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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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*sucks on fingers*


My fingers also do not taste like vaginas, FML.


*sucks on arse*


My arse does taste like chocolate though, WINNING.


Whoa you can suck your own arse? Sprillian's one lucky gal! :emotawesomepm9:

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p.s. I kinda hate my mother. I'm a perpetual disappointment to her. She aggressively tries to embed herself deeper and deeper in my life, whereupon she makes me feel like shit. It's like if someone was like "hey, you wanna hang out?" and you're like "yeah sure" and then you hang out and that person just tells you what a shitty person you are the whole time. She laid a huge guilt trip on me for 1) not agreeing to let her do a Reiki session on me, and 2) not agreeing to attend a Sunday metting to her "spiritualist church," as if it were like an invitation to the movies or something, instead of essentially being a cult of people who think they talk to the dead and heal each other's cancer over the fucking phone.

Edited by LimpyLoo
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Oh yeah, there's nothing worse than someone who has found an answer for herself, and then thinks it's the answer for everyone. I've been that person many a time, sad to say. One thing you can usually get new-agey people to listen to you on is that you have to find your own path. E.g. "I'm so happy that works for you, but I have to find my own path." If they can't accept that, they won't feel new-agey and accepting, which is dangerous to their self-image. If you can maybe speak her language a little bit, like "music is how I find my true self", or whatever it might start a dialogue.


It's too bad because a really "spiritual" person will be happy that you're doing whatever you're doing, as long as you're doing your best and it's working for you, even if it's rocky. So often I find that dogmatic people of any stripe are just looking for a paint-by-numbers approach to living instead of one that springs from your deepest, purest desires to be alive.

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did about 3000 things this past week getting ready to move...and forgot one of the most important ones, ordering the electricity turned on. I move there in three days, and I move in on the weekend. Meaning unless the electric company has incredibly fast service (which i doubt), I will be paying a shitload of money living out of a hotel for a week.



Godfuckingdammit I hate moving.

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Oh yeah, there's nothing worse than someone who has found an answer for herself, and then thinks it's the answer for everyone. I've been that person many a time, sad to say. One thing you can usually get new-agey people to listen to you on is that you have to find your own path. E.g. "I'm so happy that works for you, but I have to find my own path." If they can't accept that, they won't feel new-agey and accepting, which is dangerous to their self-image. If you can maybe speak her language a little bit, like "music is how I find my true self", or whatever it might start a dialogue.


It's too bad because a really "spiritual" person will be happy that you're doing whatever you're doing, as long as you're doing your best and it's working for you, even if it's rocky. So often I find that dogmatic people of any stripe are just looking for a paint-by-numbers approach to living instead of one that springs from your deepest, purest desires to be alive.


Yeah, absolutely. She even said to me "I feel sorry for you that you can't believe in something."


And to boot my father is finally become a full-blown alcoholic that gets frustrated and impatient and mean when he drinks with pretty much everyone (including my 6-year old sister).




Does anyone have normal parents? :wtf:



( last emo post for awhile, I promise :biggrin: )

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Oh yeah, there's nothing worse than someone who has found an answer for herself, and then thinks it's the answer for everyone. I've been that person many a time, sad to say. One thing you can usually get new-agey people to listen to you on is that you have to find your own path. E.g. "I'm so happy that works for you, but I have to find my own path." If they can't accept that, they won't feel new-agey and accepting, which is dangerous to their self-image. If you can maybe speak her language a little bit, like "music is how I find my true self", or whatever it might start a dialogue.


It's too bad because a really "spiritual" person will be happy that you're doing whatever you're doing, as long as you're doing your best and it's working for you, even if it's rocky. So often I find that dogmatic people of any stripe are just looking for a paint-by-numbers approach to living instead of one that springs from your deepest, purest desires to be alive.


Yeah, absolutely. She even said to me "I feel sorry for you that you can't believe in something."


And to boot my father is finally become a full-blown alcoholic that gets frustrated and impatient and mean when he drinks with pretty much everyone (including my 6-year old sister).




Does anyone have normal parents? :wtf:



( last emo post for awhile, I promise :biggrin: )



At least your parents won't be dead by December.

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i got a job at walmart





I remember XXX worked at one...right?


You have solidarity from me dispairassant. Work is work. It's just too bad the state of American employment standards sucks ass. Whenever I'm pissed off at my employer and all the lazy and corrupt management above me, I crank this up \m/


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Oh yeah, there's nothing worse than someone who has found an answer for herself, and then thinks it's the answer for everyone. I've been that person many a time, sad to say. One thing you can usually get new-agey people to listen to you on is that you have to find your own path. E.g. "I'm so happy that works for you, but I have to find my own path." If they can't accept that, they won't feel new-agey and accepting, which is dangerous to their self-image. If you can maybe speak her language a little bit, like "music is how I find my true self", or whatever it might start a dialogue.


It's too bad because a really "spiritual" person will be happy that you're doing whatever you're doing, as long as you're doing your best and it's working for you, even if it's rocky. So often I find that dogmatic people of any stripe are just looking for a paint-by-numbers approach to living instead of one that springs from your deepest, purest desires to be alive.


