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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I had an old Ms Intellimouse Explorer 3.0 which I dearly loved, as its the only mouse that is an extention to my proletary shovelhand, there was a relaunch, but I missed to buy one, now its not available anymore at that abendlandshithole where I live, even on the nets its quite hard to get one, from within the country. :sad:

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I've got an even better solution. Get rid of the cat.


by cleverly adapting a piece of ikea furniture to trap it and squash the fucker.

lol. although all lols aside, there's a stray cat a block away from me, that I've run into twice over the past few days. Not only has that re-affirmed my conviction towards my cat, but knowing I can't feed the stray cat every day bums me the fuck out.

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My Nvidia GTX 570 bit the dust today. I'm now using an ATI 4350, the stock video card from my buddies crappy-to-half-decent computer. This really sucks cause I was just getting into graphics mods for Skyrim. And no, it wasn't while playing Skyrim that it happened. I was viewing youtube videos and trophy guides for FFXIII-2. Walked back to my computer to view more of the guides and the monitor wouldn't come back on. rebooted and got the "beep-beep-beep". Fortunately, my motherboard is smart enough that if a hardware component is not responding, those beeps lead to a red light that appears beside which component is corrupted. So I knew right away what the problem was.


Oh well, I'll just have to stick to console gaming from now on. I do not have money to replace the card, and the warranty expired last month. :sad:

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alright this is the most first world problem i've ever posted, but i'm waiting for thousands and thousands of dollars to be wired to my bank account but it's taking forever.

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alright this is the most first world problem i've ever posted, but i'm waiting for thousands and thousands of dollars to be wired to my bank account but it's taking forever.


you took the job then?!


Congrats ! =)

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indeed i did, and thanks! i requested three weeks' notice before i start at work, since i'll need to settle into the place i'm moving into on saturday, as well as enjoy the remaining time with my admittedly awesome immediate co-workers. so new job starting the 21st.


plan on putting the majority of the bonus into longterm savings, and spending the remainder of the money furnishing my place with a couch, chair, bookshelf, coffee table, desk, office chair, tv stand, bluray player, apple tv, an actual tv and a freestanding bikerack.




edit: but i haven't told my boss yet so plz nobody email him

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indeed i did, and thanks! i requested three weeks' notice before i start at work, since i'll need to settle into the place i'm moving into on saturday, as well as enjoy the remaining time with my admittedly awesome immediate co-workers. so new job starting the 21st.


plan on putting the majority of the bonus into longterm savings, and spending the remainder of the money furnishing my place with a couch, chair, bookshelf, coffee table, desk, office chair, tv stand, bluray player, apple tv, an actual tv and a freestanding bikerack.




edit: but i haven't told my boss yet so plz nobody email him


thats awesome man. I did the same thing when I got my new job (took a few extra weeks to relax).


Sounds like you're having a great week!


I'm emailing your boss now!!! muahahah :)

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hahaha well first off, the catshitterbench definitely requires an initial survey of what exactly is possible in the space i'm moving into. currently, i plan on putting the litter box at the end of the hall (i have a hall now!!) but we'll see if that changes. I'd like to have both records and some books out in the living room, so we'll see.


Seriously, the idea of moving from what is essentially a bedroom into a full-fledged apartment with individual rooms is still blowing the fuck out of my mind.


And I swear to fucking god, stepheng. lol. congrats on yr new job though! if you don't mind my asking, what kind of work do you do and how recently did you start?

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congrats on yr new job though! if you don't mind my asking, what kind of work do you do and how recently did you start?


Thanks! I started January 2nd. I'm the plant supervisor at a government facility here in Canada. We are the common collection agency for recycled materials in our province. We basically sort different products and then densify it and sell it in huge blocks to companies for them to melt/break down with heat or solvents. Previously I was a management specialist for admin/customer service at UPS Canada, for 6years, so it's a huge change for me.


What about you?!



Btw just wanted to add a first world problem. I ate a big sandwhich but it had onion on it, now my breath smells like onions and I'm chewing gum but it's not working, it just tastes like onion and mint.

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StephenG you should import Walla Walla onions from Washington State. You can eat them like apples. Sweet and Juicy.


I've heard of these!!! I would love to do that but I can't imagine importing a case of onions just for me. I wonder if I could find a specialty grocer that carries them.



My new first world problem is that I want to try Walla Walla onions but don't know where to find them lol

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It's Friday night and I can't go out drinking because I have to work sunday and I have my final project due. :cry:


but I have a 40 of malt liquor in the fridge so maybe I'll just drink that while I study.

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Guest disparaissant

i wanted to get drunk but apparently the new meds iam on mean i cant, i just get a headache and confusion instead. bum deal.

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i wanted to get drunk but apparently the new meds iam on mean i cant, i just get a headache and confusion instead. bum deal.


That sucks! =(


Hey I don't want to poke fun ... but getting drunk ends up in confusion and headache anyway :emotawesomepm9:


At least for me. lol.

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I work on Friday until 9pm and I work at 9am on Saturday. I now hate Friday night and Saturday.


Edit: new page

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