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I tried playing Crusader Kings 2 last weekend. Started as Boudewijn V, Duke of Flanders. Everything went to shit when my brother-in-law William the Conqueror made France fall apart and I got betrayed by my Dutch vassal after my son had to take over. I seemed completely powerless throughout. All these lords are assholes. I did worse than reality.



the key to this game is being a complete asshole to everyone except the most loyal members of your family.


dont execute, jail. let them rebel and take their title. all nobility under me in Britannia can enjoy eating shit for all eternity.


I somehow gained the Duchy of Burgundy without even trying....I now have Britannia and about 80-85% of all duchies and counties under dynastic control, now to consolidate my power over Portucale and then on to France...my old ally has been constantly fucking me over in the crusades.



oh also, do not give someone a duchy and counties within that duchy...can create problems in a rebellion.





my problem is my current ruler is a 40 year old dwarf and his wife wont have sex with him...i either need to off her or hope for the best....i need a son desperately.


and someone should absolutely take Iain's copy of EUIII.....seriously my favorite grand strategy game of all time (though CKII is certainly a hell of a lot of fun), and most likely my favorite game of all time....i dont think ive played anything else as much as EUIII Chronicles.

Edited by Smettingham Rutherford IV
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I absolutely can't wait to play Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. It looks amazing. The reviews are starting to come in and they're quite positive. Gotta wait until I get paid at the end of the month though. :(


Anyone one else looking into this delightful game?

Hopefully in the mail today!

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If Street Fighter is an elegant Russian ballet, Mortal Kombat is your dad hitting the dancefloor at your cousin's wedding after six cans of Ruddles Best Bitter.


Also: oh, so Skull Girls actually got patched in November? I think I exhausted my excitement reserves waiting a year for that.

Edited by baph
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Just got done playing The Cat Lady.


Excellent game, 9/10. amazing story, fun puzzles, nice artwork.

I usually don't dig the whole side scrolling 2d types of games but this one was incredibly well done and told.

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Still playing Borderlands 2. I don't think I've played anything else besides that in the past month.

Finally got the popular Conference Call legendary weapon after "farming" the final boss on my own after the second playthrough. A lot of BL2 players make requests to other players to duplicate their loot for them online, but I've been getting legendary loot the hard way. Farming can take hours though.

Haven't tried the new Big Game Hunt DLC yet, even though I purchased it already.

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Well, we all knew where that series was headed after playing Dead Space 2. Monster closets and "uH! we sure scared you there, huh, partner? Now let's throw a million enemies at you because that'll make you scared for re4lz, bro!"




Also, somehow... it looks worse than Dead Space 2.


For fuck's sake. Make a game that is genuinely frightening and where I'm afraid of going into the next room. When some 4 legged freak comes running toward me screaming his/her lungs out I don't get scared. It just annoys me that I have to deal with another one of these loud monsters... and then another one... and another one. Also, fuck that "strategic dismemberment" crap they've been talking about for 6 years now. You shoot both their legs off and then their head. Dead.

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For fuck's sake. Make a game that is genuinely frightening and where I'm afraid of going into the next room.


That's what I liked about the first Resident Evil and Silent Hill - the quality-over-quantity approach to placement of monsters.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

yeah, the amount of actual scary games nowadays is running thin. though i dont think its so much that the developers cant do it right anymore but more because people dont really want them as much as they used too. i could be wrong though. but from what ive seen people are more interested in the shooting aspect than the "scare the shit outta me" angle. basically, people wanna shoot up zombies, aliens, or nazi's. not be scared by em. give it time Squee, soon enough im sure a really amazing scary game will come out. im mean, its been awhile and we're due for one.

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yeah, the amount of actual scary games nowadays is running thin. though i dont think its so much that the developers cant do it right anymore but more because people dont really want them as much as they used too. i could be wrong though. but from what ive seen people are more interested in the shooting aspect than the "scare the shit outta me" angle. basically, people wanna shoot up zombies, aliens, or nazi's. not be scared by em. give it time Squee, soon enough im sure a really amazing scary game will come out. im mean, its been awhile and we're due for one.


Resident Evil 4 is a great example of this trend. Capcom were actually going to make it survival horror like its predecessors at first, but then opted for more of an action game in the end. And of course in games like Left 4 Dead it's common to have more than 30 zombies on the screen at once. The zombie theme in itself has become a bit of a cliche.


