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Consumerism: have you ever camped out or waited long in line for a new product?

Rubin Farr

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I waited overnight for the PS3. I waited 4 hours for the release of the second Matrix movie in theatres. I waited a few hours to see Infected Mushroom in concert.

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Last time and the only time I've done this it was for a Nintendo Wii. I sat out in front of a K-mart all night in my car expecting a line to start. This line never appeared and when the door's opened early that morn I was one of two waiting to snag one. Cool experience will probably never do it again unless it was for something grand like Star Wars!

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Guest disparaissant

i gave my friend 15 bucks to wait in line and get me tickets for star wars episode 1

have never done that since

what a letdown

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Last time and the only time I've done this it was for a Nintendo Wii. I sat out in front of a K-mart all night in my car expecting a line to start. This line never appeared and when the door's opened early that morn I was one of two waiting to snag one. Cool experience will probably never do it again unless it was for something grand like Star Wars!


I did this too. it was the only 'line-up' type thing I've done and in retrospect it was a bit silly but I enjoyed it all the same. The line was pretty massive iirc

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Guest theSun

did the black friday thing once for target about 5 years ago. stood in line for an hour or so at 4am.


i was fine being ruthless in the store. ended up saving about $300 on an xbox and xmas gifts. after the one store though, i was done. fuck that shit for prolonged periods. it's like going into combat.

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I waited outside a store for like an hour or two when the Wii came out. I was the first one in line.


Oh, and I waited in line for like... ahem... 12-13 hours to get tickets for Episode III...

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With all the new electronic devices released this year you always see lines photo'ed online. Some countries like Japan go line crazy, while in places like US it's usually for a big event, iPhone etc. who has waited out here, and what was it for?


I do the opposite, i wait one to two years until the technology is cheaper. The older you get the more sensible this sounds, especially with the acceleration in product improvement, you won't be waiting around forever for that bargain.


Still though, i appreciate those early adopters, if not the line forming obsessives. As those on the front end of the curve with money to burn are helping to drive the machine that gets me cheap goodness out of the other end.

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waited 1 hour in line for the black ops release at midnight :facepalm:

haha me too. I was off work the next day so rocked up at midnight to pick it up and had a late-night/all day session!

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All I've done was stay up late to play L4D 2 on its release date (steam), saw the Midnight premier of Avengers (then saw that movie 4 other times) and went to the midnight release of Super Smash Bros Brawl but it was with my friend who has a Wii for I did not actually buy the game.

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i might wait in line for halo 4. I waited for the last Harry Potter for a short amount of time. Some guys came through the parking lot with a loudspeaker and were reading from the last pages of the book.



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Nope, but I remember standing in line to see TMNT2 when I was 6 and the line went around two city blocks. Does that count?


Crazy, when I went to see TMNT 2 (Secret of The Ooze) My Dad and I were the only ones in the theater!

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Waited for the Death Grips album online recently. Super fun with all the posts on their Facebook and shit.


I waited for the 3rd (or 4th?) book of Harry Potter. It was a local picnic where everybody played Quidditch or something like it through the night. Enjoyable experience


Waited for the 5th harry potter book til midnight with my p5 class for some sort of all night field trip in a random bookstore. Midnight hit and J.K. Rowling walked in and signed all our books. That book is now worth 500-1500 quid I think.

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My friend and I went to the midnight 7 harry potter book thing, just cause his crazy mom made us do it she wanted the book so bad. She made us read the chapter titles to her on drive home while she moaned in excitement. That shit was messed up



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Last time and the only time I've done this it was for a Nintendo Wii. I sat out in front of a K-mart all night in my car expecting a line to start. This line never appeared and when the door's opened early that morn I was one of two waiting to snag one. Cool experience will probably never do it again unless it was for something grand like Star Wars!


I did this too. it was the only 'line-up' type thing I've done and in retrospect it was a bit silly but I enjoyed it all the same. The line was pretty massive iirc

I waited outside a store for like an hour or two when the Wii came out. I was the first one in line.


Oh, and I waited in line for like... ahem... 12-13 hours to get tickets for Episode III...


did this as well. was second in line. sold it a month later for what i paid for it (they still didn't have any new stock at the store).

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Havent really camped out or waited for any product... I think that's just stupid... I did almost get in a fight with some douchey hipster who was waiting in front of an Apple store for the iphone 4 once, he got offended by a comment I made loudly while walking by about people waiting like sheep for a "$400 Stevejob".


I guess the closest thing I've done to camping out is waiting in line for the midnight premiere of The Dark Knight Returns in IMAX... I've gone to a few other midnight premieres over the years but I don't think I ever really had to wait in a line before then.

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I waited in line for about three hours for Halo 2. Have never felt the urge to do it again [especially after being disappointed by Halo 2].

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