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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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good luck with the gig, modes

Zole. I'm at the gig now, just did soundcheck and i'm on first. Place is DEAD. Gonna be playing to the sound guys and the other performers. No sign of clark anywhere.

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So I'm stuck at home recovering from foot surgery and my wife rents us a redbox movie for the evening while she was out (we still have a bunch of free rentals from xmas) - comes back with this:




Did she enjoy it ?


good luck with the gig, modes

Zole. I'm at the gig now, just did soundcheck and i'm on first. Place is DEAD. Gonna be playing to the sound guys and the other performers. No sign of clark anywhere.

good luck with the gig, modes

Zole. I'm at the gig now, just did soundcheck and i'm on first. Place is DEAD. Gonna be playing to the sound guys and the other performers. No sign of clark anywhere.


NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I could have had the best time if it was me as your only audience dancing my lardy arse off. -sie- fucking work and their demands.

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On a train home drunk by myself. First world porblem? Maybe


my guess: having a train to yourself is first world. being drunk on the train is not.

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good luck with the gig, modes

Zole. I'm at the gig now, just did soundcheck and i'm on first. Place is DEAD. Gonna be playing to the sound guys and the other performers. No sign of clark anywhere.


NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I could have had the best time if it was me as your only audience dancing my lardy arse off. -sie- fucking work and their demands.

Haha. It's ok. I got to hang out with Clark backstage afterwards so that was pretty good. However, by the time he showed up backstage i was already pretty drunk on an empty stomach, and what does he do? Pulls out a bottle of fucking Hendricks and says 'hey, want a gin and tonic?' .. That sent me over the edge.

Missed all of the sets (including Clark's) and can't actually remember what time i left, but i managed to get home with my gear still intact. I played well though. Not sure if there was a recording. There was a photographer there getting some photos of me pulling various metal poses, hopefully they'll surface soon.

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aw man, but at least you can say that Clark made you blackout drunk. that in itself is an accomplishment.


i have no first world problems right now. seriously. i'm moving on saturday, which is going to be a headache, but i'm moving into a really great, much larger one-bedroom place with a balcony, central heat, dishwasher, marble countertops, fullsized bathtub, larger closet space (edit: and rooftop access!). seriously, it'll be awesome once settled in. and i didn't have a lot of furniture to fill the place...


...but i've been offered a job at a company i'd done remote freelance work for months, and they're offering me a five-figure bonus upon signing, almost a sixth of the total salary (edit: which would more than cover any furniture needs, with a lot leftover for savings). i have til the end of the week to take it, and i have no reason not to. really, really wild week.


but it's good.

Edited by KY
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So I'm stuck at home recovering from foot surgery and my wife rents us a redbox movie for the evening while she was out (we still have a bunch of free rentals from xmas) - comes back with this:




Did she enjoy it ?



She had a few lols but I could tell she felt a bit guilty for getting us a generic low-budget comedy. For the most part it sucked but it was only 85 minutes. Being on vicodin helped too.

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good luck with the gig, modes

Zole. I'm at the gig now, just did soundcheck and i'm on first. Place is DEAD. Gonna be playing to the sound guys and the other performers. No sign of clark anywhere.


NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! I could have had the best time if it was me as your only audience dancing my lardy arse off. -sie- fucking work and their demands.

Haha. It's ok. I got to hang out with Clark backstage afterwards so that was pretty good. However, by the time he showed up backstage i was already pretty drunk on an empty stomach, and what does he do? Pulls out a bottle of fucking Hendricks and says 'hey, want a gin and tonic?' .. That sent me over the edge.

Missed all of the sets (including Clark's) and can't actually remember what time i left, but i managed to get home with my gear still intact. I played well though. Not sure if there was a recording. There was a photographer there getting some photos of me pulling various metal poses, hopefully they'll surface soon.


nooooooo!! I'm guessing you didn't wear the tshirt. now I know Clark has good taste with the Hendricks and all.