But yeah, a survival horror game with a feeling of isolation and helplessness while facing dangers of the paranormal would enhance the experience I think.



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yeah, the amount of actual scary games nowadays is running thin. though i dont think its so much that the developers cant do it right anymore but more because people dont really want them as much as they used too. i could be wrong though. but from what ive seen people are more interested in the shooting aspect than the "scare the shit outta me" angle. basically, people wanna shoot up zombies, aliens, or nazi's. not be scared by em. give it time Squee, soon enough im sure a really amazing scary game will come out. im mean, its been awhile and we're due for one.


Resident Evil 4 is a great example of this trend. Capcom were actually going to make it survival horror like its predecessors at first, but then opted for more of an action game in the end. And of course in games like Left 4 Dead it's common to have more than 30 zombies on the screen at once. The zombie theme in itself has become a bit of a cliche.


But yeah, a survival horror game with a feeling of isolation and helplessness while facing dangers of the paranormal would enhance the experience I think.



Sounds like your describing the F.E.A.R series. At least the first one accomplished what you described, then it too slowly declined.

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Even though RE4 was incredibly different from its predecessors, I would still say it was a great game..and it definitely had its scary moments (escorting the daughter back through the town in the beginning? don't even lie about it...that shit was scary) , everything after that was absolutely abysmal.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

i never played the F.E.A.R. series. it just looked like a game where you turn a corner something pops out and you shoot it. and i dont consider startling and scary as the same thing, so i stayed away. but i probably will play it at some point.

i was always a Silent Hill kinda guy. games that get into your head; and when it comes down to it there were only a handful of them ive played that truly gave me nightmares. my experiences with games that combine FPS and Horror never end well so i typically just avoid them all together. but im probably missing out on some pretty good games.

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I absolutely can't wait to play Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. It looks amazing. The reviews are starting to come in and they're quite positive. Gotta wait until I get paid at the end of the month though. :(


Anyone one else looking into this delightful game?

Hopefully in the mail today!


Cool! Be sure to post your impressions sometime soon.

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i never played the F.E.A.R. series. it just looked like a game where you turn a corner something pops out and you shoot it. and i dont consider startling and scary as the same thing, so i stayed away. but i probably will play it at some point.

i was always a Silent Hill kinda guy. games that get into your head; and when it comes down to it there were only a handful of them ive played that truly gave me nightmares. my experiences with games that combine FPS and Horror never end well so i typically just avoid them all together. but im probably missing out on some pretty good games.

Just preference. I always liked the atmosphere of Silent Hill but the type of drama in it deterred me. I do really like that mystery and physiological aspect that horror games can have and if it manages to make me jump than that's a plus. Fear is on and off. Parts of it are that horror aspect and parts are just FPS. The cat lady was a great game, I recommend people try it if they are looking for a good compelling story in a video game. I wouldn't say its horror exactly but its tackles that source of depression that so many people experience one way or another in life in a very clever and interesting way.

Edited by ZiggomaticV17
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Even though RE4 was incredibly different from its predecessors, I would still say it was a great game..and it definitely had its scary moments (escorting the daughter back through the town in the beginning? don't even lie about it...that shit was scary) , everything after that was absolutely abysmal.


I agree, RE4 is a solid game overall. Had a lot of replay value as well, since you could start a second playthrough with all the gear and their stats where you left off after finishing the first playthrough.

I thought some of the creepiest moments were when you briefly had to play as Ashley and grab a puzzle piece of of some artifact in that dark basement area, and suddenly the knights spring to life and come after you after you grab it. The Regenerators towards the end of the game were pretty frightening too.


I played RE5 also, but it felt like a recycled version of RE4. Didn't bother with RE6 because I heard it got crap reviews.


As for the F.E.A.R. series, I've only played the demo of the second game. The first game is only ten bucks on Steam though. Might consider giving that one a go later.

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I'm going old school, playing my favorite game of all time- Thief: The Dark Project!

It's amazing that something so low-poly can still scare me.



The music from that game was part of what got me into writing music in the first place.

