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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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i don't even realise that they are pron stars, so this reaction that you're having says a fair bit about you doesn't it. It is pointless false distain, but to what end? Self gratification under the guise of moral edification, seems likely.


Come on, this isn't real. Wake up from your troll dream Richie. Come back to us man.

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Guest Gravity

every time i see gavitys ariel rbeel avatars or other porn star avs i just want to fucking post abuse at them : (

its not personal but seriously fucking christ sort yourself out


You jealous she's going out with me and not you, brohan? Also don't ever call her a porn star again, she's a model and if i catch you doin' it I'll smack you right upside the fookin 'ead swear on me mum.

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I officially log all legislative actions done by the Texas Senate, and today I'm watching all the Republicans bullshit around as they try to rush anti-abortion legislation through. Governor Goodhair called a special session specifically so they could pass this more restrictive abortion laws that failed to get through in the regular session. Dems are trying to kill it will delays and a possible filibuster. Watching many (not all) of the GOPers smirk and laugh in the background is infuriating. Some of Dems aren't even trying to be serious either. The bill's sponsor in the house was so clueless they literally stop letting her answer questions before she said something too embarrassing. I only have to witness this during a small part of the year (I archive and digitize documents during most of the year) but still, I'm ready to get the fuck out of here.


That sounds fucking horrible. I support you making a scene and stealing the floor with a long rant about social responsibility or something.



I'd probably make a bigger scene by simply farting while it's quiet and tense. I might do that instead.

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That CAN'T be good for your blood pressure.



That sounds basically like hell.


It is, though the Senate is actually quite formal and dignified and arguably sane 99% of the time. Such Texas House of Representatives is that way by default: 150 members including annoying freshmen, rural morons, and corrupt city assholes - I have no idea how my colleagues sit through that bullshit. It's like a Tea Party open mic night.

Right now though I'm taking a break from sitting through a 13 hour (planned) filibuster. Pretty sure the Governor is in NYC still.

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I got a quote on replacing the windshield in my car. $1103 for the windshield and $700 to replace the rubber seal around the windshield. wtf



The joy of sports cars.


And the second joy of being a mechanic.

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I got a quote on replacing the windshield in my car. $1103 for the windshield and $700 to replace the rubber seal around the windshield. wtf



The joy of sports cars.


And the second joy of being a mechanic.



I wish I knew how to do this stuff myself!



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the cure for social isolation is obviously more social isolation


i can confirm that this is correct


























please kill me

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I spent maybe two hours sitting in front of my computer determined to finish writing some lyrics to a song I was demoing tonight, certain that the eureka moment would strike at any moment... but the reality is that my brain had turned into sleep deprived mush and it was time that would have been better spent sleeping. So pissed at myself right now. Idiot.

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totally ;-p


procrastinaing instead of sleeping has fucked me up for a couple of weeks now, it's ok when i've got the midnight shifts but the mid afternoon ones omG.

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paid my tuition and went to go register for a fall engineering physics course... to find out they changed the pre-reqs starting this coming fall, meaning that if i had taken that class this quarter, i'd be qualified, but since i'm waiting one more quarter, now an entire extra class is required to get in. i don't have any financial aid or time to fuck around at this point so having a giant arbitrary wall placed in front of my graduation is just a little bit irritating. there's probably a textbook behind all of this

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goddamnit, and now my mom sends me an email that my grandma is on her deathbed, and i just spent my last $300 on a tuition payment plan and can't help pay for a ticket to get back to see her before she dies. i can't tell if i'm sad or mad right now, ugh :/

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as much of a nice gesture as that is/would be, i think the best support watmm could give me is just letting me vent in the fwp thread. cheers for real though. things will work out.

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That's more of a problem problem... hope you get a chance to see her.


There really should be a serious problems thread. I've thought about starting one, but I feel like I should have a serious problem to get the ball rolling first. All my problems are insignificant, but I see them everywhere. As for right now:

1. I'm drinking alone

2. Every song on the new JT goes on for waaay to long, and their justification for it (no pun intended) is bunk. When Queen or Pink Floyd had a 7 minute song it was because 7 minutes was necessary to get the full ambition of their compositions realized. Their songs actually went on a musical journey, and the extra time was there because it needed to be there. Whenever a Timbaland production exceeds four minutes it's just so he can jam out on a bullshit remix that doesn't benefit the song in any significant way.

3. I finished the lyrics to that song I was demoing, but fucked something up in the rendering of said song not once but twice in my attempts to upload it to dropbox for my band mates to check out. So much fail.

4. Still haven't started my rogue planet track.

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4. Still haven't started my rogue planet track.


Same. Going on two week holiday today. I guess there's allways next year. or the year after that.


:trashbear: forever procrastinating, forever unhappy.

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i would but the shitstain is already next to an enormous red wine stain from the other week when same daughter accidentally knocked a full glass out of my hand. white carpets and children don't mix. i want to pull them up and sand the floorboards anyway.

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