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2 New Aphex Twin Songs to Debut at European Culture Congress 10th Sept


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Guest plutopia

Thanks for the detailed impressions and pictures, psn! It sounds and looks (from the vids) like jaw-dropping stuff. But I fear that awesome part where RDJ's conducting through the on-screen symbols is mostly "lost in compression" (grateful for the vids though). Threnedy "remix" is trippy and intense (and sad given what it remembers) can't wait for Polymorphia Reloaded.

I had to run, but noticed RDJ looked like a big kid with a happy grin, his sweater tucked into the front of his trousers, giving two thumbs up for the applause.


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An amazing experience last night.

I won't add much from the above description of the pieces other than some good nuggets of info.

Before the performance I saw the conductor of greenwoods pieces in the courtyard. He explained the afx set (with the volume cues) and the fact that the choir were wearing headphones to relate ?pitch broadcast into the

headphones with visual cues for volume.


Interestingly he said the basis of polymorphia reloaded was the polymorphia piece played in

reverse - apparently this was how Penderecki

had originally wrote/envisioned it.


I hung around afterwards and actually met Richard's tour manager. Richard popped out of the bacstage door and met a few of the young polish fans and signed album booklets they brought along; my friend and I were pretty

thrilled to meet him and take a happy snap. Richard also took a photo of the group on his old Nokia.

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Guest tomaswoj

Just few additional bits :).



1. Aphex was given flowers at the very end (a photo collage lowHQ in this Picasa album), he was frankly quite confused with these. But anyway also seemed to be quite happy showing thumbs up to the audience and then to the orchestra. When he was leaving a stage, he just gave the flowers to one of the choir ladies :).


2. I got some pictures of the English version of the symbols description - a main audio board guy was having these, but they are blurry, and the guy did not want to give his copy after the concert ('to keep some things a secret' as he said). But i managed to get a polish version of these from one of the musicians - will probably post some photos of it with a translation.


3. Full audio recording of the show is here(128kbps, mono mp3, taken directly from 16bits, 22050kHz raw PCM recording). Some parts are of surprisingly nice quality assuming taken with a crappy android cameraphone :).


My take on the tracklist:

00-33m - some random tracks, prior these recorded there was BOC, friend of mine reconigsed some Plaid, etc.

33m15s - It starts with Penderecki (“Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima” (1960–61))

44m30s - Then Aphex remix

51m40s - Another Aphex remix (or is it just a part of prior one?)

55m00s - Aphex & Penderecki together? (Penderecki, "Canon for Strings")

66m30s - Aphex set, track 1, Drukqz like

71m00s - Aphex set, track 2, Avril reprise ?

74m30s-90m00s - Aphex conducting orchestra (via visual symbols)

92m00s - Penderecki back on stage ("Polymorphia", )

103m00s - Penderecki switches with new conductor (Paul McCreesh?), and he plays with Aphex till the end of show ("Polymorphia Reloaded", 2011, world premiere)

112m15s - applause


Overall it seems it was quite an extraordinary type of the event last night. Looking forward to see him next Saturday (during Sacrum Profanum).

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I'm pretty sure the Penderecki cannon with strings was played without anything additional from aphex. the conductor of polymorphia reloaded was marek mos.

The highlight for me was the threnody remix with visuals which was completely raw and spine tingling. Aphex barefoot accepting his bouquet and applause was sweet.

I got a bunch of great photos which I'll hopefully be able to load soon..

For anyone interested, marek mos also mentioned the greenwood/penderecki collab to be performed in ?krakow will be readied for a CD release.


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Just few additional bits :).



1. Aphex was given flowers at the very end (a photo collage lowHQ in this Picasa album), he was frankly quite confused with these. But anyway also seemed to be quite happy showing thumbs up to the audience and then to the orchestra. When he was leaving a stage, he just gave the flowers to one of the choir ladies :).


2. I got some pictures of the English version of the symbols description - a main audio board guy was having these, but they are blurry, and the guy did not want to give his copy after the concert ('to keep some things a secret' as he said). But i managed to get a polish version of these from one of the musicians - will probably post some photos of it with a translation.


3. Full audio recording of the show is here(128kbps, mono mp3, taken directly from 16bits, 22050kHz raw PCM recording). Some parts are of surprisingly nice quality assuming taken with a crappy android cameraphone :).


My take on the tracklist:

00-33m - some random tracks, prior these recorded there was BOC, friend of mine reconigsed some Plaid, etc.

33m15s - It starts with Penderecki (“Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima” (1960–61))

44m30s - Then Aphex remix

51m40s - Another Aphex remix (or is it just a part of prior one?)

55m00s - Aphex & Penderecki together? (Penderecki, "Canon for Strings")

66m30s - Aphex set, track 1, Drukqz like

71m00s - Aphex set, track 2, Avril reprise ?

74m30s-90m00s - Aphex conducting orchestra (via visual symbols)

92m00s - Penderecki back on stage ("Polymorphia", )

103m00s - Penderecki switches with new conductor (Paul McCreesh?), and he plays with Aphex till the end of show ("Polymorphia Reloaded", 2011, world premiere)

112m15s - applause


Overall it seems it was quite an extraordinary type of the event last night. Looking forward to see him next Saturday (during Sacrum Profanum).


