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2 New Aphex Twin Songs to Debut at European Culture Congress 10th Sept


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Guest tomaswoj

Sorry guys, but currently I have no means to re-upload the mp3 to some other site (like mediafire, etc). Im behind a corporate firewall that is quite picky on the amount of data outgoing from the corp network :).


But if anyone is willing to re-up it to some other place, be free to do so :). It might be good to have it in watmm downloads, at least until a cleaner recording hits the surface (hopefully there is some cleaner recording :).


On the SacrumProfanum, next Saturday, to my knowledge it will be Steve Reich's compositions interpreted by whole bunch of artists, including Aphex Twin. Speaking with the guy at the soundboard last weekend, he said Aphex will is doing a collab with Adrian Utley (Portishead), on few tracks. Neverthless ( in a sense that it is limited to few tracks only) it might be still quite interesting.


I think tickets are still available, at approx 25 euros. And the venue is marvelous.

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Guest tomaswoj

zomg theres a sawii version of Avril 14th


Fred's gonna have to get married again


The more I listen to this the more goosebumps I get... For me just this tiny piece alone was worth traveling 5h by train each way. It was a magical moment.

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Guest Kenneth172

Hopefully Sky Arts or someone will do a proper program/recording of the whole concert.


I would imagine a proper release would be on the cards.

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Guest hahathhat

ok, just watched that vid, against my better judgement. it was about as i feared. it's one of those god-awful modern pieces that sounds like an orchestra tuning up for ten minutes (like at the end of A Day In The Life, right before that amazing D chord). and it's all cameraphone quality.


how exciting this is -- the aphex twin having something or other to do with ten minutes of atonal orchestral noodling! he stands in the background with his laptop as some dude conducts! is he doing something, or just standing there? i have absolutely no idea! look now, this is serious avant garde. they're slapping their violins (@4:06). it's serious avant garde because they are slapping their violins

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Guest Kenneth172

this is serious avant garde. they're slapping their violins (@4:06). it's serious avant garde because they are slapping their violins


Slapping their violins with a grin :spiteful: , if you notice. Even the musicians have no idea what the fcuk is going on! :crazy:

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Guest Kenneth172

i think i am not ~sophisticated~ enough to understand this but i'm an aphex twin fan so i guess it is awesome YAY


That's the lamest reason ever for saying it's "awesome" - "cos I'm an aphex twin fan"... Emperor's clothes and all that jazz...

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Guest Kenneth172

i was being sarcastic. it's more polite than saying anyone who likes this needs to get their nose out of aphex's gooch




Sarcasm accepted.


I actually really liked it. A proper recording is needed though to listen to all the nuances on a good sound system. Or, you really had to be there.

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Guest hahathhat

I actually really liked it. A proper recording is needed though to listen to all the nuances on a good sound system. Or, you really had to be there.

maybe, maybe. but then we get into my long-standing gripes about:


-shit cameraphone recordings

-all aphex gigs being thousands of miles away from me


compound that with:


-general pretentious vibe

-sounds like the orchestral equivalent of smojphace -- more about noise than harmony


i find most modern orchestral stuff noodly and dull. i suppose it does share that "so-overevolved it's getting impossible to listen to" thing with IDM, but that's not enough to turn me on to it.

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I won't be buying the release. Each to their own eh. I really dislike this type of thing, it's the antithesis of everything i understand and like about sound (i won't class it as music).


eneewae. luvf dleetr ;-]

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Actually before i get into big trouble, i'll state that i'm glad aphex had fun putting this together and seeing it performed. And i'm not trying to take away anyone else's potential enjoyment of this stuff, there's clearly an audience that is really into it.

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Guest Kenneth172

I actually really liked it. A proper recording is needed though to listen to all the nuances on a good sound system. Or, you really had to be there.

maybe, maybe. but then we get into my long-standing gripes about:


-shit cameraphone recordings

-all aphex gigs being thousands of miles away from me


compound that with:


-general pretentious vibe

-sounds like the orchestral equivalent of smojphace -- more about noise than harmony


i find most modern orchestral stuff noodly and dull. i suppose it does share that "so-overevolved it's getting impossible to listen to" thing with IDM, but that's not enough to turn me on to it.


Ultimately it depends on your mindset while listening. The actual subject matter which is pretty grim in the first place (victims of Hiroshima) doesn't make for comfortable listening. If you've listened to the original 'Threnody' by Penderecki then you can hear some of the differences. Aphex has added more emphasis to different parts of it with the added effects and noises. Penderecki's work by its nature sounds overevolved and full of tension and dischord. With Aphex's input he seems to have brought it into the 21st century. I bet many of you had never heard of Penderecki until now.


I do agree with you though about the general pretentious vibe, it all seems very highbrow and The Guardian will embrace it. But you know Aphex is full of surprises, what comes next could very well juxtapose all this.

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