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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Also give me your jammy-jams and I'll get the poopoo stains out for you.



edit: did you floss today? I have some floss in my purse. HERE TAKE IT

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edit: did you floss today? I have some floss in my purse. HERE TAKE IT


lol :(


i want to have a spliff but it's -15 outside and the wind's howling, don't feel like getting on my bike

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Also give me your jammy-jams and I'll get the poopoo stains out for you.



edit: did you floss today? I have some floss in my purse. HERE TAKE IT

lol, for what it's worth though, due exclusively to your suggestion to check out a doctor, I:


1. made an account with my health care provider for the first time

2. found a walk in clinic in traveling distance

3. decided to go tomorrow morning


so you might have saved my life. or at least saved me from pooping myself again. i thought i could wait out the stomach bug, but apparently they can last upwards of a week or two, and that's a long time not to eat. so, good call.

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had the WORST stomach bug in surinam, because i ate something wrong. probably the dried catfish that was smelly, but i'm not sure.


got REALLY sick really fast, delirious because of the fever, i can't remember much of it. got antibiotics the next morning and i guess that made me better. it was in the countryside and i vaguely remember hallucinating weird birds in the sky on the boatride back..


that shit can kill, though, and you don't want die because of rotten catfish right? :(

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My gf got the shits pretty bad the last few days we were in Tanzania.


The best thing we did before we left for the trip (aside from buying antimalarials) was get a packet of ciprofloxacin and an anti-diarrhea kit from the Healthy Traveler Clinic in Pasadena.


KY, you might seriously consider buying an Oral Rehydration Solution until you can get to the doctor.


This is not, I should point out, a particularly first world problem.

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third world solution! walk-in clinic doctor told me to just eat shit-tons (lol) of bananas, toast and rice. i hope "rice" means i can just order chinese food for dinner lol. and i got immodium, and a prescription for some travelers' diarrhea (lol) medication.



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third world solution! walk-in clinic doctor told me to just eat shit-tons (lol) of bananas, toast and rice.


i just spat out part of my ale emergency ration

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just ate raw onion (with fish, fermented herring, and pickles plus booze) but i don't feel like brushing my teeth for her, not picking up my phone either. i hope i won't get dysenteria nor the scorn of a woman, whichever's worse.


I've been picking my nose for 3 weeks.


it's the dry air, try some vaseline and/or salt-based nose spray.

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i tried to make a dupe acc called Holy Carp, but joyrex caught me.


i hope he won't ban me :(


you've been Koi Rex'd


i see what you did there

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i tried to make a dupe acc called Holy Carp, but joyrex caught me.


i hope he won't ban me :(


you've been Koi Rex'd


baph being clever and skating around with the word play? seems a bit fishy. what a fluke.

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I was just getting started to work on music at 9:45 PM, and while a stomach ache was coming on, decided to lay down for a bit. I opened my eyes and it was 8 AM the next day. Hurray time for work FUCK

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I asked my brother to send a package for me (I paid him for it later).


He sent it without track & trace, even though it only costed 10 dkr (2 us dollars) more to send it that way. I got a slightly mad at him for not being able to think for himself, and send it the safest way when it's a only 2 dollars difference. But I hoped for the best. I've never experienced a package I've sent getting lost. The package had a value of 600 kr (100 us dollars).


And now the package has of course has been lost in the delievery. And I can't get it refunded because it wasn't sent with track'n'trace.



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Had a soothing post work, post migraine wank. Shot man humus onto my desk. Usually I'm more conscientious in my onanism, but was lazy and forgot it was there.


Two hours later and I've just put my hand in some cold cum.

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