Yeah, absolutely. She even said to me "I feel sorry for you that you can't believe in something."


And to boot my father is finally become a full-blown alcoholic that gets frustrated and impatient and mean when he drinks with pretty much everyone (including my 6-year old sister).




Does anyone have normal parents? :wtf:



( last emo post for awhile, I promise :biggrin: )



At least your parents won't be dead by December.



You're right.


This sorta stuff has just been on my mind because my mother makes me feel like a worthless piece of shit of a human being and so I've just been kinda struggling with that a bit.

Edited by LimpyLoo
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Sometimes getting into social situations which one is not comfortable, allows one to realize aspects of oneself that actually could use improvement. A lot of social avoidance are deep rooted in fears, which actually have no benefit other than ego preservation. Life is not always about doing our most favorite things. Without doing un-favorite things, we would never grow and would be stuck in elementary school mindset. With parents, family, close friends, sometimes it's about doing what they do, so 1) you can experience something that you're not comfortable with (to learn from), and 2) socializing with the people who have actually allowed you to be you, on their terms (allowing them to experience you, experiencing them). So like for the reiki-mum session thing-- accepting wouldn't be about doing something because you believe in it and want to live by such things- it would be so you could bond with your mother and allow yourself to see things from her point of view. Allowing for such context can be much more important and meaningful than the session itself. I used to be vegetarian for awhile, but I realized that socially eating freely, was much more significant than any benefits of a conceptual diet.


If we seek only comfort in our own sense of self- what we feel is best for us- we can miss some greatness that others can show us, that we cannot imagine or get into on our own. If IDM and music experimentation has any benefit in general life, it is this.

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Oh yeah, there's nothing worse than someone who has found an answer for herself, and then thinks it's the answer for everyone. I've been that person many a time, sad to say. One thing you can usually get new-agey people to listen to you on is that you have to find your own path. E.g. "I'm so happy that works for you, but I have to find my own path." If they can't accept that, they won't feel new-agey and accepting, which is dangerous to their self-image. If you can maybe speak her language a little bit, like "music is how I find my true self", or whatever it might start a dialogue.


It's too bad because a really "spiritual" person will be happy that you're doing whatever you're doing, as long as you're doing your best and it's working for you, even if it's rocky. So often I find that dogmatic people of any stripe are just looking for a paint-by-numbers approach to living instead of one that springs from your deepest, purest desires to be alive.


Yeah, absolutely. She even said to me "I feel sorry for you that you can't believe in something."


And to boot my father is finally become a full-blown alcoholic that gets frustrated and impatient and mean when he drinks with pretty much everyone (including my 6-year old sister).




Does anyone have normal parents? :wtf:



( last emo post for awhile, I promise :biggrin: )



At least your parents won't be dead by December.



You're right.


This sorta stuff has just been on my mind because my mother makes me feel like a worthless piece of shit of a human being and so I've just been kinda struggling with that a bit.



Sorry man I didn't mean to post that dickish post. I've been out of it lately.


I definitely don't agree with people pushing their religion or spirituality on others! Do what you do and don't let it bother you man. You definitely aren't a POS (from what I can tell) and if anything, no offence, but your mother is doing the wrong thing and if you've told her how she's making you feel and she continues then wtf? Parents shouldn't be like that. =(

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This fucking Pokemon game on the DS!!!!


All I seem to be able to do at the moment is make fucking films. It keeps making me do more. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT????

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Mine: Wasn't expecting much when I looked at the Bleep sale. Got Fennesz 17.02.12 box set for £28. Sure it was hell of a lot more previously. Does anyone have it? Thought?


Turns out my first world achievement was short-lived. Wasn't the box set that I was getting. Look at this listing though. At first glance you get the box set. Why else put the pictures below. Mother fuck. Oh well.




Fuck wait, no way- They definitely had the cover of the box set pictured when I paid for it but now they've changed it. I'm not standing for this.

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i broke my non drinking thing on wednes after 11 weeks off it and started an african music thread.




... not that i don't like afican music, but i was just posting up any random clip that took my fancy in that hazy state. It wasn't very well researched. fwp

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i broke my non drinking thing on wednes after 11 weeks off it and started an african music thread.




... not that i don't like afican music, but i was just posting up any random clip that took my fancy in that hazy state. It wasn't very well researched. fwp

lol I saw that, I was thinking you were in some kind of altered state

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Guest disparaissant

copying a 3.4gb iso to usb should not take 40 minutes

oh duh i did /dev/disk1 instead of dev/rdisk1 ugh its ALL MY FAULT I HATE MYSELF

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Went to a festival today, was not told by anyone that there were no ins and outs. I started out calmly explaining my situation and got my receipt from the box office, but eventually had to litigate with some half-retarded low rent security guards before they got a cop to come over and threaten to arrest me for trespassing. Probably because I made them think, rather than stand around doing nothing all day. Great job, guys.

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