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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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Idiot at work has some if those geek glasses with nonprescription lenses. FOR THE LOVE OF CHRIST YOU'RE 33 YEARS OLD!!!

i do not understand the problem with this. glasses are a fashion accessory just like anything else. that's why they come in like a billion different colors, shapes, materials etc -- bc people who wear them care about how they look. anything goes in the realm of dress imo.


that's not to discount the fact that lots of people who wear non-prescription glasses are fucking twats. but I have no problem with this on principle.


my fwp is that I really need a new prescription for stronger lenses but have no money/insurance to go to the doctor.



Why wear glasses if you are able to see properly?


Maybe I should get a fashionable wheelchair and fake that disability too lol. Since when is pretending to be blind a fashion statement?


Edit: I don't mean you, as you have a prescription. I'm just wondering at what point people decided it was alright to wear glasses as an accessory? They were created to help blind people see, not to make you look good. So I'm wondering too when they will decide that gold crutches are ballin' ...?

Edited by StephenG
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I like to have a lazy wank sometimes while in chatmm, get off on the human interaction while tacitly pleasuring myself. But I'm just not feeling it at the moment, and having problems getting it up.

If I was present and you're still having problems, there is little hope for you

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Guest disparaissant

as someone with pretty poor eyesight, i'd have to say comparing it to being in a wheelchair or on crutches is a bit of a stretch. some people look great with glasses. some of those people don't actually have a need for glasses. who cares?

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I hate wearing glasses, which is why I've worn contact lenses for the past 25 years or so. I just look shit in them.

Glasses-related FWP: Trying to save for lasik surgery.


Non-glasses-related FWP: writing mock policy briefs is boring as hell.

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Fact magazine article threw me into the Aphex Twin discography vortex and I am stuck there for another couple weeks at least.


This, i forgot Metapharstic existed, is my favorite track right now.

Edited by Deer
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I hate wearing glasses, which is why I've worn contact lenses for the past 25 years or so. I just look shit in them.

Glasses-related FWP: Trying to save for lasik surgery.


I too am saving for lasik. I've got a screening appointment next week. I've worn glasses since I was 9 or something, been wearing contacts for the last few years. I'd just like to wake up in the morning and be able to see clearly without needing either, I don't like the dependency.


-8.5 in both eyes btw. ludicrous. and I never really did anything to worsen it, it just kept getting worse and worse on its own as I grew up. I did read a lot and play a lot of video games up close, but those things didn't contribute to the problem as much as I was led to believe.

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I hate wearing glasses, which is why I've worn contact lenses for the past 25 years or so. I just look shit in them.

Glasses-related FWP: Trying to save for lasik surgery.


I too am saving for lasik. I've got a screening appointment next week. I've worn glasses since I was 9 or something, been wearing contacts for the last few years. I'd just like to wake up in the morning and be able to see clearly without needing either, I don't like the dependency.


-8.5 in both eyes btw. ludicrous. and I never really did anything to worsen it, it just kept getting worse and worse on its own as I grew up. I did read a lot and play a lot of video games up close, but those things didn't contribute to the problem as much as I was led to believe.


i know 2 people that got fucked up eyes with the laser surgery.. i mean i know surgery is getting better but... (problems= 1 damaged eye each)

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I hate wearing glasses, which is why I've worn contact lenses for the past 25 years or so. I just look shit in them.

Glasses-related FWP: Trying to save for lasik surgery.


I too am saving for lasik. I've got a screening appointment next week. I've worn glasses since I was 9 or something, been wearing contacts for the last few years. I'd just like to wake up in the morning and be able to see clearly without needing either, I don't like the dependency.


Exactly. People who don't need glasses/contacts don't realize what a pain in the ass they are.


Side note: woke up one morning after a night of heavy drinking with perfect vision in my left eye. thought I had been miraculously cured but alas I had merely forgotten to take out my contact lens in that eye before passing out.



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as someone with pretty poor eyesight, i'd have to say comparing it to being in a wheelchair or on crutches is a bit of a stretch. some people look great with glasses. some of those people don't actually have a need for glasses. who cares?


It just seems weird (to me) for someone to accessorize with something that is designed to address a disability, the whole notion seems a little strange.

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I hate wearing glasses, which is why I've worn contact lenses for the past 25 years or so. I just look shit in them.

Glasses-related FWP: Trying to save for lasik surgery.


I too am saving for lasik. I've got a screening appointment next week. I've worn glasses since I was 9 or something, been wearing contacts for the last few years. I'd just like to wake up in the morning and be able to see clearly without needing either, I don't like the dependency.


Exactly. People who don't need glasses/contacts don't realize what a pain in the ass they are.


Side note: woke up one morning after a night of heavy drinking with perfect vision in my left eye. thought I had been miraculously cured but alas I had merely forgotten to take out my contact lens in that eye before passing out.





