should be dead simple. Make it simple and you can't fail. I'd rather see the same story over and over again, but told flawlessly with only superficial changes to make it seem like a new story (think of Pixar films, they're fucking beautiful, but most of them cover very similar ground).

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I thought Bane was incredible. I didn't understand everything he said though. His presence was overwhelming in most of the scenes, gave me chills.

While I personally think that he is rather unintimidating, I was more referring to the depth of his character.



I can't feel his pain. We see how he was hardened as a child, but I don't see it in him as an adult. And then later we figure out it wasn't even him or whatever, which made it really dumb. Also, I felt no emotion when he cried at the end; it was a weak attempt at giving him more depth. If he had had more depth to begin with then maybe it would've meant something, but I really didn't care about the character at all.



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there was a part in the movie that seemed like an intentional misdirection when





Bruce Wayne was lying in bed, in his robe and he hears the doorbell ringing. As we walks downstairs i swear they wanted us to think it was Bane coming to his house to kick his ass, like the scene straight out of knightfall when Bruce is unshaven and worn down.

I liked how they incorporated aspects of Knightfall but in some ways made it more epic.



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one of the best scenes in the entire movie besides the very very last scene was





when Bruce sees the hanging people on the bridge via the television from prison, extremely effective


and i know most people don't care but i did have a problem with the batman costume again, it just looked too modern or something.

his presence in the previous movies was visually better looking


and what the hell is up with Zack Snyder's art-house superman movie? the trailer was kind of a shock, but maybe they haven't filmed enough yet to see all the slo-mo superman fight scenes


edit: Scarecrow cameo was aweosme too, i wasn't expecting such a satisfying pre apocalyptic breakdown of society. In some ways the 3rd act reminded me of children of men or mad max



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one of the best scenes in the entire movie besides the very very last scene was





when Bruce sees the hanging people on the bridge via the television from prison, extremely effective


and i know most people don't care but i did have a problem with the batman costume again, it just looked too modern or something.

his presence in the previous movies was visually better looking


and what the hell is up with Zack Snyder's art-house superman movie? the trailer was kind of a shock, but maybe they haven't filmed enough yet to see all the slo-mo superman fight scenes



Yeah, it was alright, but it would've been more effective if the rest of the movie weren't so PG-13 boring. The movie wasn't deep enough otherwise, so that scene didn't really fit in.

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saw this in a theater full of bams shouting at the screen, absolutely smashed out my tits, it was amazing. minus batmans stupid voice, and the robin namedrop at the end. and batmans stupid voice was only in it like twice. but yeah. twas a beast of a film.


ps. anne hathaway would fuckin get it

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Am I the only one here who thought that the movie wasn't very good? That it was really just another Hollywood moneybag movie?


the movie wasn't really nearly as good as the last two IMHO, but i still enjoyed it. and yes, Batman movies usually tend to be "moneybag movies".

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@gmanyo: no, probably not and


do not read if you haven't seen the film:


I don't understand your point since we didn't see any of Bane's childhood, it being Talia's that we were seeing the whole time in the flashbacks.


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Am I the only one here who thought that the movie wasn't very good? That it was really just another Hollywood moneybag movie?


Nah, you're not. This movie was the Prometheus of the trilogy, imo.

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Am I the only one here who thought that the movie wasn't very good? That it was really just another Hollywood moneybag movie?


the movie wasn't really nearly as good as the last two IMHO, but i still enjoyed it. and yes, Batman movies usually tend to be "moneybag movies".

The other two were genuinely well put together, though. They didn't seem like moneybag movies, even though they were. The third one just felt less original and more like a money thing.

do not read if you haven't seen the film:


I don't understand your point since we didn't see any of Bane's childhood, it being Talia's that we were seeing the whole time in the flashbacks.


Yeah, that's my point in a way.

You get to the end of the film and all of a sudden the only characterization that Bane has is gone, and now the lady is supposed to be hardened by pain? She didn't seem like it. Ultimately, it didn't contribute to anyone's character in any way.


