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Nice painting. Is it some conceptual piece about rapeculture with a message? Or just going for the shock value? I'm thinking about the first, where those sneakers/jeans standing in the background signify some " too young to actually understand what they are doing, but have to because of peer pressure" guys. Not sure what her hand should signify though.

I like it. The composition tells a story, although not clear which one. And it makes an immediate impression.


Is this part of a series?

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obligatory chiptune scene tourist photo (my t-shirt says "TO THE SPACE OF THE DREAM" btw, such a good find)




I already miss LIFE supermarkets and convenience store onigiri, gah

Edited by modey
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Here's me being an old man at my 30th birthday party.




Golden Gate Park!?

I'll be back in SF around xmas time. Beers?



Yep, that was GGP! We had an inflatable bouncy castle, too.


Let's drink all the beers.

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This thread should be renamed to "Watmm's official Tinder thread". Or Grinder, because it'll be mostly gay sex happening if people get a match.


*swipes right*

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