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as someone with pretty poor eyesight, i'd have to say comparing it to being in a wheelchair or on crutches is a bit of a stretch. some people look great with glasses. some of those people don't actually have a need for glasses. who cares?


It just seems weird (to me) for someone to accessorize with something that is designed to address a disability, the whole notion seems a little strange.

lol there's nothing weird about it, SG. they just look cool, like anything else. when you see people wearing army boots are you like "hey bro, those were designed to address the hazards of military expeditions, not for looking cool"? there are dresses too that have belts which serve not to hold up pants but to create a certain line in a person's figure. you have a sports car right? - do you ever drive it around the neighborhood at a leisurely speed? it's perfectly normal for people to utilize things in ways which are divorced from their original purpose. and like disp said, sometimes glasses look lush as fuck, whether they also serve to correct the vision of the wearer is not essential.


imagine if people only used a tb303 for it's intended design as an accompaniment for solo guitarists. *acid analogy*

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i know 2 people that got fucked up eyes with the laser surgery.. i mean i know surgery is getting better but... (problems= 1 damaged eye each)


that's what the screening appointment is for, innit. I'm hoping they do a good job of determining my suitability (and also that I'm actually suitable for the procedure). I'm told the process is more accurate and developed now than it was, say, 5 years ago.


out of curiosity, when did those people you know do their surgeries? like, how long ago? and did they get screened properly? did they do it at a dodgy place?


Exactly. People who don't need glasses/contacts don't realize what a pain in the ass they are.


Side note: woke up one morning after a night of heavy drinking with perfect vision in my left eye. thought I had been miraculously cured but alas I had merely forgotten to take out my contact lens in that eye before passing out.




lol. "mein Fuhrer, I can see!"


another related anecdote: after I started wearing contacts regularly, I bought a bunch of them from overseas while I was there on holiday. the guy told me they were monthlies, so I was wearing the same pair for a month at a time. later I find out there are no monthlies for that type and I've actually been wearing fortnightlies for 2 more weeks than I should. never had any problems though, so I've just kept on doing it :shrug: saves money.


yes, but empty frames with no actual glass in them make you look like a douchebag no matter which way you play it.


I must agree with this. a certain level of fakery is tolerable for the sake of fashion, but this is crossing the line imo. at least have glass/plastic in them or I'm gonna prod your eyeballs through the frames.

Edited by usagi
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as someone with pretty poor eyesight, i'd have to say comparing it to being in a wheelchair or on crutches is a bit of a stretch. some people look great with glasses. some of those people don't actually have a need for glasses. who cares?

It just seems weird (to me) for someone to accessorize with something that is designed to address a disability, the whole notion seems a little strange.

lol there's nothing weird about it, SG. they just look cool, like anything else. when you see people wearing army boots are you like "hey bro, those were designed to address the hazards of military expeditions, not for looking cool"? there are dresses too that have belts which serve not to hold up pants but to create a certain line in a person's figure. you have a sports car right? - do you ever drive it around the neighborhood at a leisurely speed? it's perfectly normal for people to utilize things in ways which are divorced from their original purpose. and like disp said, sometimes glasses look lush as fuck, whether they also serve to correct the vision of the wearer is not essential.


imagine if people only used a tb303 for it's intended design as an accompaniment for solo guitarists. *acid analogy*



Alco to the rescue! That makes a lot of sense...


Edit: no I don't usually drive my car at a leisurely speed lol. I'm that douche tearing it up on the freeway when there's no traffic. But yeah I get what you're saying for sure. You're smart mr.

Edited by StephenG
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new fwp... trying to play Mother 3 (Earthbound 2) on the visual boy GBA (don't get your panties in a knot.... Mother 3 was never released in North America so I have no other way of playing it other than emulation....).... but it's lagging for some reason?


It's so choppy. I have a gtx 690, intel core i7960, 24gb ram... etc. No reason for this fucking Gameboy game to be choppy.


google searches have not helped =(

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i know 2 people that got fucked up eyes with the laser surgery.. i mean i know surgery is getting better but... (problems= 1 damaged eye each)


that's what the screening appointment is for, innit. I'm hoping they do a good job of determining my suitability (and also that I'm actually suitable for the procedure). I'm told the process is more accurate and developed now than it was, say, 5 years ago.


out of curiosity, when did those people you know do their surgeries? like, how long ago? and did they get screened properly? did they do it at a dodgy place?




yeah, i'd say both cases were probably 5 plus years ago. you gotta think about that stuff though...

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as someone with pretty poor eyesight, i'd have to say comparing it to being in a wheelchair or on crutches is a bit of a stretch. some people look great with glasses. some of those people don't actually have a need for glasses. who cares?

