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Consumerism: have you ever camped out or waited long in line for a new product?

Rubin Farr

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With all the new electronic devices released this year you always see lines photo'ed online. Some countries like Japan go line crazy, while in places like US it's usually for a big event, iPhone etc. who has waited out here, and what was it for?

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I've waited in line at the cash register in a bunch of grocery stores and such, but that's it.

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Camped out Summer of 95 for the first Stone Roses reunion tickets at the Barrowlands. Concerts (went both nights) were forgetable, playing football in Union Street, Glasgow at 3am with a Carry oot and a various ne'er do well's will live with me forever.


Pre-emtive edit: not sure if we consider puchasing concert tickets consumerism.

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I lined up to get Slipknot to sign a poster, that's about it.

Oh and I went to a midnight launch for an Eminem album, just for the novelty of being in a record store at midnight.

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I waited for the 3rd (or 4th?) book of Harry Potter. It was a local picnic where everybody played Quidditch or something like it through the night. Enjoyable experience

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i would never do that...


I would camp for a new afx album



except for this



I find it pretty disturbing that people are willing to sleep on the street & pee into bottles within inches of other people just to see a new movie/get a new gadget/buy a new game. why you wouldn't be able to wait a week or a few days, when in the long run, you're not going to have gotten anything better than those who don't get it on the first day.

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One time I needed a bunch of tiny motors to build a drum machine, so I went to the dollar store to buy their entire stock of Shrek The Third mini-fans. But it was 4AM so I ended up hanging out in the parking lot for several hours

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My friend and I went to the midnight 7 harry potter book thing, just cause his crazy mom made us do it she wanted the book so bad. She made us read the chapter titles to her on drive home while she moaned in excitement. That shit was messed up

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