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yeah, the amount of actual scary games nowadays is running thin. though i dont think its so much that the developers cant do it right anymore but more because people dont really want them as much as they used too. i could be wrong though. but from what ive seen people are more interested in the shooting aspect than the "scare the shit outta me" angle. basically, people wanna shoot up zombies, aliens, or nazi's. not be scared by em. give it time Squee, soon enough im sure a really amazing scary game will come out. im mean, its been awhile and we're due for one.


I just hope that we get a new Condemned for the next gen of consoles.

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yeah, the amount of actual scary games nowadays is running thin. though i dont think its so much that the developers cant do it right anymore but more because people dont really want them as much as they used too. i could be wrong though. but from what ive seen people are more interested in the shooting aspect than the "scare the shit outta me" angle. basically, people wanna shoot up zombies, aliens, or nazi's. not be scared by em. give it time Squee, soon enough im sure a really amazing scary game will come out. im mean, its been awhile and we're due for one.


Resident Evil 4 is a great example of this trend. Capcom were actually going to make it survival horror like its predecessors at first, but then opted for more of an action game in the end. And of course in games like Left 4 Dead it's common to have more than 30 zombies on the screen at once. The zombie theme in itself has become a bit of a cliche.


But yeah, a survival horror game with a feeling of isolation and helplessness while facing dangers of the paranormal would enhance the experience I think.



Sounds like your describing the F.E.A.R series. At least the first one accomplished what you described, then it too slowly declined.



FEAR is just a boring FPS. The game the man described is called Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Now go and play it.

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yeah, the amount of actual scary games nowadays is running thin. though i dont think its so much that the developers cant do it right anymore but more because people dont really want them as much as they used too. i could be wrong though. but from what ive seen people are more interested in the shooting aspect than the "scare the shit outta me" angle. basically, people wanna shoot up zombies, aliens, or nazi's. not be scared by em. give it time Squee, soon enough im sure a really amazing scary game will come out. im mean, its been awhile and we're due for one.


Resident Evil 4 is a great example of this trend. Capcom were actually going to make it survival horror like its predecessors at first, but then opted for more of an action game in the end. And of course in games like Left 4 Dead it's common to have more than 30 zombies on the screen at once. The zombie theme in itself has become a bit of a cliche.


But yeah, a survival horror game with a feeling of isolation and helplessness while facing dangers of the paranormal would enhance the experience I think.



Sounds like your describing the F.E.A.R series. At least the first one accomplished what you described, then it too slowly declined.



FEAR is just a boring FPS. The game the man described is called Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Now go and play it.

Yeah, Amnesia is great. You just can't shoot up anything.

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I absolutely can't wait to play Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. It looks amazing. The reviews are starting to come in and they're quite positive. Gotta wait until I get paid at the end of the month though. :(


Anyone one else looking into this delightful game?

Hopefully in the mail today!


Cool! Be sure to post your impressions sometime soon.

LOL - got home last night, disappointed to not see a package on the doorstep - then, this morning, I go to put out the garbage, and lo and behold, a package! It must have come after I got home and the damn UPS guy didn't bother ringing the bell. Surprised my dogs didn't detect him; someone can fart near my yard and they go crazy.


I'll play it tonight - can't decide if I want to keep the English dub (which is very good) or go with the Japanese language track with subtitles.


I was surprised they offered this up on PSN as well - but it's a whopping 21.6GB - dunno if I'd want to download something that big...


In other news, Nintendo just probably gave a lot of people to get a Wii U now - they are remaking Legend of Zelda - The Wind Waker for the Wii U (essentially a HD remake) to be released this fall.

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Guest Frankie5fingers
yeah, the amount of actual scary games nowadays is running thin. though i dont think its so much that the developers cant do it right anymore but more because people dont really want them as much as they used too. i could be wrong though. but from what ive seen people are more interested in the shooting aspect than the "scare the shit outta me" angle. basically, people wanna shoot up zombies, aliens, or nazi's. not be scared by em. give it time Squee, soon enough im sure a really amazing scary game will come out. im mean, its been awhile and we're due for one.


Resident Evil 4 is a great example of this trend. Capcom were actually going to make it survival horror like its predecessors at first, but then opted for more of an action game in the end. And of course in games like Left 4 Dead it's common to have more than 30 zombies on the screen at once. The zombie theme in itself has become a bit of a cliche.


