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shit, much apologies everyone...stupid alcohol.

I just got back from doing my shift at work,


I think my comment which was intended to be watmm-banter has been taken to be me being seriously malicious, I'm sorry man. I really didn't mean it to come across as such. I was simply pointing out that the way your hand was on your head, it looked like thing from Addams Family, and if you shaved your head it'd be spot on.


I'm a dickhead, sorry man


I owe you many beverages if I'm down london way :(

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shit, much apologies everyone...stupid alcohol.

I just got back from doing my shift at work,


I think my comment which was intended to be watmm-banter has been taken to be me being seriously malicious, I'm sorry man. I really didn't mean it to come across as such. I was simply pointing out that the way your hand was on your head, it looked like thing from Addams Family, and if you shaved your head it'd be spot on.


I'm a dickhead, sorry man


I owe you many beverages if I'm down london way :(

lol not at all dude, no offence taken :flower: i just deleted the pic coz i thought i looked like a stupid cunt...alcohol regrets. you should've seen the video...jesus.


i'm not actually in london anymore btw, moved about 18 months ago and now the proud owner of a house in south leicestershire...no fucking way was ever going to get on the ladder if i stayed in london...managed 10 years there though, pretty good stint :)

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I sorely need a trip but I don't think I can this year, too much shite going on :(

yea I understand. This year has been a strange/busy/shit one for me too, despite some good stuff happening.


Maybe I'll try to fit a Sydney visit in when Erin and I go to Perth to visit my family at the end of the year.. maybe try to get a gig in with the Scattered Order guys as well.

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shit, much apologies everyone...stupid alcohol.


For those of you who missed it, he was helicoptering his dick and speed drinking.  He drank like 3 pints before his propeller-dick slowed down.  It was pretty impressive, actually.


He then tried to light up a spliff with his helicoptering hand, but that just made his helicoptering turn into thigh slapping.  It was like that thing from Karate Kid II:


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