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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I've gone through two pairs of sony earbuds, and one pair of klipsch. The standard iPod earbuds don't stay in my ear very well. I'm holding out until I can aford some proper headphones in the hopes that their cord might be a bit stronger. I would use my AKGs, but of course the right headphone doesn't work and anyways they're semi-open.


Have you thought about IEMs/canalphones?

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I've gone through two pairs of sony earbuds, and one pair of klipsch. The standard iPod earbuds don't stay in my ear very well. I'm holding out until I can aford some proper headphones in the hopes that their cord might be a bit stronger. I would use my AKGs, but of course the right headphone doesn't work and anyways they're semi-open.


Have you thought about IEMs/canalphones?


Sorry, I should be clearer in my choice of words - the Sonys and the Klipsch were actually IEMs. I liked them in terms of sound quality (the first pair of Sony were especially nice, but that was when I was making money), it's just that they always break at the jack.

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I ran out of lunchmeat, except for two paltry slices of turkey, in my lunchmeat stockpile at work. I had to have a sandwich with two slices of meat, and almost twice as much cheese just to make up for it. Plus, I was too lazy to go to the cafeteria on the other side of the building to get mayo, so I substituted it for a dab of ranch dressing. Worst day ever.

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Might not be a first world problem, but I bit my tongue yesterday while chewing gum, and it still hurts just as much today. Fastest healing organ my ass!

I think this would still irritate me to no end even if I were living in the most impoverished horrific living conditions on earth, but there's no other thread suitable to complain about it in.

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There is a private torrent called karakafkakafka or something, it apparently has every obscure film in existence. I don't know whether to apply or not, first because what if they don't accept me and then I don't really need to start hoarding files, because I have a long queue and there is not enough time in the day to keep track of so much stuff. But I discovered a couple of weeks ago that Hitler and his buddies used to watch three or four films every night so maybe I don't know how to manage my free time?

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Guest disparaissant

i have to read chapter one of a book for a class on medieval history that i have in an hour and i ordered it from amazon and it hadnt arrived by the time i had to leave this morning. oh well.




i have invites to a load of private torrent trackers and I JUST DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO WITH THEM.



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I had a second degree sunburn on my face 2 days ago and I don't want to go out because my face looks literally disgusting and I don't want to be seen like a monster.

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There is a private torrent called karakafkakafka or something, it apparently has every obscure film in existence. I don't know whether to apply or not, first because what if they don't accept me and then I don't really need to start hoarding files, because I have a long queue and there is not enough time in the day to keep track of so much stuff. But I discovered a couple of weeks ago that Hitler and his buddies used to watch three or four films every night so maybe I don't know how to manage my free time?

i dono man it's a pretty sweet site JUST SAYING

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Guest disparaissant

its actually called kurglegurgle.


i broke that headphones jack a while ago and can't waste the 2-3 weeks it would take to send it in for repairs and the jack is on the mainboard and i aint about to fuck with that and void my warranty so i got this usb -> headphones adaptor for real cheap but it has a ludicrous amount of line noise whenever my hard drive is in use which is ALWAYS.


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Guest disparaissant

solution found - listen to loud music all the time when i have headphones on.


wait thats not a solution im just going to exacerbate my tinnitus. the prices we pay...

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