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Banker Leaves 1% Tip On $133 Lunch Bill In Defiance of 'The 99%'


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Granted, luck can be one of the factors playing. The invention of the lightbulb took some luck, but most of all, someone tried their luck (after hundreds of failures).




Or in the case of Thomas Edison, bought the patent from someone else and had good marketing;)


Sirch, excellent troll points for America is the cancer of the world :)

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I agree to some extent. But overall I think it's way too simple. There are actually quite a lot of people that have took the opportunity. Granted, luck can be one of the factors playing. The invention of the lightbulb took some luck, but most of all, someone tried their luck (after hundreds of failures). And there's a difference between being angry about not having equal opportunities, and not actually putting in the effort (out of fear of failing). In Western society, there are a lot of opportunities. More than people usually like to acknowledge. You can ask anyone in the third world.


Note: I'm not in the everyone has equal opportunities camp. They don't. But within Western society, a lot is possible.


And yes, I'm a dick for saying so. And yes, it's easy to say this from my privileged point of view. But was Blankfein really that much more privileged from the outset than the average college student? I don't think so.


Of course there are opportunities in the western world. But I've never wished in my life to start an export company, nor I ever will. I don't want to go into entertainment business, as I don't give a damn about becoming the next Zuckerberg. The local government usually keeps such interests in line. They got to say what kind of business will be supported. It's all poiltics. And in most cases, politics change as the next political mandate comes on stage.


Politics and economy as a subject, lack vision on a larger scale. There was this man, Steve Jobs (but mind you, I don't wish to emphasize his importance). He was just a business man who had a vision which inspired so many other people. But what is wrong is that people become so blinded by one's success, that they abandon their own wishes. They just copy. And the market becomes over saturated, because everyone just wants to make money the same way he did. Which is basically the result, of what you said, of not putting in the effort (out of fear of failing).


That said I will conclude that all what's happening today is for the sake of making money, and not actually for making something you want. Making something the whole human kind can benefit from.

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Hmmm, well put. But I get the impression this thread is turning into the First World problems thread.


And honestly, reading it back arouses sensations of having a hangover and slowly remembering the night before.


It was my evil twin! Really!

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Anyone agreeing "Randian social Darwinist" is an awkward combination of terms? Randian and social, that kinda like "Gay Republican".


I dunno, social dawinism doesn't seem a million miles away from some of the Ayn Rand 'devil take the hindmost' philosophy.




I'll admit though, I haven't been bothered to read any of her books. The best criticism I ever read of her philosophy was actually from a movie review: http://outlawvern.com/2010/09/11/the-fountainhead/

That movie (and the Randian mindset overall) apparently 'pays well deserved respect to the value of artistic integrity, but it neglects the at-least-as-important value of not being a huge fucking asshole.' Something our Banker friend from the original post could do to take note of.

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What exactly is a "real job"?


for me... a job with prospects where i feel valued and appreciated. more a profession, i suppose.

Being a bartender is a thousand times better in Canada than it is in the UK. Bartenders at decent clubs make ridiculous amounts in tips, and there are plenty of side benefits....;)

I found being a barman in the UK was shit. All the hard work, none of the payoff.

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you'd have to be a cocktail expert in some exclusive bar to make good money here i think. really need to know your stuff. but that'd be more of a profession i guess.


bar/waiting staff in the uk are usually students, young people travelling or european immigrants with poor english. it's not really seen as vocational here at all.


of course there are chefs, someliers, management, etc... the vocational/professional side of the service industry.

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What exactly is a "real job"?


for me... a job with prospects where i feel valued and appreciated. more a profession, i suppose.



maybe it's more a question of achievement and fulfillment... playing a key/important role... doing something not everyone can do. having a destinct area of expertise.



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I'll give it a tip if I'm happy with the service I've received definitely! I don't see it as taking pity on the person however what I don't like it 'gratuity' which in some restaurants is extortionate!!

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i was at this sports bar once with my partner and we got hot wings and i was out of water because shit was hot! it took the waitress like 15 minutes to notice me calling her over and get me a refill. i think i gave her a four dollar tip.


that's probably the only time i've ever tipped poorly.

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I worked in restaurants for about 5 years. before, during and after the time I was going to collage.


So you went to collage?

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I worked in restaurants for about 5 years. before, during and after the time I was going to collage.


So you went to collage?


Omg a typo!!! heaven forbid!


excuse my negligence oh great watmm overlords, it shall never happen again. Just put it down to my lack of genetic disposition for correct spelling. I shall endevour to find a more appropriate forum, where my inadiquacies as a human do not cause a severe hindrance to my ability to integrate. Hopefully, in time, I shall develop the skills required to function appropriately, spell correctly, and ultimately provide an opinion which will stand up to the rigourous spell check and meet all criteria to be considered remotely noteable on this "proper" forum.


/above post probably contains typos and spelling errors. To be expected from someone with dyslexia typing on an iPad.

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Don't worry, it seems to me that EANDN's primary contributions to this forum are pointing out humorous typos, telling new members to read the rules and/or pointing out their low post count, and saying when new albums leak.

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