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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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my leg is bitten to fuck from cutting grass the other night. harvest mites / chiggers i think...



Edited by keltoi
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You know, I'll hide my comments, fine. But quite frankly you going on to the internet to squabble about your definition of "dissertation" and how I can't use it because I only have a bachelors degree and you have your masters comes off as extremely elitist. And calling serious academic work "a disservice to people who actually write dissertations" just makes you look like a cunt.


Did I say your work wasn't serious?

I haven't written a dissertation, nor do I plan to, because I'm not going on to pursue a Ph. D.


I would say at a minimum you're looking at 30 single spaced pages in 12 point Times New Roman, for a thesis (dissertation) at the bachelor's level.


I will attach an example of a dissertation for a Ph.D. It was written by one of my instructors who was in the last year of his Ph.D, it's really interesting, if you happen to like Meiji era Japan history. Perhaps it will serve to show why I think using the word dissertation incorrectly is a disservice. Perhaps not, maybe I'll just come off as more of a cunt.


Sorry, I just think that words have meaning (while some meanings are fluid, I would argue this particular word is not fluid in its meaning), so it's important to use them correctly.

It would be like conflating fission with fusion. Similar, but not the same.


edit: also, my feet do not stink, but my armpits have been giving off a particularly foul odor lately. Maybe it's my body trying to excise all the poison from cigarettes.

. You have some good points, sorry for arguing. :)
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god, I hate all-day rain. fuck off, already.


lol don't come to Vancouver in the winter then.


fwp: i have to take the car in to the shop today....

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Guest jasondonervan

Told out of the blue today at work that there's an re-org announcement happening tomorrow, rumoured to be fairly sweeping in terms of the headcount for the chop. Strong possibility that I'm in the frame for redundancy (yet again).

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So I got a "job" writing for an animation festival about stuff. Though the people in there are hipsters. They drink alcohol, they smoke and are vegans. I'm not into that. Fuck it. What should I do? I'll stay obviously, but I think it is pretty stupid to drink and smoke all the fucking time. Is like jerking off all the time, or playing videogames. Stupid addictions. Wtf should I do?

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Just got home after a twelve hour shift overseeing my shop's stock take. It's 2am and I'm due back at work at 8am.

These particular stock counters were absolutely fucking awful as well.

On the plus side, my taxi driver didn't have a pen to write me a receipt so gave me blank one, so at least I can claim back a few extra quid from petty cash for my trouble.

Sprillian, this sounds completely abhorrent. I have done these stock count things in the past where the stock takers have been a bunch of bastards and I've had a late finish, only to get up early the next day to go back there after being up late counting their shit. I got measly wages for it as well (this was 2003 and i got time and a half). The company was a well known electrical retailer. I know them as Cuntys.

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Doubtful - it's stuff like rear wheel cylinders, ball joints and something called the "canister vent solenoid", brake pads...

:(( sad chen.


edit: @ StephenG

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god, I hate all-day rain. fuck off, already.


lol don't come to Vancouver in the winter then.


what about Montreal?

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god, I hate all-day rain. fuck off, already.


lol don't come to Vancouver in the winter then.


what about Montreal?


Besides all the quebecois, it's a fine place.

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god, I hate all-day rain. fuck off, already.


lol don't come to Vancouver in the winter then.


what about Montreal?


Besides all the quebecois, it's a fine place.



lol ikr. literally every Quebecois person I've known or met has been a super anal proto-hipster. it's in their blood or something.

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Just got home after a twelve hour shift overseeing my shop's stock take. It's 2am and I'm due back at work at 8am.

These particular stock counters were absolutely fucking awful as well.

On the plus side, my taxi driver didn't have a pen to write me a receipt so gave me blank one, so at least I can claim back a few extra quid from petty cash for my trouble.

Sprillian, this sounds completely abhorrent. I have done these stock count things in the past where the stock takers have been a bunch of bastards and I've had a late finish, only to get up early the next day to go back there after being up late counting their shit. I got measly wages for it as well (this was 2003 and i got time and a half). The company was a well known electrical retailer. I know them as Cuntys.

They were so lazy, and inaccurate. I like to think if I was a stock taker, I would be the most efficient, accurate one around, but they just didn't give a shit. Didn't get paid any more for doing it either.









god, I hate all-day rain. fuck off, already.

lol don't come to Vancouver in the winter then.

what about Montreal?

Besides all the quebecois, it's a fine place.

lol ikr. literally every Quebecois person I've known or met has been a super anal proto-hipster. it's in their blood or something.

Friend of mine from Vancouver went to Montreal to study, I fear she has turned this way also.

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They drink alcohol, they smoke and are vegans. I'm not into that. Fuck it. What should I do? I'll stay obviously, but I think it is pretty stupid to drink and smoke all the fucking time. Is like jerking off all the time, or playing videogames. Stupid addictions. Wtf should I do?


You could just continue what it is you do and not care about what they choose to do. I play in a band with chain-smoking alcoholics. When they have a smoke break, i don't. When they have four beers, I have one. Simple.


FWP: my San Fransisco trip is over. :(

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fk 'em stupid moany cunts. Plus seeing as they went there you could go all pc on their arses for calling you hitler. I mean come on, madame hitler please. ;-]

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Guest jasondonervan

Looks like I'll be made redundant. Six members of my team across two sites are being reduced to one, with the remaining five roles being offshored. No possibility to fight your corner through interview either - it's pre-scored and the decision is announced a week on Monday.

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Guest jasondonervan

but you're jasondonervan....




Well if I am made redundant, I definitely won't compute! :watmm:



It's not the end of the world anyway, I've been with(in) the company for 11 years (I've contracted in it for the last two years due to outsourcing), so a redundancy payout will be pretty sweet, mainly due to the fact that my terms of employment carried over - and they are far more generous than the company I currently work for. I'd have to do a knowledge transfer for anywhere up to 6 months, and I have a notice period of three months which could theoretically mean being paid on gardening leave (but not able to get another job). I'll most likely hoon off on some extended hols if that's the case... :cool:

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