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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I had to eat a quick lunch a few days ago and I ate at Panda Express and I still feel like I gained 30 pounds on food that didn't even taste very good. All of this has happened before, and all of it will happen again.

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You're idiot intolerant though. When i order something that isn't the usual i generally do stuff like open the lid/packaging. Even when it's usual i do the same. Food service people are sometimes rushed and sometimes don't care and sometimes it's a bit too deep to be able to remember things and do stuff. You had one of those serve you.

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i just got offered to compose music for an indie game, i never know how much to charge because i don't know how much i am worth, so i'm charging 75 bucks a minute.

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i just got offered to compose music for an indie game, i never know how much to charge because i don't know how much i am worth, so i'm charging 75 bucks a minute.


How is getting paid for making music a problem?

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i just got offered to compose music for an indie game, i never know how much to charge because i don't know how much i am worth, so i'm charging 75 bucks a minute.


How is getting paid for making music a problem?



He doesn't know how much to charge. lol

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i just got offered to compose music for an indie game, i never know how much to charge because i don't know how much i am worth, so i'm charging 75 bucks a minute.


How is getting paid for making music a problem?



He doesn't know how to charge an honest value...


i mean, 75 bucks a minute? like a boss

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i did some research for composing music for video games, and the cheapest that one guy said was 75 bucks a minute, i feel like i am worth more, but i don't wanna scare clients away.

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Seems about right. I just did about 5 min of music for an ad that amounted to $400 pay (I have a friend that does music for ads and docs for a living, so occasionally he sends the overflow my way).


FWP: I keep putting off work to skim watmm and play 2048... like, way too much every day.

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i did some research for composing music for video games, and the cheapest that one guy said was 75 bucks a minute, i feel like i am worth more, but i don't wanna scare clients away.

Lol, i thought you meant you would be getting paid 75 dollars for every minute you worked on music not 1 minute of completed music.

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i did some research for composing music for video games, and the cheapest that one guy said was 75 bucks a minute, i feel like i am worth more, but i don't wanna scare clients away.

Lol, i thought you meant you would be getting paid 75 dollars for every minute you worked on music not 1 minute of completed music.


hahha! i suppose i should have been more specific


Seems about right. I just did about 5 min of music for an ad that amounted to $400 pay (I have a friend that does music for ads and docs for a living, so occasionally he sends the overflow my way).


FWP: I keep putting off work to skim watmm and play 2048... like, way too much every day.

that's fucking rad of him, what kind of music do you mainly find yourself composing?


also, have you beat 2048 at all? there is a technique to beat it.

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i did some research for composing music for video games, and the cheapest that one guy said was 75 bucks a minute, i feel like i am worth more, but i don't wanna scare clients away.

Lol, i thought you meant you would be getting paid 75 dollars for every minute you worked on music not 1 minute of completed music.


hahha! i suppose i should have been more specific


Seems about right. I just did about 5 min of music for an ad that amounted to $400 pay (I have a friend that does music for ads and docs for a living, so occasionally he sends the overflow my way).


FWP: I keep putting off work to skim watmm and play 2048... like, way too much every day.

that's fucking rad of him, what kind of music do you mainly find yourself composing?


also, have you beat 2048 at all? there is a technique to beat it.


I've gotten to 4096. Stopped playing after that, though the game was super addictive.

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I went to a gothic party and shit was so fucking good, but since my buddy and I are still living with our moms, we needed to get out of there before it was too late. Well, only he. Fuck it, I would have stayed all night. So fucking awesome, and there were hot, sexual girls and shit like that. Fuck my life.

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Guest totemcrackerjack

"so I attempted to jury-rig"

You know you can go to jail for that, right?

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I went to a gothic party and shit was so fucking good, but since my buddy and I are still living with our moms, we needed to get out of there before it was too late. Well, only he. Fuck it, I would have stayed all night. So fucking awesome, and there were hot, sexual girls and shit like that. Fuck my life.


oh fuck did you sit around and watch Hannibal S01E07 cause jesus fuck that sounds so fucking great and fuck

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I went to a gothic party and shit was so fucking good, but since my buddy and I are still living with our moms, we needed to get out of there before it was too late. Well, only he. Fuck it, I would have stayed all night. So fucking awesome, and there were hot, sexual girls and shit like that. Fuck my life.

goth girls are so awesome


you both should have stayed and just got in trouble

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