It just seems weird (to me) for someone to accessorize with something that is designed to address a disability, the whole notion seems a little strange.

lol there's nothing weird about it, SG. they just look cool, like anything else. when you see people wearing army boots are you like "hey bro, those were designed to address the hazards of military expeditions, not for looking cool"? there are dresses too that have belts which serve not to hold up pants but to create a certain line in a person's figure. you have a sports car right? - do you ever drive it around the neighborhood at a leisurely speed? it's perfectly normal for people to utilize things in ways which are divorced from their original purpose. and like disp said, sometimes glasses look lush as fuck, whether they also serve to correct the vision of the wearer is not essential.


imagine if people only used a tb303 for it's intended design as an accompaniment for solo guitarists. *acid analogy*

No I don't usually drive my car at a leisurely speed lol. I'm that douche tearing it up on the freeway when there's no traffic.

omlol I wish I could do that

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I currently live with my parents. I came home today to find out my dad slapped my mother. she was helping him find some summer clothes and accidentally dropped a suitcase on his toe which caused him to suddenly lash out. he is 67 years old, she is 61. my mum called a DV helpline, which ended up with police at the house and an AVO being taken out. they are scheduled to appear in court in 2 days.


this is not exactly new behaviour on my dad's part, but it's been a while since he has physically attacked her as far as I'm aware. also police/legal action has never been taken before, and I'm both surprised and heartened at my mum mustering the courage to do so. she did the right thing and I think she should have done it sooner given my dad's long-term marital behaviour.


I feel kind of heartbroken and angry and worried all at the same time. mostly angry, which I'm trying to control. I foresee some fallout from this but I can't exactly tell the nature of it. I have been struggling constantly with both my mum and my dad for some time now, ever since they returned permanently from overseas and we've been living together. it's just a mess generally and I worry both for my mum's future and my own. I don't really know what to do but I'm trying to be strong for both of us and lead us out of this.


I just don't know what to do though.

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I currently live with my parents. I came home today to find out my dad slapped my mother. she was helping him find some summer clothes and accidentally dropped a suitcase on his toe which caused him to suddenly lash out. he is 67 years old, she is 61. my mum called a DV helpline, which ended up with police at the house and an AVO being taken out. they are scheduled to appear in court in 2 days.


this is not exactly new behaviour on my dad's part, but it's been a while since he has physically attacked her as far as I'm aware. also police/legal action has never been taken before, and I'm both surprised and heartened at my mum mustering the courage to do so. she did the right thing and I think she should have done it sooner given my dad's long-term marital behaviour.


I feel kind of heartbroken and angry and worried all at the same time. mostly angry, which I'm trying to control. I foresee some fallout from this but I can't exactly tell the nature of it. I have been struggling constantly with both my mum and my dad for some time now, ever since they returned permanently from overseas and we've been living together. it's just a mess generally and I worry both for my mum's future and my own. I don't really know what to do but I'm trying to be strong for both of us and lead us out of this.


I just don't know what to do though.


Wow usagi, I'm really sorry to hear that. I'm sure you're already seeking legal counsel and other resources. AVO = restraining order right? Come up with a contingency plan and stay grounded with the reality of what has and hasn't occurred - for me it's always tempting to get wrapped up in hypothetical thoughts when stressed, and if you couple that with anger and frustration it only makes things worse. Those emotions are completely warranted but you have to put them aside as best you can when making decisions and assessing the situation, and it seems like you have. Do you have other relatives that your mother and you can turn to? Likewise - (and I don't want to pry so no need to answer) - but are their legal and social factors that apply to your parents relationship? Stay mindful of those things and try to focus on resolving the situation. I've never had anything like this happen with my parents but my wife and I went through some fairly upsetting things with them years ago and it was quite emotionally draining and heartbreaking at the time. But it's all in the pass and we've all moved on. Stay strong and focused and the least that will happen is it won't get worse. I hope that the tension and stress stemming from this begins to fade.

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You said that they have recently come back from overseas. So i'm assuming that they moved into your place and not the other way around. You can't kick either out due to familial responsibilty. hrmm tough one. Does your dad have an income, perhaps he can rent somewhere else while they reconcile. I know that it's exee in sydvegas to rent. Do you have siblings that can help out?


Finally, sorry to hear that man. They need a break from each other i think and this is for the best for the moment. Then again this maybe the wake up call that your dad needs to simma down and the relationship may be rebalanced after this. Perhaps, i don't know shit about it so scratch all of my post and i'll just stick with the sorry to hear that man.







oh bloody hell, it wouldn't separate post it.

Bought a sixpack and the first beer was flat (drank it anyway), second beer slices my finger open (well not the beer but the bottlle (;-p) as the opener somehow sliced a sliver off the top of the fking thing. Goodly grief. The fates aren't happy with my drinking this eve.

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I'm 'avin one of those late night "weird part of YouTube" moments that went from watching random comedians take on hecklers to murder suspects either going ballistic in court rooms or being attacked by the victim's parent. Coffee before bed probably wasn't the smartest idea.

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