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This years top ten films (2011)


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lol ur weird but i think if u didnt get valhalla u wont get drive either probly cuz they have a lot of the same concepts going on. valhalla rising had a lot of negative naysayers when it 1st came out and i watched it and the whole time i felt like i was witnessing a true master piece of cinema and i still have always felt that even tho i watched it like 6 more times and i think its truly an amazing movie and nicolas refn is a fricken hero

the whole hell sequence is mind bobblingly awesome

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cant believe nobody mentioned The Guard, funniest film of seen in a while.

yeah, that was my favorite. fuckin hilarious film. though i kind of lost interest toward the end.


drive was good but i agree that the music sucked, and i thought it was generally overrated.


and that's all i can say about 2011 movies... melancholia looks cool, i'll have to check it out at some point

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this year sucked in movies

I thought it was pretty good for music though

And I'm told TV as well (though the only thing I have firsthand experience with is BrBa)


Totally agree, music rocked this year and BrBa and the walking dead made TV phenomenal.

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Drive and Kings Speech (if that was this year) are literally the only new films I've seen this year but I put them both forward anyhow. I'm playing catch up from years gone by.

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Fantastic: Melancholia

Great: Drive

Quite good: Midnight in Paris

Should not exist: Contagion


God... don't get me started on that movie, I'm still bitter about the $16 I wasted on me and my gf for that piece of shit. What a bullshit movie, nothing happens the whole time. In fact it was so god damned slow, with an even slower ending, that I got up thinking "well nothing's happening, might be a good time to go take a piss" only to find the credits rolling and people walking out when I was done.


But yeah, this year kinda sucked for movies overall...


I liked the Harry Pottter one, Cowboys & Aliens was a fun one also... the rest were all pretty forgettable, still need to see Drive, looking forward to The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo also

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Goddamnit am I really the only one who saw Hugo?

I saw Hugo a few weeks ago. I found it dreadfully boring, though it had an appealing visual style.


This year it was all about Melancholia for me! I am seeing Human Centipede 2 this weekend so perhaps it will eclipse all others!

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I've had a hard think about it, looks like I've seen 12 2011 films so far. Here they are, organized by how well they worked for me:


1 Tin Tin

2 Captain America

3 Attack the block

4 Rise of the planet of the apes

5 X-men first class

6 Harry potter and the thingamajig part 2

7 Thor

----------- I didn't enjoy the films below.

8 Super 8

9 Hanna

10 Incendies


Didn't make the list: the thing 2011, transformers 3: pigs in space, I started a bunch of films that I never finished including paul, priest, battle l.a. etc.,, I don't know why I keep postponing watching good films instead of mindless trash, but I guess it's what I need in my life to relax right now.

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Fantastic: Melancholia

Great: Drive

Quite good: Midnight in Paris

Should not exist: Contagion


God... don't get me started on that movie, I'm still bitter about the $16 I wasted on me and my gf for that piece of shit. What a bullshit movie, nothing happens the whole time. In fact it was so god damned slow, with an even slower ending, that I got up thinking "well nothing's happening, might be a good time to go take a piss" only to find the credits rolling and people walking out when I was done.



oh shit. that's like the only movie i saw this year. in FUCKING IMAX. of all the movies to have in IMAX. fml.

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honestly I don't think it was that bad but I've never had such a strong feeling of "but why the fuck did they make this movie?" when I walked out of a theatre


IDK, I felt like the plot never really went anywhere enough to prove any point, and I honestly stopped giving a shit about Matt Damon and his daughter like halfway through. Then when my gf informed of the little ending scene and how it happened. I immediately in the theatre declared it "A bullshit movie" and considered my having to piss more rewarding. Contagion is the worst I've seen this year.


Edi: It seems the best movies I've watched this year weren't made this year...

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1. Super (says it was released in 2011 in most lists)

2. Martha Marcy May Marlene

3. Drive

4. Insidious

5. Rise of the Planet of the Apes

6. Thor

7. Melancholia

8. Bridesmaids

9. 50/50

10. American: The Bill Hicks Story


others I enjoyed a lot:


Hall Pass

Attack the Block

Your Highness

Harry Potter 7 pts 1 + 2

Midnight in Paris

A Dangerous Method



still have not seen Hugo, The Descendants, The Muppets, the new Sherlock Holmes, Fincher's Dragon Tattoo, new Mission Impossible or Warhorse...which I think will all be entertaining.


I think it was a great year for film.


I am excited to see what documentaries are nominated at the Oscars.


Last year's list was amazing.


If you have not seen all of the nominated film's for Best Doc last year, do yourself a favour and watch them. They are all on Netflix I think. Restrepo, Gasland, Inside Job, Exit Through the Gift Shop, and Waste Land.

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