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Rich Kids of Instagram


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I feel sad for these kids tbh... they'll probably never experience joy in the same way that most kids would when they succeed at some venture or gain some accomplishment. They'll always have money and influence behind them in some way which actually can defeat one's experience of efficiacy. Worse than that it can defeat one's sense of autonomy and deflate the sense that one could truly author something of their own.


it might feel like I did as a child when I handed in an assignment that was fucking awesome but knew that my mom had created most of the thing herself in order to help me get a better mark. At a deeper level you always know how much you deserve and these kids may never feel like they achieved anything as they've been given the world already.


This is how I see things. Sure things will be great until you hit your mid twenties and realise you're effectively a bit of a parasite, you didn't earn any of this and you haven't achieved anything that wasn't bankrolled by someone else's money and influence.


I guess a lot of people condition this out, wallpaper over it with more possessions but I do believe that it will catch up with the majority of them.


I actually have a spare two or three hundred dollars at the moment after my tax return. I'm just hanging onto it for bills and that and man I tell you I feel really fucking good. I worked for the money and for once in my life I'm not eating peanut butter sandwiches and starving myself until payday. You can't appreciate that without having to go through the hard times.


And at the same time I live in Perth which is a beautiful city with good people in it and I eat at least two meals a day and live basically a stress free life working in an arcade. There are probably fucking thousands of people out there who are far more jealous of me than I am of these rich kids.


We all still have shit pretty good when you get right down to it.

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It's all relative. If you're in a starving region of the world then probably spending their month's salary worth on a single vinyl record by a first worlder probably seems pretty wasteful and bourgeois or whatever.


I've lived for a month with 100 euros and I've spent 300 euros on a single dinner. I could have lived for 3 months in my poorer times. But I do not feel particularly weirded out by that, although I think I've had better dinners with under 20 euros.


Anyway I don't usually think about money that much. I'm generally happy when I have enough money to pay rent, eat properly and have clothes that are not completely worn out. The rest is extra. I think I've mostly grown out of being bitter to people that are monetarily better off than me. Actually some of them seem to be worse off because they are always worrying about their possessions or lack of them. Use the money as a tool, don't be a slave to it.


So, about the bill, I don't really care, lol. I guess that was my point. :cisfor:

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What the hell is the point of Instagram anyway? Cheesy effects on cell phone pics for the masses?


It's so people who can't take pictures can feel like real photographers. Aside from the cheesy effects, it also removes blemishes.

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Guest kokeboka

What the hell is the point of Instagram anyway? Cheesy effects on cell phone pics for the masses?


They do it for the irony. Also they could well afford an awesome camera, but carrying a camera and learning how to use it would involve actual work.

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Ah, yes. I see now. Almost everybody seems to be obsessed with photography lately and Instagram makes it easier to hide the fact that you are actually pretty bad at it.

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I feel sad for these kids tbh... they'll probably never experience joy in the same way that most kids would when they succeed at some venture or gain some accomplishment. They'll always have money and influence behind them in some way which actually can defeat one's experience of efficiacy. Worse than that it can defeat one's sense of autonomy and deflate the sense that one could truly author something of their own.


it might feel like I did as a child when I handed in an assignment that was fucking awesome but knew that my mom had created most of the thing herself in order to help me get a better mark. At a deeper level you always know how much you deserve and these kids may never feel like they achieved anything as they've been given the world already.


id imagine its akin to being a God. You practically determine your own and other's futures at a simple whim. You go on a power trip, but after a while you hit an existential crisis. That's when you join the global Illuminati.

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if I saw Ulillillia on this section of Instagram with a jewel-encrusted Altoids box, i would seriously bust a nut no homo


pure homo

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Guest disparaissant

What the hell is the point of Instagram anyway? Cheesy effects on cell phone pics for the masses?

it also autoposts to facebook, twitter, tumblr, foursquare, and flickr. so it has uses.

plus i mean a shitty cell phone pic is a shitty cell phone pic, a vintage filter is only going to make a lateral difference, it's not going to get worse.

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$1.720.47 for a bottle of Bailey's? How is that even possible?


Also: Lilac Chinos


Is this in US dollars? $1720.47 Jamaican dollars would be about 19 USD which would make more sense. The receipt has the General Consumption Tax (GCT) which is in use in Jamaica and is 17.5%.

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$1.720.47 for a bottle of Bailey's? How is that even possible?


Also: Lilac Chinos


Is this in US dollars? $1720.47 Jamaican dollars would be about 19 USD which would make more sense. The receipt has the General Consumption Tax (GCT) which is in use in Jamaica and is 17.5%.


if its J$ the whole bill is $482 or €384. Still expensive but by far not as expensive as suggested

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I addition I wonder if this bill is in French franc (the currency they had before € )





1€ = 6.55957 Franc which makes it much cheaper too


This would make the Coca Cola cost around €3 / $4. Still expensive but much more in perspective than if it was $ or €


The whole bill would be around €16400 / $20597 making it €1024 / $1286 for each of the 16 people served. This is still very expensive but by far not as far off as suggested considering they had the most expensive Champaign, caviar and lobster you can buy served in a beach club known for high prices.


As they took care to scan exactly this bill I tend to assume this was a special occasion maybe a wedding or a high value business meeting. Its unlikely that they have 16 people eating with them in a holiday beach club every day.

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