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Also, IDM-zealots may tend to have a passive/aggressive tendency. (again, as neutral as I can...)



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I really enjoyed it... It wasn't perfect or anything. And it's not like the Star Wars prequels. I'm glad it exists.


But I feel like pre-release trailers kind of took some of the magic out of it. They just showed too much stuff in them.


Also I hate when something I've been so excited for as this is over with. Leaves me with this empty feeling, what next? (maybe I need to get a life).

Edited by Npoess
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it felt very cold and techy, and extremely slow even though things were happening. i agree with the trailer point above, it felt basically like the trailer except extended. i did love the visuals, they were perfect, but i felt the humor kind of ruined it and i didnt like how they just took the 'banter blue collar crew' thing from alien and ported it to this. to be honest it felt like a completely empty movie, but i still enjoyed it? why?! i didnt give two fucks about the characters and i felt no tension when shit was going down, but i still liked it.


i enjoyed the ending and how they tied it in with alien but at the same time i felt it was a bit too cheesy to HAVE to evolve humans into all the story (like we're so amazing or something). some part of me wishes it was a different type of movie. oh and the writing felt sloppy at times, and perhaps a bit confusing or 'fast'

Edited by coax
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Hi Movie Nerds....sorry to hear so much wimpy fucking crying around here....this movie hates you? Oh well, so fucking what.


On a more serious note. It's the witching hour and just got back from London. Watched the movie, had a few beers, had a good day all in all. Walked along the River Thames and people are camping out in tents in the rain to see the Queen tmrw. Fucking nutters.


Okay the film. There's obviously a hunred ways this could go, but I will keep it sweet.


It doesn't touch Alien, not in the slightest, which is bad. But it tells an interesting story, which is good. Fassbender and Noomi Repace are brilliant, absolutely brilliant. Everyone else? They are there to make the numbers up. There is some real lack of depth with character but the anti is upped every time Fassbender and Repace appear (the abortion scene is fucking mental!!) Theron is a pain in the fucking ass and should just fucking shot.


At the end of the day its a film that gives us some great insight into the creation of Alien. Alien is in my top 5 (top 3 maybe) films of all time so this was always going to dissapoint (the captain and his cabin crew just on a whim, with no evidence deciding to kill themselves and crash into the space jockeys ship is so fucking piss pooor).


So compared to Alien its not great, but then not many films are, but it's not a total disaster.


Lots of love,



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Guest Coalbucket PI

I absolutely wanted to empty my bollocks into Charlize Theron throughout the entire film even after she was

completely crushed by a huge spaceship

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Yeah Charlize was great to look at in that outfit.

But she didn't do a whole lot, apart from going "im not going out there" then "I'm going out there" then well how it ended. Screen time in total 20mins?

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i want to know two things:


is it quite talky (like, tech sci-fi star trek bollocks and plot explaining)?


is there any genuinely funny banter shit (robo-fassbender being roboty doesn't count)?

mark kermode answered that very specifically, and it was the thing he went on about the most in his review. no smalltalk, all bigtalk... oh well. still haven't seen it. sorry compson.

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Don't apologize, I'm not like some dictator or something who requires people I know to like something if I'm gonna associate myself. Cause like I don't even know if I will like Prometheus, its kind of a mystery really. That's my whole point in this, its like we give way too much thought to stuff before we experience it... and I think that negatively changes the outcome when you do experience it. The other thing is like Sarah Palin or whoever, its like the news keeps talking about her, when shes got no job, shes not senator or whatever, shes not running for President or anything, shes just like a crazy lady, but the media and news keep talking about her and thats the idea with like the internet. Theres no real point to be just slaggin stuff that you have no investment or interest because you just taking your time away from things that you could enjoy. That's all I'm saying.

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I agree about the characters, they felt underdeveloped. I didn't really give a shit about them (except for Idris Elba's caracter maybe).


did he pull off a southern accent well? British people have a really hard time with that, that's why Peter Sellers pretended to break his leg in Dr Strangelove, so he could get out of the Slim pickens part.

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British people have a really hard time with that


For all of it's flaws as a movie, Gary Oldman did a perfect Texas accent in The Fifth Element.


But Gary Oldman is Gary Oldman, he's a chameleon if he wants.

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The film is violent and tense but Sir Ridley - who has been an

outspoken critic of the current rules of film ratings - insists he cut

as much he could to open the film to a wider audience.


"It has to be be about the movie, so I've made concessions. There's a moment where you don't want to harm the movie.


But he acknowledges its a case of simple economics and getting an 18 certificate "could be the difference of $80m or more".


"It isn't real - I have monsters. Like the monsters in Lord

of the Rings, for kids they were pretty scary but they got a PG-13

because their blood was black, that's rubbish".


FULL INTERVIEW: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-17701436

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Can only hope that this will get the Kingdom of Heaven treatment and turn out to be a much better movie than it currently is.


fucking A, even though i thoroughly enjoyed the movie as is, it did feel heavily cut and tamed. quite exited for it to be restored, hopefully not 25 years later eh

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Guest Mirezzi

Can only hope that this will get the Kingdom of Heaven treatment and turn out to be a much better movie than it currently is.


fucking A, even though i thoroughly enjoyed the movie as is, it did feel heavily cut and tamed. quite exited for it to be restored, hopefully not 25 years later eh




I maintain still, plain and simple, that KoH Director's Cut was fucking stellar. One of Ridley's best and one of my favorites of the last 10 years.



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Can only hope that this will get the Kingdom of Heaven treatment and turn out to be a much better movie than it currently is.


fucking A, even though i thoroughly enjoyed the movie as is, it did feel heavily cut and tamed. quite exited for it to be restored, hopefully not 25 years later eh




I maintain still, plain and simple, that KoH Director's Cut was fucking stellar. One of Ridley's best and one of my favorites of the last 10 years.




I don't think I've ever seen another alternate cut that so totally transformed a film.

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British people have a really hard time with that


For all of it's flaws as a movie, Gary Oldman did a perfect Texas accent in The Fifth Element.


and a rasta in true romance

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Guest zaphod

i swear this is more marketing than movie. no wonder lindelof wrote it. it's perfectly empty, just like lost.

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loved the set designs and Scott's cinematic craftsmanship


Fassbender was cool as was Pearce


didn't like the busy editing that stripped the film of any tension and suspense and set the film at an tedious pace


the dumbed down script left little depth to the characters and the science of the story in fact I found most of the characters unsuited with a very unscientific attitude for a state of the art exploration team


I would have liked to have seen a more steady pace with more depth to the story and characters even if it meant making it 30+ minuets longer as the whole film seemed rushed along with little poise

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