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Haha, no, i decided against the shirt, i wore a suit minus tie instead. Clark seems like a nice guy though, he would have probably ha a laugh at it. He went out of his way to find some more tonic water for my drink, which was nice.

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Haha, no, i decided against the shirt, i wore a suit minus tie instead. Clark seems like a nice guy though, he would have probably ha a laugh at it. He went out of his way to find some more tonic water for my drink, which was nice.


That's pretty fucking awesome.


i've been offered a job at a company i'd done remote freelance work for months, and they're offering me a five-figure bonus upon signing, almost a sixth of the total salary


That's pretty fucking awesome.


My first world problem is that I gotta go to my studio just to encode some mp3s for a couple people, but all i want to do is vegetate at home, maybe play some piano. It's bullshit I tells ya.

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My housemate upstairs has his surround sound up too loud, so I can kinda hear it over the episode of The Office I'm streaming off Netflix with my PS3 and listening to through my monitors...

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Guest disparaissant

the guy i lived with a year ago stopped paying his netflix bill so i can't watch netflix anymore

i mean fuck if im gonna pay for it ill just pirate stuff

but its still kind of annoying. i was really enjoying season four of the x-files.

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the guy i lived with a year ago stopped paying his netflix bill so i can't watch netflix anymore

i mean fuck if im gonna pay for it ill just pirate stuff

but its still kind of annoying. i was really enjoying season four of the x-files.

I'm at season four at the moment. It's getting pretty good! I'm only watching the alien mythology episodes and a few others here and there though.

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feel hung-over (seriously thought i was when i woke up) even though i didn't drink any booze (or caffeine) yesterday (and almost two weeks since i drank any). all i did yesterday was eat healthily, exercise, drink loads of water and smoke tobacco... so i guess it was the smoking combined with intense exercise that fucked me up.

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Guest Xenblake

neighbour's dog is barking and acting insane again


I feel sorry for the little bugger


yet I also harbour such hatred for it polluting my personal space at random intervals of the day (and night)


now, where's my automatic gas powered softball gun ....

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pandora keeps slapping me in the face with video ads on this slow fucking connection, pretty sure it just cut in the middle of a song to buffer a toyota ad :facepalm:

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one of my roommates keeps bringing home these dollar hooker looking women. likely really fucking dirty ugly women. supposedly they are his friends ( with benfits ). my friend cracked a joke that he'd rather use his hand then be anywhere near these people .. anyways i'm a bit paranoid about my stuff so i'm keeping everything locked up, i dunno if i should bring this up or not to the guy.

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one of my roommates keeps bringing home these dollar hooker looking women. likely really fucking dirty ugly women. supposedly they are his friends ( with benfits ). my friend cracked a joke that he'd rather use his hand then be anywhere near these people .. anyways i'm a bit paranoid about my stuff so i'm keeping everything locked up, i dunno if i should bring this up or not to the guy.


If it bugs you, bring it up. You guys share the place after all.

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no clue where to put the litter box in the apartment i'll be moving into on saturday.



i\d so put my records in the living room if i was living on my own.

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no counter space under the sink—imagine theres a box that is an inch deeper and wider than the sink in the diagram, with cabinets that reach the floor. If i put it in front of the sink, it's in the way of the door. I think my two options are:


1. Putting it in front of the closet to the right/above the bathroom in the diagram. There's no description, but it actually holds plumbing work and general don't-leave-this-door-open stuff. Otherwise, I'd just put it in that closet and keep the door open, but unfortunately not a great option.


2. Getting a piece of furniture that incorporates in the litterbox, a la this fucking amazing idea. I'd totally take this route, but even the furniture in that link is customized, so there aren't many options with this route.


no clue where to put the litter box in the apartment i'll be moving into on saturday.



i\d so put my records in the living room if i was living on my own.

oh fuck yeah dude. i'm actually living in a studio apartment right now, so to envision my belongings in more than one rooms is still pretty confounding. but I'm really excited to have records in the living room, along with whatever other audio/visual media.


I don't even have a couch, a television or a coffee table (or any table). My place is really that small.

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