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that part of the 3rd act reveal seemed slightly tacked on, i like how it resolved but it wasn't exactly a surprise considering that the actress was announced as being that (not so secret) character before even Bane was announced. All nolan did was make the names of several characters different in the script to misdirect people

He did it with both Robin and Talia. In a sense it was a smart tactic to take away any fanboy speculative certainty.



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did no one else consistently lol at Bane's voice? really? It was absurd. Almost slapstick. After watching that Pee-Wee overdub, I couldn't help but think that if they had Peewee actually do the voice, it would h ave been 10x more enjoyable.


Robbie: I agree about the costume. I was hoping that when he made a come b ack, there would be a more classic or stripped down version of the costume (since he came back BROKEN etc).


one more thing..


what was with the Man of Steel trailer with Lord of the Rings music?

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at least it wasn't this music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9eEwsGPf3s


I thought the trailer was surprisingly effective.


Superman could use a different approach.


Snyder just sucks most of the time, Goyer should have written a good script for it though.


we shall see.


The Hobbit trailer gave me wood.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I really enjoyed Bane's voice and accent, I don't know what people think was wrong about it. Especially funny when he said "What a lovely lovely voice" about that little gay singing kid

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Guest Roksen Creek

He certainly doesn't sound Welsh in interviews. I don't know what accent he has now, it sounds closer to American, but it is strange.


I remember Steve Jones (another Welshman) interviewing him a while back, asking in a jesting sort of way what has happened to his Welsh accent. Bale was not pleased at all.

Throughout the interview Jones tried to joke with him, but Bale was having none of it. It was horrible to watch.


To be fair, I think he travelled a lot in his childhood and lived in numerous countries, so it's not his fault.

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Saw it in IMAX on Friday, thought it was a pretty great ending to Nolan's vision of the Batman universe. Sure, Batman's voice is a little odd sometimes, but it's not that bad. I didn't find Bane's voice all that hard to understand either, a couple words were missed here and there, but overall I was able to follow what he was saying well enough to know what was said without difficulty. Also considering for this installment Nolan was incorporating elements from three different major and very separate Batman story-arcs all originally by different writers (The Long Halloween, Knightfall, and The Dark Knight Returns) I think he did a pretty good job of bringing them into his vision of the Batman universe while still keeping it coherent. Some are saying the ending kind-of setup for a fourth one from Nolan, but I hope that's just hopeful speculation. I think this one ended well and would keep them nicely contained as a trilogy.

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Watched it today and I thought it flowed better than TDK, which in retrospect has some pacing issues. It was a huge story and bordering on the slightly convoluted, but in the end I thought Nolan made it work and it was a breeze. Hardy did a good job as Bane, considering half his face was covered and he did have an appropriate presence about him. Hathaway did a great job and I liked that there was no mention of "catwoman" and she was simply a very competent and professional burglar and none of that silly cat shit. The rest of the cast did a good job, with an honorable mention to Caine.

The action set pieces were epic and well done and sits well with the rest of the trilogy. The talk about this being a gritty realistic Batman, how well does this notion really hold? From the start of the series there's been pretty outlandish shit, that Nolan somehow made people buy as being plausible within this context. Ancient ninja tribe pumps fear gas into major city, a make-up wearing psychopath takes a whole city hostage and ancient ninja tribe seeks revenge by blowing up a nuclear device with a roid-raging superhuman leading the way? Yeah, this trilogy has always been in the comic book world but somehow Nolan and his writers have made it seem "realistic", how it's hard to pin point.

Overall an enjoyable film and a blockbuster action epic of the highest standard. With bringing back the League of Shadows from the first movie this last installment ties it up all nicely. Bonus points for having Crane/Scarecrow showing up in every movie somehow. Would have hoped that they would have someone in a purple coat and green hair fighting somewhere in the big fight scene outside the prison.

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Just thought today how the hell did Bruce Waynes knees fix themselves enough to climb that wall? Is he Wolverine now?


He did get some fancy knee brace that allowed him to break a brick wall.

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