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happy fucking birthdays Overlook and oscillik


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thanks guys


I did a 12 hour shift yesterday (on the birthday) and it was hell.


WATMM makes all the hell go away, and replaces it with the Bull Wallet artwork competition.

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It's funny you should post that, goDel, because earlier tonight I was at this party and this dude who seemed to be tripping balls was like "the cries of Steve Jobs shall pierce my dreams for the rest of my life" and joking about how he murdered Steve Jobs in cold blood.


But wait! What light through yonder WATMM breaks? Is this a hint to oscilik that he should buy Apple products? Has it been a long time coming, secretly planned by many and you were the one chosen to tell him, in some kinda massive LTM conspiracy?


Oh and happy birthday oscilik, you are one of a few people that help bring the much needed lulz and much needed geeky fanboyness to the Autechre forum in equal measure.

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