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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Latest FWP - after parking one of our vehicles at work in our garage before closing, I hit my right knee on a jury-rigged toggle switch for turning the heater on and tore a hole in my jeans, drawing blood in the process. Turns out the last employee to drive it moved the seat too far forward.

I only bought the jeans about a month ago and it was the first rip.

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Lying here on Tapatalk in a hostel room in Frankfurt. Supping bitburgers and warsteiners while waiting for the rest of the group to awake. I'll be pissed by the time they wake up.


The main problem, one of the girls was a paramedic and said the smell we are experiencing smells like a dead person. Can't say that's good. Can't swap the room either cause we need a private one - 6 peeps.

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my dad just asked me if I was gay because I don't have a girl and I've said I don't want to get married.




I have also had this question. I replied 'not that I know of but I will check'.

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well for me, it kind of went like:


me: "yeah, I'm gay."

dad: "... really? really now"

me: "yeah."

mum: :facepalm:

dad: "I mean really now"

me: "what makes you think I'm gay?"

dad: "because, you know, you're my son, and..." *incoherent mumbling*

mum: lol

me: "yes, I'm your son. so?"

dad: "well, you know, I just thought we should be frank about it"

me: "frank about what?"

dad: "you know..." *flustered noises*

mum: "he's not gay, you fool!"

me: "I like girls. girls with big butts. ok?"

mum: :facepalm: :facepalm:

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Yeah I hate peer pressure to get hitched. Bottom line is you gotta do what's right for you.

It got to the point where I stopped mentioning the prospect altogether because I kept getting hounded about it.

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well for me, it kind of went like:


me: "yeah, I'm gay."

dad: "... really? really now"

me: "yeah."

mum: :facepalm:

dad: "I mean really now"

me: "what makes you think I'm gay?"

dad: "because, you know, you're my son, and..." *incoherent mumbling*

mum: lol

me: "yes, I'm your son. so?"

dad: "well, you know, I just thought we should be frank about it"

me: "frank about what?"

dad: "you know..." *flustered noises*

mum: "he's not gay, you fool!"

me: "I like girls. girls with big butts. ok?"

mum: :facepalm: :facepalm:

lol, this is brilliant

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well for me, it kind of went like:


me: "yeah, I'm gay."

dad: "... really? really now"

me: "yeah."

mum: :facepalm:

dad: "I mean really now"

me: "what makes you think I'm gay?"

dad: "because, you know, you're my son, and..." *incoherent mumbling*

mum: lol

me: "yes, I'm your son. so?"

dad: "well, you know, I just thought we should be frank about it"

me: "frank about what?"

dad: "you know..." *flustered noises*

mum: "he's not gay, you fool!"

me: "I like girls. girls with big butts. ok?"

mum: :facepalm: :facepalm:


So because you're his son, he thinks you're gay?

Have you tried asking him how big his closet is? :w00t::dadjoke::catbed:

j/k j/k j/k

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So because you're his son, he thinks you're gay?

Have you tried asking him how big his closet is? :w00t::dadjoke::catbed:

j/k j/k j/k



nah it was more like "you're my son and I want to know what's going on with you and why you're not in a long-term relationship which is why I'm asking if you might possibly be gay", not "I'm gay and you're my son so I thought you might be gay too" :lol: he's just terrible at expressing himself, as many fathers are.


When I told my dad I like girls with big butts he threw me out of the house.


men who don't enjoy large bums rank just below politicians and paedophiles in my esteem.




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Probably gonna have a wee chen running around within 24 hours.





Wife is having contractions, which is the problem (not the upcoming baby) - they don't look like fun at all.

We'll be off to the hospital in a few hours.

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Omg! Didn't realize you guys were expecting. Congratulations! (moves to first world successes thread)


Actually, jesus I didn't even know you were married. lol

Edited by StephenG
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Omg! Didn't realize you guys were expecting. Congratulations! (moves to first world successes thread)


Actually, jesus I didn't even know you were married. lol


That's because we just got married last month, and I didn't make a big deal about it.


Also not my first kid, but my first biological one.


Edit: oh and thanks guys!

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also really sorry to hear MC, landlords are lazier than any tennants i know of but who gets screwed all the time innit



thanks for the support Mesh, i'm hoping i can resolve the issue somehow. i hate moving and now is not a good time.

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CT7XHGq.jpghe looks like some kung fu wizard


man my cats are pissed at each other 2

aghh it's too cute! and in a different way to most cats, it's cute because it's so posh looking and rudely invited itself to stay at yours but really it's just a silly kitty that doesn't know any better. i bet it's a fussy one. where are we at with this little fella ivan?


also really sorry to hear MC, landlords are lazier than any tennants i know of but who gets screwed all the time innit


a friend placed a picture on facebook of him and a girl contacted us sending a video of her playing with the cat.

they live a few houses from me. her name is Bobo and she never went out of the house but they are moving and kitty got away somehow. They came 2 pick him up yesterday :cry: lots of tears from my wife, it was such a friendly cat

oh well we did the right thing and 6 cats would be way 2 much

:cry: take care bobo

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