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Burial - Kindred EP


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Guest ruiagnelo

I enjoy Burial's music, but i am actually starting to think he is just recycling his sound over and over again with each new release. Kind of simply applying the magic formula and getting the dollars out of it.


Would love to see him exploring new territory, because i am sure he has the balls and the talent to do so.

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I enjoy Burial's music, but i am actually starting to think he is just recycling his sound over and over again with each new release. Kind of simply applying the magic formula and getting the dollars out of it. Would love to see him exploring new territory, because i am sure he has the balls and the talent to do so.


I thought his Massive Attack remixes were pretty different, I wasn't blown away by them though

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Guest ruiagnelo

I thought his Massive Attack remixes were pretty different, I wasn't blown away by them though


I would be surprised if they weren't different, because they are remixes.

But i wasn't blown away by them either. That's what i am talking about. Burial's music isn't surprising for me anymore.

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I thought his Massive Attack remixes were pretty different, I wasn't blown away by them though


I would be surprised if they weren't different, because they are remixes.

But i wasn't blown away by them either. That's what i am talking about. Burial's music isn't surprising for me anymore.


I thought Street Halo was great. Not surprising, no, but lovely Burial sounds

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I enjoy Aphex Twin's music, but i am actually starting to think he is just recycling his sound over and over again with each new release. Kind of simply applying the magic formula and getting the dollars out of it.


Would love to see him exploring new territory, because i am sure he has the balls and the talent to do so.

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Guest carthief

I enjoy Burial's music, but i am actually starting to think he is just recycling his sound over and over again with each new release. Kind of simply applying the magic formula and getting the dollars out of it.


Would love to see him exploring new territory, because i am sure he has the balls and the talent to do so.


There was an interview done with him in the Guardian back around Untrue, and that and what little else I've picked up about him makes me think that he's not the kind of person making music in order to "get the dollars out of it."


If anything I think he's probably an obsessive individual - I remember reading Kode9 saying that Burial has a massive amount of material that he's recorded that will probably never see the light of day, because he's so particular about what it is he releases...


I like that he has a sound, a way, a stamp that recurs in his music. To be honest, I can't understand at times why musicians change their sound so completely in order to meet the public's expectations that they must evolve into something other than what they began as...I think there's an honesty in Burial's music, he seems to know himself well, and the reason why so many people are touched by his music, can "feel" it, is because it's a true expression.

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Guest ruiagnelo

I enjoy Burial's music, but i am actually starting to think he is just recycling his sound over and over again with each new release. Kind of simply applying the magic formula and getting the dollars out of it.


Would love to see him exploring new territory, because i am sure he has the balls and the talent to do so.


There was an interview done with him in the Guardian back around Untrue, and that and what little else I've picked up about him makes me think that he's not the kind of person making music in order to "get the dollars out of it."


If anything I think he's probably an obsessive individual - I remember reading Kode9 saying that Burial has a massive amount of material that he's recorded that will probably never see the light of day, because he's so particular about what it is he releases...


I like that he has a sound, a way, a stamp that recurs in his music. To be honest, I can't understand at times why musicians change their sound so completely in order to meet the public's expectations that they must evolve into something other than what they began as...I think there's an honesty in Burial's music, he seems to know himself well, and the reason why so many people are touched by his music, can "feel" it, is because it's a true expression.


I wasn't being serious when i mentioned the dollars thing. I know Burial is a very dedicated individual and i am sure he doesn't care about profit. As i already said, tho i didn't put too much effort on it, i really like his music. He has a unique, distinctive and rich sound which for me is a treasure among all the music being constantly released nowadays.

And i will listen to anything he keeps releaseing, but i would love to be surprised. I am not saying a 180º turn, but something different.

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I love burial but hear what your saying, Would love to hear him do something more D&B stylee, Or maybe even a full release of just ambient beauty. Either way I cant really knock him cause his music always hits a very special spot with me..... (god that sounds gay!)


Anyhow looking forward to this and hoping it will be follwed up by a full length soon!

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i'd be happy with another album that's as different to untrue as untrue was to burial. failing that i'd be happy to hear a burial album that sounds exactly like untrue or burial.


i <3 burial


edit: saying burial a lot of times in a short space of time and then looking at the word burial fucks my mind up

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

i think his last release did show some growth of his sound. and the difference in sound between his first and second album is obvious. unless you hear wood blocks and stop listening maybe.

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Guest usernameinvalid

do you guys honestly think he makes much money ?


did you see him DJing / touring ?

did he do remixes for Lady Gaga ? he must get tons of requests

does he want you to "like" his facebook page ? to follow him on twitter ? to buy his t-shirts ?

do you honestly think indie acts get much money from their record sales ?


but we're not in the 90s anymore


i'm not saying doing all of this is bad. i'd rather have a world with rich artists than rich bankers.

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do you guys honestly think he makes much money ?


did you see him DJing / touring ?

did he do remixes for Lady Gaga ? he must get tons of requests

does he want you to "like" his facebook page ? to follow him on twitter ? to buy his t-shirts ?

do you honestly think indie acts get much money from their record sales ?


we're not in the 90s anymore


Ehm. Is this a response to some unposted post I haven't read? What are you on about?

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Guest usernameinvalid

I enjoy Burial's music, but i am actually starting to think he is just recycling his sound over and over again with each new release. Kind of simply applying the magic formula and getting the dollars out of it.

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