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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I've been on Facebook numerous times and each time I've ended up deleting it due to the whole horribleness of it. But now I don't get invited to shit cause I don't get the Facebook invite then people are like "where were you?" Erm at home reading a book...

Facebook is sort of a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario I think. If you use it, you're damned with all the annoying mundane status feeds as mentioned above, as well as potential privacy invasion by shady entities. But if you don't use it, keeping in touch with people in your life today becomes more difficult.

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I've been on Facebook numerous times and each time I've ended up deleting it due to the whole horribleness of it. But now I don't get invited to shit cause I don't get the Facebook invite then people are like "where were you?" Erm at home reading a book...

Facebook is sort of a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" scenario I think. If you use it, you're damned with all the annoying mundane status feeds as mentioned above, as well as potential privacy invasion by shady entities. But if you don't use it, keeping in touch with people in your life today becomes more difficult.


that's how i feel too

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My problem with facebook is all the political/environmental shit everyone posts all the time. I'd much rather see pictures of food, babies, cars, etc than all the slacktivism shit that is all over the place. Even twitter is getting like that. Argh!

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Guest disparaissant

1.) why does it take a week to get a background check done?

2.) why do i need a background check to be a part-time cashier at the walmarts?

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once again, if your having problems with the things your friends post, its not facebooks fault, its your friends. my facebook feed is full of funny shit and interesting debates, production and gear posts and a smattering of hot birds posting summer bikini pics.

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i downloaded a shitload of documentaries on important topics/art-house/foreign/serious bizns/old classics kinda films but i only really want to watch hollywood bullshit most of the time.

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I bought a technics rs-t9023 stereo double cassette deck at goodwill for $4. It was a shot in the dark because there was no power cord. I purchased a power cord and plugged it in. Power is on, everything looks good. I put a tape in, press play, the tape rotates a quarter turn and stops. Same thing when I try to rewind/ff. Same in both decks. Check tape with small handheld tape recorder and it works fine. Anyone good with old tape players have an idea of what could be wrong?

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I think trying to get any kind of consistent interest from a member of the opposite sex is actually going to cause me to go insane. I'm sure at least some kind of mental breakdown is on the cards.

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Buses and multitrailer trucks always seem to engage their Air Brakes right as they are passing by me while I'm walking somewhere! It is startling as fuck and really annoying!

Edited by Goiter Sanchez
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Guest jasondonervan

Buses and multitrailer trucks always seem to engage their Air Brakes right as they are passing by me while I'm walking somewhere! It is startling as fuck and really annoying!



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1.) why does it take a week to get a background check done?

2.) why do i need a background check to be a part-time cashier at the walmarts?

You could be one of them there Messicans.

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I feel like quitting my job. It'll be suicide but I've been completely mislead and taken advantage of completely for no benefits, low pay, and a huge workload while my "boss" has been on vacation 5 times since I started (in mid-June). I don't know what to do. I can't sleep because there's so much to do and no help for any of it. I am furious and anger is the only energy I have left.

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i recently joined facebook after resisting for the last however long and i don't think i can do it, i should have stayed away...


"time for coffee!" [picture of a cup of coffee] ... SO FUCKING WHAT!!?!


"out for a walk with Steve!" [picture of a path] ... SO FUCKING WHAT!!?!


"at the beach!" [picture of a beach]... oh that's nice! ... eh, no ... SO FUCKING WHAT!!?!



Best Facebook rant on WATMM I've seen yet


thanks, this was a heavily edited version.


once again, if your having problems with the things your friends post, its not facebooks fault, its your friends. my facebook feed is full of funny shit and interesting debates, production and gear posts and a smattering of hot birds posting summer bikini pics.

link please? see i still blame facebook... they are my friends (and a handful of people i don't keep in touch with i shouldn't have added) and they're not dull in real life but facebook turns them into something horrid and self absorbed.


for instance, one of THE funnest, most interesting guys you could meet, posted this yesterday... "first task of the day - tidy the shelves!" [picture of messy book shelves] ...



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Some roofers are working on the roof of the building next door making a shit ton of noise, they got the ladder setup in the space between the buildings right outside our windows. It's not even fucking 7am they've been at it since before 6, pretty sure there's noise regulations against making this much noise before 7. I'd call the cops and complain but I have two things stopping me. 1. The landlord of this building own the building next door and it probably is the group of mexicans that work for him on a lot of the maintnance shit they do around here and 2. by the time the cops get here to tell them to hold off it will be after 7 and I'll feel like an ass for even trying to complain.... Thanks for the wakeup ya fucking fucktards :trashbear:

Edited by ghOsty
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