Niestety, obecnie nie możesz wyświetlić ani pobrać tego pliku.

Ostatnio zbyt wielu użytkowników obejrzało lub pobrało ten plik. Spróbuj uzyskać do niego dostęp później. Jeśli plik, do którego próbujesz uzyskać dostęp, jest wyjątkowo duży lub jest udostępniany wielu osobom, zanim będzie on dostępny do pobrania lub obejrzenia, może minąć do 24 godzin. Jeśli nadal nie możesz uzyskać do niego dostępu, skontaktuj się z administratorem domeny.



Weź zapodaj to gdzie indziej, z góry thx

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Just few additional bits :).



1. Aphex was given flowers at the very end (a photo collage lowHQ in this Picasa album), he was frankly quite confused with these. But anyway also seemed to be quite happy showing thumbs up to the audience and then to the orchestra. When he was leaving a stage, he just gave the flowers to one of the choir ladies :).


2. I got some pictures of the English version of the symbols description - a main audio board guy was having these, but they are blurry, and the guy did not want to give his copy after the concert ('to keep some things a secret' as he said). But i managed to get a polish version of these from one of the musicians - will probably post some photos of it with a translation.


3. Full audio recording of the show is here(128kbps, mono mp3, taken directly from 16bits, 22050kHz raw PCM recording). Some parts are of surprisingly nice quality assuming taken with a crappy android cameraphone :).


My take on the tracklist:

00-33m - some random tracks, prior these recorded there was BOC, friend of mine reconigsed some Plaid, etc.

33m15s - It starts with Penderecki (“Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima” (1960–61))

44m30s - Then Aphex remix

51m40s - Another Aphex remix (or is it just a part of prior one?)

55m00s - Aphex & Penderecki together? (Penderecki, "Canon for Strings")

66m30s - Aphex set, track 1, Drukqz like

71m00s - Aphex set, track 2, Avril reprise ?

74m30s-90m00s - Aphex conducting orchestra (via visual symbols)

92m00s - Penderecki back on stage ("Polymorphia", )

103m00s - Penderecki switches with new conductor (Paul McCreesh?), and he plays with Aphex till the end of show ("Polymorphia Reloaded", 2011, world premiere)

112m15s - applause


Overall it seems it was quite an extraordinary type of the event last night. Looking forward to see him next Saturday (during Sacrum Profanum).


Niestety, obecnie nie możesz wyświetlić ani pobrać tego pliku.

Ostatnio zbyt wielu użytkowników obejrzało lub pobrało ten plik. Spróbuj uzyskać do niego dostęp później. Jeśli plik, do którego próbujesz uzyskać dostęp, jest wyjątkowo duży lub jest udostępniany wielu osobom, zanim będzie on dostępny do pobrania lub obejrzenia, może minąć do 24 godzin. Jeśli nadal nie możesz uzyskać do niego dostępu, skontaktuj się z administratorem domeny.



Weź zapodaj to gdzie indziej, z góry thx


Ok Nevermind

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Saturday, 17 September 2011 Concert Reich 75 Place Tinning Plant of ArcelorMittal Poland in Kraków Time 21:00 Artists

Steve Reich

Aphex Twin

Adrian Utley (Portishead)

Tom Verlaine (Television)

Will Gregory (Goldfrapp)

Leszek Możdżer




it seems all shows will be broadcasted or recorded by polish radio programme 2. except for the last one with afx!?

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Guest Karen Tregaskin

Just few additional bits :).



1. Aphex was given flowers at the very end (a photo collage lowHQ in this Picasa album), he was frankly quite confused with these. But anyway also seemed to be quite happy showing thumbs up to the audience and then to the orchestra. When he was leaving a stage, he just gave the flowers to one of the choir ladies :).


2. I got some pictures of the English version of the symbols description - a main audio board guy was having these, but they are blurry, and the guy did not want to give his copy after the concert ('to keep some things a secret' as he said). But i managed to get a polish version of these from one of the musicians - will probably post some photos of it with a translation.


3. Full audio recording of the show is here(128kbps, mono mp3, taken directly from 16bits, 22050kHz raw PCM recording). Some parts are of surprisingly nice quality assuming taken with a crappy android cameraphone :).


My take on the tracklist:

00-33m - some random tracks, prior these recorded there was BOC, friend of mine reconigsed some Plaid, etc.

33m15s - It starts with Penderecki (“Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima” (1960–61))

44m30s - Then Aphex remix

51m40s - Another Aphex remix (or is it just a part of prior one?)

55m00s - Aphex & Penderecki together? (Penderecki, "Canon for Strings")

66m30s - Aphex set, track 1, Drukqz like

71m00s - Aphex set, track 2, Avril reprise ?

74m30s-90m00s - Aphex conducting orchestra (via visual symbols)

92m00s - Penderecki back on stage ("Polymorphia", )

103m00s - Penderecki switches with new conductor (Paul McCreesh?), and he plays with Aphex till the end of show ("Polymorphia Reloaded", 2011, world premiere)

112m15s - applause


Overall it seems it was quite an extraordinary type of the event last night. Looking forward to see him next Saturday (during Sacrum Profanum).


Aww too many downloads already. I'm impatient. Need to hear this in full!

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