But yeah, a survival horror game with a feeling of isolation and helplessness while facing dangers of the paranormal would enhance the experience I think.



Sounds like your describing the F.E.A.R series. At least the first one accomplished what you described, then it too slowly declined.



FEAR is just a boring FPS. The game the man described is called Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Now go and play it.

Yeah, Amnesia is great. You just can't shoot up anything.

shit, i totally forgot about that game. i remember seeing the trailer and wanting to play it but then i totally forgot about it. ill have to go and play that.


i never played the F.E.A.R. series. it just looked like a game where you turn a corner something pops out and you shoot it. and i dont consider startling and scary as the same thing, so i stayed away. but i probably will play it at some point.

i was always a Silent Hill kinda guy. games that get into your head; and when it comes down to it there were only a handful of them ive played that truly gave me nightmares. my experiences with games that combine FPS and Horror never end well so i typically just avoid them all together. but im probably missing out on some pretty good games.

Just preference. I always liked the atmosphere of Silent Hill but the type of drama in it deterred me. I do really like that mystery and physiological aspect that horror games can have and if it manages to make me jump than that's a plus. Fear is on and off. Parts of it are that horror aspect and parts are just FPS. The cat lady was a great game, I recommend people try it if they are looking for a good compelling story in a video game. I wouldn't say its horror exactly but its tackles that source of depression that so many people experience one way or another in life in a very clever and interesting way.

i totally get that. it took me awhile before i found out that what i consider scary and what others do is pretty different. most people i know consider startling to be scared but i never did. its only temporary. general mind fuckery is what im all about. like in Silent Hill 2 at the Historical society building(i think it was called), that place scared the shit outta me. i dont mind games that make me jump, but i also want there to be a deep story that really makes me think.

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yeah, the amount of actual scary games nowadays is running thin. though i dont think its so much that the developers cant do it right anymore but more because people dont really want them as much as they used too. i could be wrong though. but from what ive seen people are more interested in the shooting aspect than the "scare the shit outta me" angle. basically, people wanna shoot up zombies, aliens, or nazi's. not be scared by em. give it time Squee, soon enough im sure a really amazing scary game will come out. im mean, its been awhile and we're due for one.


Resident Evil 4 is a great example of this trend. Capcom were actually going to make it survival horror like its predecessors at first, but then opted for more of an action game in the end. And of course in games like Left 4 Dead it's common to have more than 30 zombies on the screen at once. The zombie theme in itself has become a bit of a cliche.


But yeah, a survival horror game with a feeling of isolation and helplessness while facing dangers of the paranormal would enhance the experience I think.



Sounds like your describing the F.E.A.R series. At least the first one accomplished what you described, then it too slowly declined.



FEAR is just a boring FPS. The game the man described is called Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Now go and play it.

Yeah, Amnesia is great. You just can't shoot up anything.

shit, i totally forgot about that game. i remember seeing the trailer and wanting to play it but then i totally forgot about it. ill have to go and play that.


i never played the F.E.A.R. series. it just looked like a game where you turn a corner something pops out and you shoot it. and i dont consider startling and scary as the same thing, so i stayed away. but i probably will play it at some point.

i was always a Silent Hill kinda guy. games that get into your head; and when it comes down to it there were only a handful of them ive played that truly gave me nightmares. my experiences with games that combine FPS and Horror never end well so i typically just avoid them all together. but im probably missing out on some pretty good games.

Just preference. I always liked the atmosphere of Silent Hill but the type of drama in it deterred me. I do really like that mystery and physiological aspect that horror games can have and if it manages to make me jump than that's a plus. Fear is on and off. Parts of it are that horror aspect and parts are just FPS. The cat lady was a great game, I recommend people try it if they are looking for a good compelling story in a video game. I wouldn't say its horror exactly but its tackles that source of depression that so many people experience one way or another in life in a very clever and interesting way.

i totally get that. it took me awhile before i found out that what i consider scary and what others do is pretty different. most people i know consider startling to be scared but i never did. its only temporary. general mind fuckery is what im all about. like in Silent Hill 2 at the Historical society building(i think it was called), that place scared the shit outta me. i dont mind games that make me jump, but i also want there to be a deep story that really makes me think.


Play The Cat Lady, either before or after amnesia. You'll finish it in 2 days time. You will love it.

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