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THE FEAR RATIO feat. plaid


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someone uploaded it on YT already




but i must say i didnt enjoy it so much :S (except for the great ending after 4:10 )


must you? :P


it's my fav tune of the moment, along with Scintilli... and some other old records i dug out the other day. like, the + One and Repeat albums, some B12, and other old Warp, Skam, DeFocus records.


^ that rip doesn't sound too great imho or do it as much justice as when you listen to it in your room from your own deck.. and amp and speakers. it could be a bit more clear i'd say.. the bass is too heavy. not enough midrange and highs in that there.

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:D + :P



(speaking of DP, i wonder if Plaid let people record audio, off their soundboard..i m guessing they may let me, but still, i havent yet looked if my samsung portable player can do that!! :P

maaan, im so lazy to look into stuff :S ppppfff)

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